The councillor for Town Planning at Redován Town Hall, José Nájar, today gave a press conference detailing the Flood Prevention Plan for the municipality, which was approved by the Town Council last November. This document is the central theme of a Spokesmen’s Meeting that was also held today in the Consistory redovanense with the assistance of the technical drafters of the plan, both external and municipal, to explain the detail to all parties with municipal representation. “From the government team we want all the citizens of Redován can also know it, since it is the document that will serve us in the coming years as a guide to carry out a series of actions, ten in total, to avoid problems in our streets when there are episodes of torrential rains,” said the councillor.

The plan details the problems that exist in Redován in the event of heavy rainfall and establishes a series of solutions to be implemented. The first two will be paid for with the funds that the Generalitat’s Plan Vega Renhace has made available to the local councils in the region, 400,000 euros with which two actions will be carried out. One of them will be in the Plaza Pablo VI, so that an underground tank can be reused as an urban drainage system, in addition to redeveloping the green area on the surface. The second action involves a landscaping intervention in the Ermita area, continuing with those that have been carried out previously, which will restore vegetation to the area known as La Pinada, which has historically been affected by flooding.

The total amount of the Flood Master Plan exceeds 22 million euros, “so we must be aware that it is a roadmap that we hope can be implemented in the long term,” said Nájar. The town planning councillor explained that the Town Hall is going to apply for all possible aid to obtain the necessary funds to move forward as soon as possible, and has indicated that the next source of funding may be the European Union, “which has another call for proposals underway in which we can opt to obtain another 400,000 euros”.

For Nájar, this plan is important “insofar as it detects the problems we have and provides solutions to them”. According to the document, in the event of heavy rains, Redován receives water from seven ravines in the mountains that pour directly into the town centre; an eighth that isolates the Barrio San Carlos from the town centre in the event of not excessively heavy rains; various runoffs that pour into both the Barrio del Rincón and Barrio San Carlos, and the water flows that come from the Rambla de Abanilla and its forks (Rambla Redován and Rambla Culebra).

The actions proposed, in addition to those already indicated in Pablo VI and in the area of La Ermita, include the installation of drainage systems in the Acequia Mayor; extension of the drainage network in the town centre, the construction of a storm tank in a municipal green area; extension of the drainage network in the road connecting the town centre and the San Carlos neighbourhood and extension of the drains in San Carlos; drainage systems in the area of El Cabezo; sensorisation and action in the ravines that affect the urban area.

Nájar insisted that this is a guide for actions that will have to be carried out in the coming years based on the funds available. He recalled that this plan is being implemented with some of the problems we had in Redován in the process of being solved, as in the case of the Barrio María Ros, where the Provincial Council of Alicante is carrying out work to prevent flooding in the streets. The intention is to opt for all the aid that is made available to us by all the institutions”.