The spokesman for the Redován Town Council government team and councillor for Finance, José Nájar, appeared today to give an account of the report carried out by the Sindicatura de Cuentas (Audit Office) to the Consistory of Redován, which aims to improve the internal processes of municipal management. Nájar explained that every year the Audit Office randomly selects a series of municipalities to analyse them and highlight areas for improvement, making a series of recommendations which it subsequently verifies whether they are implemented. Nájar added that Redován has been the subject of this audit, as have other municipalities such as Torrent and Alzira, where the operation during 2022 of the Contracting area has been reviewed, as well as different aspects of economic and financial management of the general account for that year.

“The intention is to audit in order to improve, through this report, the internal processes of municipal management,” said the councillor, who stated that “at no time does the report, in its 81 pages, cite the word ‘irregular’ even once. In fact, the Sindicatura, in addition to proposing various improvements and recommendations on procurement, concludes, on page 7, that the contractual activity carried out by the Redován Town Council during the year 2022 is in accordance. The councillor for the Treasury has given an account “as a sign of commitment and transparency” of the recommendations made by the Audit Office, for example, that measures are taken to avoid submitting some processes after the deadline “knowing that there is no harm to the Town Hall itself or to the people of Redovan, and understanding the usual workload”. Thus, he rejected the use of this report to cast doubt on the work of transparency carried out by the municipal government “when in fact, the report itself, on page 42, indicates that the City Council has a Transparency Portal that has been found to be adequate to the obligations of article 20 of Law 1/2022 on Transparency and Good Governance”.

Likewise, the report recommends updating contracting formulas to improve the awarding process, without any irregularities in this regard, “so it is clear that the Redován Town Council complies with the Law of Transparency and Good Governance, while the contracting is in accordance with the Law”. To conclude, José Nájar, has been forceful and has assured “that there are no irregularities, lack of transparency or mismanagement or serious deficiencies in recruitment and therefore from the government team we are opposed to any information in this regard that calls into question the work of the staff of the Consistory itself”.