The City Council of Redován held yesterday the Plenary for the month of July, a session of the Corporation in which, among other things, has adapted the Tax Ordinance Regulating the Tax on the Increase in the Value of Urban Land, better known as Plusvalía, to the current regulations of Royal Decree Law 26/2021. The councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, explained that “what we have done has been to modify the ordinance based on state regulations and, at the same time, we have taken the opportunity to introduce at the municipal level some bonuses that we consider, on the one hand, that will ease the pocket of people who receive an inheritance, and on the other, to make it less uphill to buy premises for those who want to start their business in Redován”.

The councilman refers to the bonuses introduced in Article 8 of the municipal regulations, which establishes the reduction of 50% of the tax quota in the transfer of land by inheritance, and the same amount in the case of economic activities declared of special interest or municipal utility due to social, cultural, historical-artistic or employment promotion circumstances that justify such a declaration. “In recent years we have seen how there are people who are even forced to give up their inheritances to cope with the Plusvalía, as well as the problems, mainly economic, which are found by those who want to start their businesses,” said Nájar, who added that “in Redován we want to minimize the maximum burden on citizens, and we thought this was an opportunity to do so in the case of the Plusvalía, as we had to modify the ordinance after the latest regulatory changes made at the state level.”

On the other hand, during the plenary session another step was taken for the implementation of the works of adequacy and expansion of the CEIP Sagrados Corazones, with the award of the execution contract, while a motion aimed at facilitating the regularization of housing considered illegal in the municipality was also approved at the request of the popular group. This point, dealt with through a motion that also defended the councilman of Urbanism, urges the Generalitat Valenciana to facilitate the legalization of the constructions made after August 20, 2014. José Nájar explained that the Law of Land Management, Urban Planning and Landscape of the Valencian Community (LOTUP) gives the possibility to the owners of these properties to regularize them through special plans to minimize impact. “From the City Council of Redován we set to work, which has allowed us to identify more than 400 buildings in the municipality out of management,” said Nájar, who has specified that from the conclusions of the study carried out it is clear that only buildings completed before the aforementioned date of August 20, 2014 could be regularized, “a date that we do not understand and that we consider necessary to change, so that they can benefit from the minimization plan almost all of the properties built out of order, thus avoiding that unfair situations may occur, “concluded the mayor.