Redován applies the recommendations of the Audit Office to improve internal municipal management processes.

The spokesman for the Redován Town Council government team and councillor for Finance, José Nájar, appeared today to give an account of the report carried out by the Sindicatura de Cuentas (Audit Office) to the Consistory of Redován, which aims to improve the internal processes of municipal management. Nájar explained that every year the Audit Office randomly selects a series of municipalities to analyse them and highlight areas for improvement, making a series of recommendations which it subsequently verifies whether they are implemented. Nájar added that Redován has been the subject of this audit, as have other municipalities such as Torrent and Alzira, where the operation during 2022 of the Contracting area has been reviewed, as well as different aspects of economic and financial management of the general account for that year.

“The intention is to audit in order to improve, through this report, the internal processes of municipal management,” said the councillor, who stated that “at no time does the report, in its 81 pages, cite the word ‘irregular’ even once. In fact, the Sindicatura, in addition to proposing various improvements and recommendations on procurement, concludes, on page 7, that the contractual activity carried out by the Redován Town Council during the year 2022 is in accordance. The councillor for the Treasury has given an account “as a sign of commitment and transparency” of the recommendations made by the Audit Office, for example, that measures are taken to avoid submitting some processes after the deadline “knowing that there is no harm to the Town Hall itself or to the people of Redovan, and understanding the usual workload”. Thus, he rejected the use of this report to cast doubt on the work of transparency carried out by the municipal government “when in fact, the report itself, on page 42, indicates that the City Council has a Transparency Portal that has been found to be adequate to the obligations of article 20 of Law 1/2022 on Transparency and Good Governance”.

Likewise, the report recommends updating contracting formulas to improve the awarding process, without any irregularities in this regard, “so it is clear that the Redován Town Council complies with the Law of Transparency and Good Governance, while the contracting is in accordance with the Law”. To conclude, José Nájar, has been forceful and has assured “that there are no irregularities, lack of transparency or mismanagement or serious deficiencies in recruitment and therefore from the government team we are opposed to any information in this regard that calls into question the work of the staff of the Consistory itself”.

New cultural exchange between Redován and the sister town of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc

The Twinning Committee of Redován with the French municipality of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc has carried out a new cultural exchange with a visit to the municipality, invited to attend the ‘Noctambules’, an important music festival held in the French town. Both towns have established an annual visit to strengthen ties, and if last year it was the French who travelled to Redován to see the local festivities, this time it was the turn of the people of Redován to travel on an expedition which also visited the towns of Soulac invited by its mayor, to whom they presented a figure of the Griffin de Redován and Bordeaux, the latter for the inauguration of the tram which links it with Saint Aubin and where they also spoke with the town’s mayor. Councillor Ramón López Escarabajal, as municipal representative on the Twinning Committee, presented the mayor of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc with the gold badge of the Redován Town Council, a gesture that was reciprocated as the mayor, Christophe Duprat, also presented the badge of his municipality which is already displayed in the Mayor’s office of the Redován Town Council

A cutting of the fig tree from Miguel Hernandez’s house in Orihuela also travelled to France, a cutting given by the city of Orihuela ‘after the mayor learned that during last year’s visit they were delighted with this space,’ said Lopez. Along with the cutting, which was planted in a green area of Saint Aubin, the former mayor of Redován and member of the Twinning Committee, Emilio Fernández, also presented the French mayor with a book of poems by Miguel Hernández in French and Spanish. During the visit, which took place between 1 and 4 June, the Redován Twinning Committee had the opportunity to visit vineyards and a winery to discover how the famous French wine from the Bordeaux region is made. Ramón López has indicated that both municipalities are already working for the next meeting, which will be in Redován and for which they want to have the presence of music students from Saint Aubin de Mèdoc as they did two years ago from the Unión Musical de Redován, who took their music to the French town.

