• The proposal will be brought to the Plenary and the distinction will be delivered in the act of tribute that the City Council plans for next Saturday, September 5

At the proposal of the Department of Citizen Security of the City of Redován, led by Adrián Ballester, the City of Redovanense will award the Gold Medal to the citizens of the municipality for their performance and solidarity during the DANA in September. The proposal has been discussed today in an informative commission and has had the support of all political groups with a municipal presence, so it will now be raised to plenary for approval. Adrián Ballester explained that this distinction arises “due to the strength and solidarity shown by the people of Redován during an episode that has undoubtedly marked our citizens”, explained the mayor.

“There were multiple heroic displays of solidarity or merit of aid, so it is a decoration awarded by the City Council to reward extraordinary actions or services carried out in favor of the town,” said Ballester. Once the approval process has passed in plenary session, it is planned that this Gold Medal will be delivered to the town of Redován in the tribute act that the Consistory is preparing for next Saturday, September 5, and that will take place from 20:30 in the Plaza de la Paz.

Thus, “and when one year has passed since these fateful floods suffered in our municipality and also in Vega Baja”, explained the mayor of the town, Nely Ruiz, “it seemed appropriate to reward the attitude and strength of our neighbors during those hard days, in which difficult moments were lived in which the people of Rehovan knew how to rise to the occasion ”, he added.

This event will also honor the various organizations, training and volunteers, in recognition of the municipality’s aid and protection efforts during the development of DANA and in the repair work, such as the Local Police, the Civil Guard, the Unit Emergency Military (UME), National Police and Fire, or the municipal brigade.

In the same way, the City Council is preparing an audiovisual project to carry out this tribute, and in which “we also ask for citizen collaboration to collect videos and images that reflect the situation of the municipality during those days,” the councilor reported. In this way, and those who want to contribute to its preparation, may do so by sending the material by email to the address comunicacion@redovan.es before August 16.