Redován 24/5/2017. With only three months of life the ecological orchards of Redován already work at full capacity. The harvests are beginning to bear fruit and the efforts made by the Redondo City Council, aimed at obtaining funds to promote this municipal initiative, as well. These orchards have received a grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante of 4,000 euros for the conditioning and equipment of the facility, a part of the 7,787.94 euros provided for this work by the Consistory.

The aid is part of the provincial call for current expenditure and investment in municipal urban orchard projects, and as explained by Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, will be allocated to “enable a deposit of 5,000 liters of water for irrigation by drip”. The mayor points out that the work is underway and that with the subsidy “the entire installation will be carried out, and adds that” in the gardens will be installed workbenches “that users will have at their disposal both to work as To rest for as long as they are in their orchards. ”

The City Council of Redován put in service in March a total of one thousand square meters divided into fifteen parcels that are ceded to its users for free to carry out the plantations that they deem convenient, as long as they allocate what they collect to the self consumption. They are located in the old park Paul VI with the aim also to recover an area that was degraded. The land cession is for a year and people interested in having an orchard a few meters from their home can request it through the municipal website: Application to use municipal ecological orchard where it indicates all the documentation that must be presented to make the request.