The municipality of Redován enters fully into the Christmas holidays during this long weekend, and especially from Sunday 9 December. The councilors of Fiestas y Comercio, Nely Ruiz and Maite Martínez respectively, have presented today the Christmas activities that will take place in the town to
celebrate these very endearing dates.

Before the family reunions and some dates of being in the home, the women of the municipality will be able to enjoy a day of excursion to the city of Benidorm. Organized by the Department of Social Welfare, includes a sightseeing tour of the city center. “A day of coexistence and fun that we hope that the women of our town enjoy in a different environment and have a moment of leisure and entertainment accompanied by other women,” said Ruiz.

The main novelty of this year’s program is the celebration of a Christmas market this Sunday in the Plaza de la Paz from 10.30 am to 8.00 pm. The mayor of Commerce has reported that “it is a market in which participating establishments in our municipality, an activity that in this time of shopping and gifts seeks to promote local trade.” Along with the market will be held
a tasting and preparation of sausages by the butchers of the town.

A program of activities for the whole family
The children will have the opportunity to have a great time on Sunday, December 16, with the Children’s Christmas Festival, organized by the San Miguel Arcángel Parish. And is that “children are the main protagonists in these days full of magic,” said the councilor of Fiestas, “with these activities especially aimed at them.” The festival will begin at 5:00 pm, at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano Music House.

Thus, the expected visit of Santa Claus to the municipality will be on Saturday, December 22 at 11.30 am, “which will bring hope to all the children of the town”, and that “will be accompanied during the same of the Dance Association and the Band Musical Union of Redován “, has informed the aedile.

Once the month of January has arrived, the Paje Real will land in Redován from 5:00 pm on Thursday 3, accompanied by many surprises. ” The visit of the page will serve as a preamble to the great Cavalcade of the Three Wise Men, which will take place from 5:30 p.m. on January 5 through the streets of Redován and in which children’s characters will also participate.

To end his speech, Ruiz has invited the participation in these activities of the residents of the municipality, expressed his desire that “they are to everyone’s liking and join us in celebrating these close and family dates.”