• The purchase of thermometers, masks and fans or the reinforcement of personnel and the disinfection of surfaces are the main measures

The Councilor for Health and Education of the Redován City Council, Marisol Ibáñez, has informed today of the measures to reinforce health security against the coronavirus adopted by the Consistory for the return to school on September 7 in the educational centers of the municipality. Ibáñez has stated that “our main objective is to complement as much as we can the protocols that have been prepared both from the centers and from the Ministry”, since “the safety of our children and young people to avoid infections is the most important thing”.

Thus, through a grant, the City Council will assign a second janitor to support tasks at CEIP Sagrados Corazones throughout the year. In addition, the cleaning service has been reinforced, incorporating four workers in the morning shift to carry out daily surface disinfection tasks. “There have also been two disinfections against the virus in the building’s facilities,” explained the mayor, “and another that will be carried out today, Friday, before the children enter the center.” Another measure that has been carried out, as reported by Ibáñez, has been the acquisition of 15 fans “to facilitate the aeration and ventilation of the classrooms”, in addition to the installation of covers and toilet seats in all toilets of the center with the aim of eliminating the possibilities of contagion among children when Similarly, and with regard to the Pasitos nursery school, the City Council will assume the extra expense that the scenario caused by Covid-19 has meant for the center, “as required by current regulations after the health situation that we are living “, explained the mayor,” always with the aim of guaranteeing that the facilities are in optimal hygienic, sanitary and disinfection conditions. ” The council has also carried out the acquisition of both masks for workers and infrared thermometers to control the temperature of the little ones, as well as waste bins with a lid and material for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Likewise, the acquisition of individual school material has been carried out, “to prevent it from being shared among minors and thus reduce the chances of contagion.”making use of them.

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has stated that “a return to school with all the guarantees is our total priority, to which we are going to contribute as City Council in whatever way we can, always complying with the regulations stipulated by both the Ministry of Health as by Conselleria ”. The first mayor has reported the meeting at the initiative of the City Council and the Department of Education that, prior to the start of the course, took place this morning between the Covid-19 coordinators of all the centers and those responsible for the medical center “to treat the communication and action protocols to be developed in the event that there may be a suspicious case ”, adding that“ they are also working together with the Redován Local Police, which will be the one who will coordinate the entrances to the centers in a staggered manner ” .