Redován 23/5/2022. Redován Town Council has launched the tendering process for the works on Calle Abajo. This street, located in the heart of the old part of the town, has obsolete sewage and drainage networks, which led the Redován Council to apply for funds from the Alicante Provincial Council’s Plan + Water 2021, which will cover the 150,000 euro budget for the work. The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, reports that the malfunctioning of the water infrastructure in Calle Abajo, given its age, causes constant breaks, “with the consequent inconvenience for the people who live there”, and adds that the planned action will not only completely remodel the underground pipes, “but will make this street much more accessible, as it will be redeveloped on a single platform, with no difference in height between pavements and roadway, maintaining the aesthetics of nearby streets in the old town that have already been remodelled”.

The works project indicates that the current sewerage network consists of concrete pipes, of small diameter and with hardly any house connections. With regard to the sewerage system, the pipework is also of insufficient diameter, added to the age of the network, while the water supply network has the same problems of age and breakdowns, which has led to excessive maintenance costs and constant water losses. On top of all this, the network is not meshed, so when there are breakdowns the number of users affected is greater than it should be.

The work will consist of replacing all the pipes in the sewage and water supply networks and then resurfacing the street with prefabricated cobblestones in which the road and pavement will be colour-coded. For José Nájar, “with these improvements, Calle Abajo will gain in terms of infrastructure, accessibility and image”. The execution period will be four months once the work has been awarded to a company and work begins.