The Redován City Council has approved in the last month of December 20,500 euros in grants that will be distributed among associations and groups of the municipality. This amount is a quarter of what the municipality allocates to help local entities, since during the year the rest have been approved as the justification has been received from the associations. In total there are 108,000 euros those that go to help the groups.

As regards the destination of the grants, grants have been approved in the last month to the Dance Group Cultural Association, Cantera Express Cycling Club, Peña Blaugrana, MTB Club, Ampa Rebdan, Brotherhood Piedad, Ampa Colegio Sagrados Corazones, Paloma Club, Club of Fishing, Board of Directors of Festera, Association of Friends of the Elderly Club, Asociación Aracelia and the Association of Women.

The mayor, Nely Ruiz, explained that “the associative fabric of the municipality is very important because thanks to the Redován associations it is a live town all year round, where we celebrate a multitude of activities in which all the neighbors participate.”

For his part, the councilor of the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, highlighted “the involvement of all areas of the government team so that aid reaches all groups, with the improvement of activities that are carried out every year.”

Likewise, the mayor has advanced that “our goal is to continue along this line and help more if possible to all groups and, if possible, that more neighbors are encouraged to participate in the activities carried out and integrate into some association or club ”.

The City Council of Redován gives a total of 36 grants year in which all the associations, clubs and cultural, educational, and other groups are represented.