• The City Council calls a meeting to give an account of the actions carried out to adapt to the legislation the constructions out of management

The City Council of Redován held an informative meeting in the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda social center yesterday afternoon, which aimed to make known to the neighbors the actions and procedures initiated by the town hall for the regularization of homes in the pending municipality of adaptation to the reform of the urban planning regulations of the Valencian Community.

The meeting, attended by more than 60 people, was attended by the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the councilors of the government team. Thus, the mayor of Urban Planning, José Nájar, told the neighbors of the state of processing in which this process of regularization developed by the City Council is found according to Law 1/2019 that reforms Law 5/2014 of Ordination of Territory, Urban Planning and Landscape and with the collaboration of homeowners.

In this way, the councilor informed the attendees that the first phase of this procedure, which encompasses all homes within a Special Impact Reduction Plan and that includes “the preparation of a descriptive report of the current situation of the municipality , with the location of the constructions and a landscape integration study ”, it is almost finished.

This report has been carried out with the support of the Municipal Technical Office and two external offices specialized in the field. Once concluded, this report “may be consulted by the residents of Redován on the bulletin board of the municipal electronic site and on the City Council website, before its approval by the Plenary,” explained Nájar. Subsequently, this special plan will be submitted to the Autonomic Department of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility for approval.

Likewise, Nely Ruiz said that “it is very important for me as mayor and for this government team to keep our neighbors informed of all the actions carried out by their City Council, in addition to facilitating the completion of procedures to the extent possible ”, especially“ on an issue as important as this, which affects more than 400 families in the municipality, ”she concluded.