• The deposit of materials such as ash, coal or embers from cookers and fireplaces without being properly extinguished is not permitted and can lead to fines of up to 750 euros

Avoiding the risk of fire is the objective of the Redován Local Police, which warns of the increase in the number of rubbish containers that have been burnt in recent days by the dumping of ashes, coal or embers from cookers and chimneys in the municipality’s homes. As reported by the Councillor for Public Safety, Adrian Ballester, these materials “are being deposited in the rubbish containers without first checking that they are completely extinguished, which increases the risk of fire and the consequent danger to nearby homes, vehicles parked in the vicinity or forest areas,” he explained.

This practice, as well as involving the mobilisation of emergency and fire-fighting resources to extinguish the fire, entails considerable costs for both the Fire Brigade and the Town Council in replacing the damaged containers, since “there have already been four such fires in the last week”, as Ballester indicated. The Local Police reminded the public that the municipal ordinance of coexistence, cleanliness and decoration of the public thoroughfare of Redován establishes the prohibition of “depositing lit materials in rubbish bins and containers”, cataloguing it as an infraction that can lead to sanctions of up to 750 euros together with the obligation to repair the damage caused.

The Councillor for Public Safety wanted to thank the public in advance for their collaboration in this task, adding that, in this way, “situations of risk for everyone can be prevented that can be easily avoided by following some simple instructions”.

From the Local Police Headquarters and the Redován Town Hall we ask for caution when disposing of embers from cookers and fireplaces and not to throw them into the organic waste container, as embers can retain heat for several hours. That is why “it is recommended that we have a bucket or metal container on our terrace or garden where we can deposit the ashes for more than 24 hours, immersing them in water to be completely sure that they cannot ignite and always with the precaution of not inhaling the smoke”, explained the councillor. In the case of the coal, it will be necessary to let it cool down for 48 hours, pouring water over the hot coal and carefully removing it to accelerate the cooling process.