Redován Town Council encourages people to participate in ‘The Recycling Challenge’ and help El Árbol de los Sueños

Redován is celebrating World Recycling Day today with an action aimed at increasing the selective collection of light packaging, i.e. all those that should be deposited in the yellow container such as milk and juice cartons, food and drink cans, plastic containers, etc. The municipality participates, as part of the Vega Baja Sostenible Consortium, in ‘El Reto del Reciclaje’, a competition between the municipalities of the region, which will be won by the locality that recycles the most packaging. The councillor for the Environment, Ramón López Escarabajal, has encouraged the entire population to participate and, with this, help the Association El Árbol de los Sueños which helps people with functional diversity, to which, in case of winning, the prize will be destined. The Recycling Challenge is promoted by Ecoembes and the Regional Ministry for the Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Territory in collaboration with the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium, and aims to involve citizens in the selective collection and recycling of waste and raise awareness of the problem of not doing so for the environment and for our future as a society

The action taking place this morning in the Plaza Miguel Hernández in Redován, coinciding with the street market, raises awareness of the need to separate waste at home so that it can be disposed of correctly. “In the tent installed all the information and a small gift is given to people who come, so that in this way they remember when they are at home that they have to throw each waste in a bag and then to their corresponding container, the yellow container packaging, paper and cardboard to the blue, and organic waste to the gray,” recalled the councillor for the Environment.

The councillor also informed that, in addition, every Wednesday the mobile ecopark of the Vega Baja Sostenible Consortium visits Redován, where other waste which should not be disposed of in the containers found in the streets of Redován can also be thrown away. “In this case, in the ecopark you can also take kitchen utensils that you no longer use, small electrical appliances, light bulbs, used cooking oil and other waste that if you throw them in the grey bin they would cause irreparable environmental damage”. He encouraged the public to recycle and make Redován a more sustainable municipality.

The Redován Town Hall is finalising the procedures to start the construction of the new medical centre.

Redován Town Council is finalising the procedures to make the plot of land available to the Regional Ministry of Health for the construction of the new medical centre in the municipality. This was stated by the councillor for the Presidency, José Nájar, who described the work that has been carried out and which he hopes will culminate in the coming months with the approval, by the Plenary, of the transfer of the land “as the Department of Health has 100,000 euros in this year’s budget earmarked for the drafting of the project and the contracting of the project management”, said the councillor.


The plot in question is located on the Avenida de la Diputación Provincial de Alicante and next to the Plaza Comunidad Valenciana, a good location in the expansion area of Redován, very close to the centre and with good communications. It has a surface area of 1,872.61 square metres, “which will allow us to build much larger premises than the current ones and, therefore, extend the services provided in the current clinic,” said the councillor.


Last February, the Redován Town Hall sent the last documentation requested, a total of 111 documents, including reports, plans, studies, certificates, diligences, etc. This has resulted in a favourable report from the Conselleria de Sanidad and now it is up to the Heritage services to accept the land. The Consistory is already working on the modification of the inventory of municipal assets to incorporate this land, and as soon as this is done, in approximately two months, the transfer of the plot of land can be presented to the Plenary. “This will be the beginning of the construction of the medical centre, but also the end of a long and cumbersome process that finally ends and allows us to begin the process so that Redován can have, as soon as possible, the health facilities that our town deserves,” concluded Nájar.

Redován Town Council prioritises in the 2024 budget the safety of the municipality and the promotion of culture, tourism and trade.

Redován Town Council will take the Municipal Budget for the year 2024 to the Plenary this Thursday. The document presented today at a press conference by the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, has a total of 6,112,924.65 euros which includes the increase experienced last year in services and supplies because of the war in Ukraine.

The head of the municipal finances has assured that, as in previous years, the budget “is in line with the real expenses and income of the Town Hall, because if we spent more than we earned we would generate debts for the Town Hall that would hinder the growth of our municipality, as happened at the time, debts that we are still paying today”. Nájar added that, despite everything, “we wanted to and have been able to prioritise the promotion of youth and culture with an increase in investment for the implementation of youth, cultural and festive activities; trade, with 30,000 euros to be allocated to the promotion of local commerce or tourism, with an item of 20,000 euros to publicise the many attractions that Redován has”. The councillor added that this year “we are also committed to improving security with 11,000 euros to provide more and better equipment for the Local Police and 18,500 euros for the installation of security mechanisms in the municipality”.

The councillor for Finance explained that the 25,000 euros for the contingency fund, which was removed from the previous budget, has been recovered and will be available for any expenses that may arise, although he specified that “all the councils have been warned of the need to make credit retentions for any expenditure, in order to control every cent of public money and not to spend it outside the budget”. Nájar pointed out that the Redován Town Council has also set aside 100,000 euros for the execution, within the framework of the Provincial Council’s Planifica Plan, of the budget item that the Council must assume in the project for the future covered pavilion.

