Iberian civilization

Within pre-Roman art, generically known as “Iberian”, sculpture occupies an outstanding place.

The representations of mythological type, chronologically open with the magnificent “head of faucet” found in Redován, undoubtedly the most outstanding piece of all and one of the two or three maximum exponents of the so-called Iberian sculpture. In excavations carried out in the last decade of the last century an Iberian deposit of considerable importance was found, which attributed import ceramics of red figures and black lacquer, Iberian ceramics and a series of Iberian sculptures that were bought by A.Engel and P.Paris. Gonzalo Vidal in his book “A Spanish bishop Orihuela-Alicante” tells us that in the Sierra de Redován have been found a bull of almost natural size of the Iberian culture, the first that has news in Spain, and several Etruscan vessels , Romans, etc. Menéndez Pidal in his “History of Spain” speaks in detail of the GRIFFIN OF REDOVÁN, which was found at the end of the last century and sold to the Louvre Museum, where it remained until 1941, in which, included in the series of works of art exchanged by the French and Spanish government, passed to the Madrid National Archaeological Museum together with a human head; Both pieces of extraordinary artistic quality. In the Museum of the Louvre of Paris a fragment of head of bovida and a torso of naked woman is conserved.

By reference of their discoverers, the Griffon Head had its jaws open and ended in a sort of beak, the open eyes had round pupils, large geometric eyebrows formed by large ribbons with surrounds at the sides; With an oriental palmette that joins both eyebrows. It is of frequent type in the Phoenician, Cypriot and archaic Greek.

He had horns that only left the boot. The details cited place it not far from the year 500 BC. Of Jesus Christ.

This Griffin Head is a technical wisdom that is found only in works of the category of the Lady of Elche.