Redován Town Council has carried out a project in the municipal cemetery to increase the burial space by 12 new niches and the first 32 columbaria in the cemetery. The councillor for Public Services, Ramón López, explains that “many people had asked us for these columbaria, which are small niches for the cinerary urns of those who decide to be cremated, so when we considered this extension we decided to build them and respond to this demand”. Both the niches and the columbaria, 44 holes in total, have been built in accordance with the regulations set by the Generalitat Valenciana and have meant an investment of 6,000 euros for the Consistory of Redovan. This action joins the one carried out a few months ago and completed on the eve of the commemoration of All Saints’ Day, which consisted of adapting the landscaping of the main entrance to the cementery and the interior flowerbeds.