Redován 29/12/2021. Redován Town Council is once again benefiting from the Labora programmes of the Generalitat Valenciana EMPUJU and ECOVID, both of which are financed by the European Social Fund. Based on them, four people have been hired for a year, two under 30 years old and two unemployed over that age, who will work as caretakers in municipal facilities and masonry labourer.

The Councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, said that this type of programme is “very important for the Redován Town Council, because we give the opportunity to two young people to enter the labour market, while on the other hand, two unemployed people over 30 have a one-year contract and guarantee a salary for their families during that time”.

The EMPUJU programme has a grant awarded to the Redován Town Council of 32,192 euros and the contracts run from 20 December 2021 to 19 December 2022. In this case, one of the young people hired will work as a construction labourer for the maintenance of urban public spaces, and in the second, a caretaker for surveillance and custody of municipal facilities. In the case of the ECOVID programme of the Valencian Community, which aims to promote recovery from the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences, the grant is 34,00.32 euros. The two people hired will carry out their work from this past Monday 27 December until 26 December 2022, and will also carry out the work of a caretaker for surveillance and custody of municipal facilities (opening and closing facilities and other functions of the caretakers”.