The Redován Town Council has launched a series of awards which seek to recognise the work of individuals, clubs, groups and entities in favour of the progress of the municipality of Redován. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, and the councillor Ramón López have announced this initiative called the Grifo Awards, which will highlight in the trophy that the winners will receive the one of the symbols of the municipality, the Grifo de Redován, an Iberian sculpture of great value found at the end of the 19th century during an excavation and which can currently be visited in the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid.

Ramón López explained that “each month an award will be named, so that at the end of the year we will have 12 people, entities or groups to whom the award will be presented at a gala that will bring them all together”. The councillor pointed out that the award will be given for the work they carry out in their jobs, through altruistic actions or any other type of action “to help people from Redován or to take the name of our town beyond our borders”. For her part, the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, said that “it is about recognising in some way the work carried out by many people in Redován from all walks of life, who help us to develop and grow as people and as a town”. The first of the Grifo Awards is the one for the month of January, which has gone to an officer of the Redován Local Police. In this case, Manuel Miguel Belmonte Heredia was recognised for his professional work. He was one of the officers who acted in the arrest of two people in December as alleged perpetrators of several robberies in shops in Redovan and has almost 20 years of service in the municipal security corps in which he says he has experienced rewarding situations but also hard, “but it is my job and my choice”, while the winner shares the award with “each and every one of my colleagues, who leave their skin on the street every day.