• The regulations will monitor actions in the field of urban cleanliness and other issues such as control and possession of animals, gambling and begging
• The fines for depositing waste out of containers and public spaces are up to 1.500 euros, and are up to 18.000 infractions for animal abuse

The Redován Municipal Plenary, held online on Monday, June 8th, gave the green light to the 2020 budget, approved with twelve votes in favor and one abstention from the Municipal Corporation. During this plenary session, the project for the Municipal Ordinance for Neighborhood Cleaning and Coexistence was also approved, a norm that aims to “create a normative framework with which to promote civility in the public spaces of Redován, while establishing both norms of conduct and sanctions”, has informed the mayor, Nely Ruiz. As explained by the mayor, “it was a matter of preparing legislation to regulate those points that tend to be most conflictive in coexistence between residents of a municipality, such as issues of urban cleanliness or the keeping of pets” .

The ordinance also introduces a table of sanctions that, depending on the offenses and their severity, may reach up to 1,500 euros and, in the case of abuse and animal abandonment offenses, could exceed a 18,000 euro fine.

One of the points in which they have most wanted to influence has been the need to care for and keep clean “spaces that we all enjoy, such as the parks or the recreational area of La Ermita, and to deposit the different waste in the containers and designated places for it ”, indicated the councilor for Municipal Services, Ramón López. The mayor has insisted on the prohibition of leaving belongings or debris in public spaces, “a practice unfortunately very common in some areas of the municipality,” he added, that in this new regulation they are considered serious, and that may result in fines up to 1.500 euros.

Obligation of the owners to keep the lots clean

The City Council seeks to regulate, in the same way, the correct maintenance of the private plots in Redován, “eliminating excessive vegetation and ensuring their deratization and periodic disinfection, to avoid as far as possible situations that endanger the health of the neighbors ”, added López. In this regard, the City Council already started a land plot maintenance plan last March, sending “more than a hundred letters to owners in the urban area, in order for them to clean it to keep it in an optimal state of sanitation”, has indicated José Nájar, who has explained that with this ordinance “it is intended that the owners of the plots become aware of their obligation to keep the land in optimal health and hygiene conditions”, proceeding to sanction any owner who does not comply with this obligation civic. This avoids the City Council “having to send numerous notice notices year after year, which represents a great financial outlay and work, in addition to serious damage to neighboring neighbors with very neglected land,” he added.
Other conducts regulated in this new regulation will be the prohibition of performing stunts on urban furniture, the consumption of beverages on public roads, aggressive begging attitudes or the consumption of alcohol on public roads.
On the other hand, and in the section dedicated to domestic animals, the ordinance expressly prohibits abandonment and animal abuse, forcing them to be kept “in adequate hygiene, safety and care conditions, as well as their identification and inscription in the municipal census, and also respecting the regulations for possession of dangerous animals ”, reported Nájar. The regulations include the obligation to collect and clean the pets’s feces, another of the conflictive points in the coexistence between neighbors, to avoid staining the façades of the buildings.