• The subsidy received amounts to a total of 950.000 euros
• It will be a reality from 2022 and will have a multipurpose indoor track in 1.215 square meters of usable space

The Alicante Provincial Council has given the green light to the necessary financing to carry out the construction, in sector B4, of the covered sports pavilion in Redován, approved in the plenary session held last Wednesday, August 5th.

In this way, “950.000 euros of subsidies have been awarded divided into three annual payments, which together with the 260.000 that the City Council must contribute, will complete the construction budget for the new sports facilities, which amounts to a total of 1.210.000 euros” , has explained the councilor for Finance, Adrián Ballester. The City Council will ask the provincial credit fund of the Provincial Council of Alicante for a loan to pay the remaining percentage of financing of the work, approximately 21,5% of it.

Construction of the project will begin in 2021 and includes the construction of the sports building in the current Avenida de la Libertad complex, with a usable area of 1.215 square meters and 9,5 meters high “with capacity for a double stands and a track. multipurpose roof “, reported the Councilor for Sports, Ramón López,” but also the urbanization of the plot, the conversion and integration with the previous facilities and the improvement of access. ” Likewise, it will have a reception, storage space, infirmary, cafeteria and changing rooms.

For her part, Mayor Nely Ruiz thanked the Alicante Provincial Council for its collaboration, also stating that “it is a long-awaited and necessary work for the people of Redova, who will finally have an adequate, accessible and renovated space for the practice of sports, and that will make Redován one of the municipalities with the greatest sports offer in Vega Baja ”.