• The detainee was carrying out dangerous maneuvers with a vehicle in the Plaza de la Paz and fled to the neighboring town after the officers stopped
  • Agents of the National Police and Oriolana Local Police also participated in the persecution, who collaborated in the arrest

The Local Police of Redován has reported the arrest, last Saturday, of a minor in Orihuela, accused of a crime against road safety. The now arrested man, who was carrying out dangerous maneuvers in the Plaza de la Paz in Redován with a vehicle without the regulatory lights, fled with a companion in the passenger seat when, before the telephone warning of a neighbor, the agents appeared to control the situation.

From that moment on, a police chase began through several streets of Redován, in which the driver recklessly skipped several crossroads and stop signs and carried out various maneuvers to threaten a collision with the police vehicle. The minor continued his flight out of the municipality, at first on CV-919 and later on CV-91 in the direction of Orihuela, circulating on several occasions in the left lane and forcing drivers who came in the opposite direction to avoid him to avoid any kind of accident.

At the entrance to the town, in the Los Huertos area, the vehicle stopped abruptly, giving the impression of having broken down. After informing both the National Police Corps and the Orihuela Local Police, a patrol car of the latter tried to cut him off. It is at this time that the driver’s companion, who has not been able to be identified, got out of the vehicle and fled. After the violent struggle with an agent of the Local Police of Redován, who entered through the passenger door to proceed to arrest the minor, he got out of the vehicle to continue his flight, starting a new chase on foot which was joined by two Oriolana police officers.

The minor was attacked by the three agents inside the ‘Los Huertos’ compound, where he was reduced and arrested. Faced with the strong resistance of the detainee, both himself and one of the agents, belonging to the Redován Police Force, found themselves in need of receiving medical attention at the Álvarez de la Riva health center in Orihuela due to minor injuries. Likewise, the vehicle, owned by the father of the detainee, was transferred to the municipal depot in Callosa de Segura.

The Councilor for Citizen Security, Adrián Ballester, thanked the agents for their actions, “whose work and dedication is patent and is essential to keep the streets of Redován safe every day.” This is the third arrest made by municipal agents in the last two weeks, which “shows the professionalism of our police force, which shows evident results in the face of the reinforcement of the surveillance that has been carried out in the town during the last weeks ”.