• The Consistory counts multiple complaints about the operation of the centre, with long queues and poor telephone service

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, have once again asked the Valencian Regional Government’s Department of Health for the necessary improvements in Primary Care in the municipality’s medical office. The first mayor said that, “we are aware that the workers in the office are following the instructions of the Ministry, but since the beginning of the pandemic is offering poor service to citizens, with almost no face care, calls that are not attended in most cases, and long queues at the door that can reach two hours waiting very easily. Nely Ruiz has added that to all this is added “the difficulty presented by some patients to obtain their prescriptions for chronic treatments, as well as the shortage of doctors and health personnel in the centre, since “the Generalitat does not send a replacement in the event of staff leave or holidays”. So much so that the Town Hall has already sent many complaints to the Department of Health that have been received both in writing and by telephone to the Town Hall itself, which “reflect a situation for the people of Redoubt that borders on the unsustainable for a long time now”, said Ruiz.

To solve these problems, the Mayor and the Councillor have held several meetings with the Health Coordinators of the Health Department of Orihuela, on which the Redován doctor’s office depends. Amongst these meetings, it is worth mentioning the meeting with the Directors of Primary Health Care and Nursing of the Orihuela Health Department, “in which we requested the installation of an additional telephone line and a new computer, as well as the provision of more administrative staff to improve the attention given to our neighbours”, explained the councillor for Health. Marisol Ibáñez specified that “although we have been designated to send a caretaker to the centre, it can have little effect on the care received if we do not have the appropriate means to be able to attend to the calls or make the appointments”. In the same way, Ruiz and Ibáñez have also met with the centre’s own doctors and are in permanent contact with the Public Health Department of Orihuela and Torrevieja, directed by José Cano.

In addition, a motion will be presented to the plenary session of Redován Town Council this coming Thursday, to urge the regional government to assume its responsibilities in health matters and to provide the Redován doctor’s office with material and personal resources. In this regard, the mayor said that “it is clear that the care being given to citizens is very deficient and does not correspond to the needs that would be expected of a health institution in the situation of pandemic in which we are due to the Covid-19”, so “it is necessary that the Valencian government assumes its responsibilities and ensures a health service and in decent conditions for our citizens,” he concluded.