The Mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz Peral, accompanied by the members of her government team, has today announced the competencies that each of them will hold for the next four years. These areas have been approved in the Town Council Organisation Plenary which took place yesterday. Ruiz has highlighted the creation of the Department of European Projects which will seek funds to invest in the Town Hall, which will be run by Lidia Belmonte, one of the new additions to the government team, who will also manage the areas of Commerce, Training and Employment and Personnel. José Nájar Chávez will continue to be first deputy mayor and spokesperson for the government team, a task he will share with Marisol Ibáñez, who will also be the second deputy mayor. Both councillors will have practically the same areas as they have had until now, with Nájar in charge of the Presidency, Finance, Contracting and Legal Services, and Marisol Ibáñez in charge of Social Welfare, Equality, Senior Citizens, Women, Children, Public Safety, Emergencies, Police and Traffic. Ramón López Escarabajal, meanwhile, will be councillor for the Environment, Infrastructures and Services, Parks and Gardens and Cemetery, while Clara Ezcurra will manage the areas of Culture, Tourism, Health and Education.

The other two new faces in Nely Ruiz’s team will hold the third and fourth mayoral offices, and in the case of David Ballesta, the departments of Urban Planning, which includes urban development and industrial estates, and Water. Adrián Ballesta will be in charge of the areas of Sports and Youth, thus completing the Redován Town Council government team. The mayoress reserves the competences of Fiestas to carry out the work related to patron saint and neighbourhood fiestas, as well as the coordination of activities with festive associations and the Junta Festera. With regard to the representation of Redovan in the supra-municipal bodies, the titular member in all of them will be Nely Ruiz, who will have as substitutes Clara Ezcurra in the school councils of both the school and the secondary school; Lidia Belmonte as substitute in Convega; Ramón López as substitute in the Consorcio de Extinción de Incendios (Fire Extinction Consortium); David Ballesta as substitute in the Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla; Marisol Ibáñez as substitute in the Mancomunidad de Servicios Sociales La Vega; David Ballesta as substitute in the sanitation and purification entity and finally, Nely Ruiz titular and Ramón López substitute in the Consorcio del Plan Zonal de Residuos. The organisation plenary will also be made up of the Urban Planning, Finance and Education commissions, with two members from the PSOE, one from Vox and four from the PP, as well as the Board of Spokespersons, made up of the spokespersons of each municipal group.