The renovation of the Sagrados Corazones School in Redován, which is being carried out with funds from the Generalitat’s Plan Edificant, will soon come to an end, leaving unfinished work that was originally included in the project. This has occurred due to problems that have arisen during the work on an old building (built in the 50s of the last century) and which forced the original project to be modified to deal with the repair of beams due to aluminosis or the removal of asbestos pipes, which are totally obsolete. This is why the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, the first deputy mayor, José Nájar and the councillor for Education, Clara Ezcurra, have held a meeting with the general director of Educational Infrastructures, Rafael Valcárcel Sánchez, with the aim of requesting the necessary funds to complete the planned improvements and, with this, “we will have a centre that is fully updated and adapted to the needs of students and teachers”, said the mayoress.

José Nájar explained that, during the meeting, he presented to the director general the report of the planned actions proposed to be carried out with this second investment requested from the Generalitat “with which we would complete the refurbishment of the oldest buildings of the school, including the renovation of the playground, extending it with the incorporation of an adjoining plot that has been expropriated, and the construction of a small sports pavilion”. As for the improvements that are still pending, they affect the oldest buildings, the main building and the red brick building. Thus, in addition to the replacement of windows and some painting and masonry issues, they are all aimed at improving energy efficiency with the installation of photovoltaic panels, replacement of the gas heating system with a more efficient one that uses renewable energies, etc., as well as improving accessibility, both by adapting the current facilities and through the installation of a lift in the red brick building.

The councillor for Education, Clara Ezcurra, has assured that with the completion of these works that are pending from the first Edificant Plan “we will achieve a modern school with the capacity to meet the educational demand we have in Redován”. She is confident that the Regional Ministry of Education will meet the demands and include the works in the second phase of this regional plan “with which we would complete the reform of one hundred percent of our educational facilities after the work already carried out at the secondary school and the future extension of the one being done at the school”.