Redován Town Council today presented its budget for 2022. The presentation was made by the mayoress, Nely Ruiz and the councillor for Finance, José Nájar. The two councillors have outlined a budget that keeps taxes frozen for this year and increases aid for associations and groups. The budget has an expected income of 6,069,827.14 euros and expenditure of 5,994,827.1 euros, which allows the council to maintain budgetary stability.

The mayoress assured that “this is a realistic budget, which maintains budgetary stability and includes some new expenses, because this year we hope to enter a period of some normality after the pandemic and we wanted to make a budget that marks the recovery, in all senses, of our municipality”. In this sense, the budget includes an increase in items to encourage citizen participation, in Youth and Culture, as well as for festivities or Christmas and neighbourhood activities. “The aim is to minimise the emotional impact of the last two years of the pandemic,” said Ruiz.

On the other hand, the budget also includes items for commercial activity, as well as for the promotion of tourism, with 10,000 euros. “It is worth remembering that for the third consecutive year, the suppression of the fee for occupying the public highway with tables and chairs has been maintained, with the aim of reactivating the local economy,” said the mayoress. Ruiz also stated that “we are also going to increase the amount of each subsidy for local associations, with the intention of promoting the activities of the different groups”.

For his part, the councillor for finance, José Nájar, explained the amounts in the document. He stressed that the budgets are realistic and this is reflected in the downward adjustments to the expected income compared to other years. Thus, in absolute terms, income in chapter I is down by -5.37% to 2,117,967 euros. The forecast for indirect taxes in chapter II is -13.33% with a forecast revenue of around 130,000 euros and taxes -7.87% to 896,981 euros. “We are freezing for another year the taxes for the residents of Redován with the commitment of the Town Hall to help as much as we can to get out of a complicated situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Nájar, who added that “for the year 2022 we maintain the bonuses for social groups such as pensioners, large families, the unemployed, the disabled and young people”.

With regard to the expenditure forecast, Nájar wanted to highlight the increase in social aid, subsidies to local groups, an increase in the Culture, Youth and Commerce items, as well as stating that “in this financial year 2022 the Town Hall is going to make investments for a total amount of 6,532,107.09 euros, financed through its own funds included in the budget, as well as subsidies from different Administrations”.

Also contemplated, in Sports, is the construction of a paddle tennis court and the repair of two tennis courts, as well as an investment of more than 15,000 euros in improvements to the football pitch, and the contribution of more than 27,000 euros for the construction of a new 7-a-side football pitch of which the Diputación de Alicante will cover the rest. In Infrastructures and the Environment, work will be carried out in the municipal area of the Sierra, as well as the signposting of public roads and the paving of the Town Hall square. Investments are also envisaged for the renovation of the drinking water network, the refurbishment of the gymnasium and the public centre for the elderly, as well as the extension of the cemetery. “We have many projects currently underway and others that we want to be a reality as soon as possible, so we will continue in this line of continuing to improve Redován day by day,” said the mayor of Finance.