The Town Council of Redován has launched, through the Town Planning Department, the annual campaign to clean up plots of land, through which owners of undeveloped land in the municipality are reminded that it is necessary to keep them in good condition to avoid the appearance of insects and rodents that cause inconvenience to the public. The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, has been in charge of presenting this campaign “for which on this occasion we have chosen to send a letter to all owners of plots of land in Redován urging them to clean up before 15 June, after which date the Local Police will monitor whether or not this has been done and the appropriate measures will be taken by the Town Council”. Nájar pointed out that this year, “instead of issuing a Bando de Alcaldía as has been done on other occasions, we have chosen to distribute this poster around the town, which is much more visual and which we think will reach more people who can see it”.

If I can do it, you can do it’, is the slogan of this campaign, which has also adopted the hashtag #RedovánMásLimpio that will accompany the publications that will be made every week on social networks. “The idea is to create a weekly photo album in which we can review the plots that are being cleaned”.

Municipal Ordinance

Since 2020, Redován has had a Municipal Ordinance on Neighbourhood Coexistence which establishes the obligation to maintain these plots in hygienic and healthy conditions. The municipal responsible has recalled that this regulation establishes fines for those who do not clean their plots “which can range from 750 to 1,500 euros, but I have to say that this campaign has no desire to collect money, but the only thing we intend from the City Council is that the land is cleaned and that, thereby, their owners contribute to our municipality is cleaner and do not generate problems of coexistence between neighbours.

Nájar pointed out that “the best time to carry out the clean-up is precisely now, during the months of May and June, and this year it is more than necessary, given that the rains in March and April have caused the plants to grow a lot and have brought forward the nuisance of mosquitoes and other types of insects”. He thanked those who have already done their duty and appealed to those who have not yet done so to get started as soon as possible.