• Students from the school will sing and recite poems by Miguel Hernández and the title of Senderista 2020 will be awarded to Antonio Hurtado Martínez

Redován welcomes this Friday a new edition of the Poet’s Path. This year the IVAJ repeats the virtual edition, that is to say, it will be possible to follow through the website of the Valencian Youth Institute the events of the municipalities in which this hernandiano path makes a stop, and the first, after the departure in Orihuela, is in Redován, the birthplace of the father of the universal poet. The Redován Town Council, through the Youth and Education Departments, has prepared an event which will take place at 11.30 am in the Plaza de la Paz to which, as councillor Rebeca Martínez Rufete points out, “we invite the people of Redován who wish to attend, as there will be no walkers but we can count on the public in a large place where you can keep a safe distance, as is the Plaza de la Paz”.

The councillor explained that this event will include the participation of students from Sagrados Corazones School, who will perform a song and recite poetry in memory of Miguel Hernandez, whose death is commemorated on the 80th anniversary on March 28th. This will be followed by the appointment of Senderista de Honor 2020, a title that could not be awarded due to COVID-19 and that will be given this year to Antonio Hurtado Martínez. The Rambler of Honour will receive a commemorative plaque and the document with the agreement of the Plenary on his appointment.

“We regret not being able to return to normality and welcome the walkers to our town, but we hope that this edition of the Poet’s Path can be followed by many people through the IVAJ website and that they can enjoy the event we have prepared,” said Martínez. The councillor encouraged the people of Redován to come and enjoy the spirit of the path again “and to open their mouths for next year, when we will recover the total normality of an event that is a reference throughout Spain, of which Redován is a part”.