• Registrations are now open and can be downloaded from the website or picked up at the Town Hall for both the Tennis Stage and the Sports Schools.

Redován is bringing back this year, with all the measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the municipal summer schools. During the month of July, the Los Pasos Sports Centre will host both the Tennis Stage and the Sports School, activities that will join those already announced by the La Vega Association of Social Services in its traditional ‘Vegavacaciones’. The Councillor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, and the Councillor for Social Services, Marisol Ibáñez, have presented these activities which “bring us back to normality in a way after a blank year due to the pandemic”, said the municipal officials.

Ramón López explained that the registration process for the activities is now open. Applications can be downloaded from the Redován Town Hall website or picked up in person at the Town Hall. Once completed, payment must be made through the Suma Gestión Tributaria website and all documentation must be presented. The registration process for the Sports Schools will be open until Tuesday 22nd June, while for the Tennis Stage it will be until the 28th.

Both activities, aimed at ages between 5 and 16 years, will be held from 5 to 30 July from 9.00 to 13.00 hours, “with the aim, as usual, to reconcile work and family life in a period in which children are already on holiday, in addition to offering them physical activity outdoors instead of being at home,” said the Councillor for Sports. With regard to the price, Ramón López indicated that “it is 60 euros for the whole month, but there is also the possibility of registering for fortnights at a price of 40 euros each, a flexible way that we believe also helps families to organise themselves”.

For her part, the Councillor for Social Services has given an account of the ‘Vegavacaciones’ activities organised by the Mancomunidad La Vega from 1 July to 4 August, following a change in the initial dates. On this occasion it is about “socio-educational activities that aim to promote coexistence and teach students values in a fun way,” said the municipal responsible. Registration for this summer school is open until 21 June and all the details can be consulted on the Mancomunidad’s website https://www.mancomunidadlavega.es/. The title is ‘The Travelling Suitcase’ “and the children who attend will be divided into two age groups, one for the youngest, from 3 to 5 years old, and another for those from first to fourth year of primary school,” said Ibáñez.

The registration fee is 50 euros and since places are limited and with all the measures against Covid-19, applications will be accepted in strict order of registration. “That is why from Redován Social Services we encourage people who want their children to attend these schools to come to the Town Hall to apply, as our team will be able to answer any questions they may have”.