• The actions planned in the health center include repairs to the façade, repainting of interior walls and the installation of a new air conditioning system

The Redován City Council, which is headed by Mayor Nely Ruiz, today approved in the Local Government Board the contracting file that involves the bidding process for the reform of the municipal auxiliary medical office, located on the ground and first floors of the sociocultural center municipal Ricardo Ruiz Poveda. “It is a first step to carry out these much-needed repairs, which will allow better healthcare for all of Redován’s neighbors,” said the mayor.

This contracting file will have a maximum budget of 100,000 euros, corresponding to the grant awarded by the Generalitat Valenciana, framed within the PIAC plan for Architectural Intervention in Clinics. “The project includes the repair of the exterior facade, very deteriorated, with the elimination of the two exterior pillars, as well as the elimination and replacement of the gresite plinth of the walls,” explained José Najar, Councilor for Urban Planning.

In the same way, the interior walls will be repainted and a stoneware plinth will be installed in passage areas and waiting rooms. The reform also includes the installation of a new air conditioning system, “which will make access to the facilities more bearable during the hot months,” added Najar.

It is foreseen that the works to refurbish the clinic will be carried out in a maximum period of six months, a period during which “health care for citizens will not be interrupted,” explained the Councilor for Health, Marisol. Martínez, who added that “it is essential for this municipal government team, and above all in the current context of the health crisis in which we find ourselves, to maintain this essential and necessary service”.

The mayor of Redován has finally stressed the importance of having a quality health service in the municipality and facilities in optimal conditions, “either carrying out this much-needed reform of the office, but also not neglecting something so important as is the pending project of the health center for Redován ”, she added.