• Since 2011 the City Council has requested reports to know the situation, which affects more than 400 families, and adapt the buildings to the new regulations

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, have appeared today to call for calm “before the alarm generated by the misinformation that has spread in recent days in the municipality, regarding the process of legalization of housing outside urban planning “.

The councilor wanted to reassure the neighbors affected by this process, ensuring that from the City Council of Redován “all relevant steps are taken to regularize these homes.” The process has been explained by the councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, who has detailed the procedures carried out by the government team since 2011, “requesting internal and external reports to adapt to the regulations and be able to carry out this administrative intervention of ordination of these buildings on rustic land.

“These procedures led to the drafting of a housing management project in 2016, which must be modified to adapt it to the recent reform of Law 1/2019 on Territorial Planning, Urban Planning and Landscape (LOTUP) last February, according to which , homes built before August 2014 can be legalized through a procedure that must be assumed by the City Council. For this reason from the Consistory was requested an external legal report, which was received on May 9, “and that as soon as this City Council has been constituted, has allowed to submit an order of Mayor requesting the adaptation of the plan,” said the councilor.

Both the mayor and the councilor of Urbanism have insisted on calling the residents calm with homes of these characteristics, since “it is crystal clear that the City is acting to know in depth the possible solutions for all buildings at the lowest possible cost”. The aediles assured that they will put in contact with the citizens as soon as all the information is gathered and all the details of the matter are known.

Likewise, the councilor has informed that a formal complaint will be presented to the Illustrious Bar Association of Orihuela, motivated by the participation of a law firm in a public space to report urban issues that affect municipal competencies without the consent or prior information to the City Council.