The Plenary of the Redován Town Council has unanimously approved the suspension of the terrace tax for bars, restaurants and cafes in the town for this year. This is the third consecutive year that this measure has been adopted, with which, as the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, explains, “we intend to support the hospitality sector which has been and is one of the most affected by the pandemic”.

The councillor adds that in 2022 “there is no longer as much economic aid as in previous years, so from the Redován Town Council we have considered continuing with the suspension of the fees for the terraces to, in some way, promote their installation and encourage citizens to consume in them so that the benefits stay in our municipality”. In this way, the Plenary gave the go-ahead to the modification of the Tax Ordinance Regulating the Tax on the Occupation of Local Public Use Land with tables, chairs, grandstands and tables for lucrative purposes.

Among other things, during the plenary session held last Thursday, the Equality Plan of the Redován Town Council was also approved, as well as the change of name of José María Pemán Street, which will now be called Adolfo Suárez Street.