• The Consistory transmits the complaints it receives from users due to the saturation of the service to the heads of the Conselleria

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has once again expressed her discontent with the Orihuela Health Department over the conditions in which the health service is being offered in the local doctor’s office. As the first mayor explained, “the two paediatricians and four doctors that the centre should have according to its characteristics and the population it serves have been reduced to only two doctors, also reducing the number of nursing staff”.

Ruiz has indicated that this deficit is due to the fact that “in the face of requests for holidays or sick leave, the Orihuela Health Department and the Regional Ministry of Health do not replace the health personnel as there are no doctors available in the area’s job centres”, which is why there has been an increase in the number of patients and the consequent saturation of the service. “This translates into insufficient user care, a situation which has already been occurring in our centre and which we have been denouncing for several months now”, insisted the Mayoress, who is in permanent contact with those responsible for the Orihuela Health Department, with whom she maintains a collaborative relationship.

For this reason, and since September, the Redován Town Hall has contacted on several occasions the Health bodies responsible for managing the centre, such as the Director of Primary Care, Rosario Sansano; the manager of the Orihuela Health Department, Miguel Fayos, or the Councillor for Health, Ana Barceló. With regard to the Councillor, the Mayoress has sent several letters to the Health Minister, but has not received a reply. “Our doctors are still overcrowded, they do not have time to make all the telephone enquiries due to the accumulation of patients, and the users of the service do not stop complaining to us as they find a very deficient service”, said the first mayor.

In addition, “it should be remembered that this situation is occurring during a pandemic and, at present, during an upsurge in the cases of Covid-19”, said Ruiz, “which unfortunately does not allow for good management of the situation and is a factor that can have a great influence on the increase in cases”. The Town Hall of Redován has been informed of several neighbours who have been in contact with confirmed positive cases, “who already have symptoms that are compatible with the virus, and who have been waiting for five days to be contacted from the clinic to be able to take the PCR test”, explained the mayor. Likewise, the mayor indicated that her government team “is not going to give up on this issue, demanding what is fair and what we are entitled to as a population, always in order to preserve the health of all the citizens of Redován”.