Redován Town Council will take the Municipal Budget for the year 2024 to the Plenary this Thursday. The document presented today at a press conference by the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, has a total of 6,112,924.65 euros which includes the increase experienced last year in services and supplies because of the war in Ukraine.

The head of the municipal finances has assured that, as in previous years, the budget “is in line with the real expenses and income of the Town Hall, because if we spent more than we earned we would generate debts for the Town Hall that would hinder the growth of our municipality, as happened at the time, debts that we are still paying today”. Nájar added that, despite everything, “we wanted to and have been able to prioritise the promotion of youth and culture with an increase in investment for the implementation of youth, cultural and festive activities; trade, with 30,000 euros to be allocated to the promotion of local commerce or tourism, with an item of 20,000 euros to publicise the many attractions that Redován has”. The councillor added that this year “we are also committed to improving security with 11,000 euros to provide more and better equipment for the Local Police and 18,500 euros for the installation of security mechanisms in the municipality”.

The councillor for Finance explained that the 25,000 euros for the contingency fund, which was removed from the previous budget, has been recovered and will be available for any expenses that may arise, although he specified that “all the councils have been warned of the need to make credit retentions for any expenditure, in order to control every cent of public money and not to spend it outside the budget”. Nájar pointed out that the Redován Town Council has also set aside 100,000 euros for the execution, within the framework of the Provincial Council’s Planifica Plan, of the budget item that the Council must assume in the project for the future covered pavilion.

With regard to income, Nájar indicated that it has decreased by around 40,000 euros compared to last year, although the income corresponding to the IBI update compensates for the reduction in the forecast for the rest of the chapters. “This update has been positive, as it allows us to cope with the increase in current expenditure, in particular the updating of salaries and the increase in the cost of services and supplies”. The head of Finance has made a review of all the concepts for which the City Council receives income, such as the ICIO, tax on construction and works of which will be settled this 2024 around 100,000 euros corresponding to the works of the Edificant Plan and another 60,000 in other types of constructions. As for municipal taxes such as rubbish collection, water and sewerage, cemetery, schools and sports facilities, market and occupation of public roads with tables and chairs, the bonuses for vulnerable groups are maintained and the CPI update is not applied, as in previous years, to these public prices. The Redován Town Council expects to receive 2.7 million euros from other administrations and 74,000 euros from property income, mainly from the income from photovoltaic installations on municipal buildings.

Among the investments planned for this year are the works to change the drinking water supply network and redevelopment of San Blas street; completion of the improvement and asphalting of Camino Fortuna, as well as the asphalting of other roads in the town centre, and the sectorisation of the water supply network to continue improving the supply network of the municipality. Another of the projects that will begin to materialise in 2024 is the construction of the covered pavilion in a single phase and for a total amount of almost 2,000,000 euros.

Jose Nájar concluded by reminding that “we bring a balanced budget in terms of income and expenditure, where the priority is the safety of the people of Redovan, and where we continue to bet strongly on our culture, commerce and identity of the municipality. In short, budgets that allow Redován to continue to progress and prosper.