• Workers will have a six-month contract thanks to the EMCORP employment promotion program for people over 30 years of age

Redován City Council has announced the hiring of two people to carry out cleaning and maintenance tasks around the recreational area of ​​the Ermita in Redován. The hiring has been carried out thanks to a subsidy of 19,718 euros received from the Regional Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor and framed within the EMCORP plan of the Employment and Training Service of the Valencian Community ‘Labora’ for the promotion of employment for over 30 years in collaboration with local corporations.

The Councilor for Employment of Redován, Maite Martínez, has stated that the objective of this action is twofold: “to keep this area so representative of our municipality in good condition and, at the same time, to favor hiring and employment among the inhabitants of Redován ”. Thus, the new laborers will carry out cleaning and caring for this environment, “to carry out both maintenance work on the tables, benches, bins and barbecues in the area, as well as cleaning solid waste and garbage that are found there and that they are the result of its use by the Redovanenses ”, has indicated the mayor.

The new hires were brought into their jobs with a six-month contract. The councilor has also indicated that “it is through this type of action, requesting all those subsidies that are beneficial to Redován and its neighbors, that we reinforce our commitment as a government team to reduce unemployment in the municipality everything that is in our hand”.