With regard to income, Nájar indicated that it has decreased by around 40,000 euros compared to last year, although the income corresponding to the IBI update compensates for the reduction in the forecast for the rest of the chapters. “This update has been positive, as it allows us to cope with the increase in current expenditure, in particular the updating of salaries and the increase in the cost of services and supplies”. The head of Finance has made a review of all the concepts for which the City Council receives income, such as the ICIO, tax on construction and works of which will be settled this 2024 around 100,000 euros corresponding to the works of the Edificant Plan and another 60,000 in other types of constructions. As for municipal taxes such as rubbish collection, water and sewerage, cemetery, schools and sports facilities, market and occupation of public roads with tables and chairs, the bonuses for vulnerable groups are maintained and the CPI update is not applied, as in previous years, to these public prices. The Redován Town Council expects to receive 2.7 million euros from other administrations and 74,000 euros from property income, mainly from the income from photovoltaic installations on municipal buildings.

Among the investments planned for this year are the works to change the drinking water supply network and redevelopment of San Blas street; completion of the improvement and asphalting of Camino Fortuna, as well as the asphalting of other roads in the town centre, and the sectorisation of the water supply network to continue improving the supply network of the municipality. Another of the projects that will begin to materialise in 2024 is the construction of the covered pavilion in a single phase and for a total amount of almost 2,000,000 euros.

Jose Nájar concluded by reminding that “we bring a balanced budget in terms of income and expenditure, where the priority is the safety of the people of Redovan, and where we continue to bet strongly on our culture, commerce and identity of the municipality. In short, budgets that allow Redován to continue to progress and prosper.

Redován prepares a December full of activities that focus on children and young people

The City Council of Redován has presented its programming for the month of December, in which in addition to the traditional Christmas events, it has wanted to put the focus on children and youth so that this population can prepare their plans for the coming weeks and, above all, for their Christmas vacation period. The councilors of Childhood and Social Welfare, Marisol Ibáñez, and Culture and Education, Clara Ezcurra, have been responsible for publicizing this program in which are involved directly or indirectly all areas of the City Council. Marisol Ibáñez has shelled the actions of their departments that begin this Friday with a calisthenics workshop in the Plaza Francisco Ferrer aimed at young people aged 12 to 16 years.

“The little ones will begin activities on Saturday, December 9 from ten in the morning, with a toy library in which monitors will perform games, gymkhanas, dances and workshops for children from 5 years. On the 15th it will be the turn of improvisational theater in a workshop to be held at the Senior Center aimed at people from 16 years, and on Saturday December 16 will be a planetarium activity with virtual reality and solar observation. That same weekend of December 16 and 17 will take place a CIAM camping in the Alicante town of Biar, with actions related to environmental care. On Friday 22, on the eve of Christmas, children from 12 to 16 years old have an appointment at the Senior Center with a scape room that will take place from 17.00 to 20. 00 hours, and from December 26 to January 5 “will take place the traditional Christmas recreational activities, which are carried both the center of Redován and the neighborhoods of San Carlos and El Rincón from 9.00 to 14.00 hours, with the aim of reconciling work and family life of mothers and fathers who work in this non-school period”.

Marisol Ibáñez has announced that this year, as a novelty, on December 23 there will be a family bike ride with departure and arrival at the Plaza de la Paz. It will start at ten o’clock in the morning and will last about 45 minutes, with a tour through different streets of the town. At the end, there will be lunch and a day with the Redovan associations will be held in the same square. Another of the appointments of this Christmas program each year is the youth trip to the fair Exponadal in the Institución Ferial Alicantina (IFA), which will take place on 26, and on 29 “we will close the program with the intergenerational carols that are made from the CLIA, with departure from the Senior Center”.

Lighting of the lights on December 7

Christmas will be lit in Redován on December 7, as explained by the mayor Clara Ezcurra, who has given an account of the programming of traditional activities such as the gastronomic tourist day that takes place every year in the Plaza de la Paz with responsible for the butchers of the town that through the typical products, on this occasion on Sunday December 10 from ten in the morning, will recall the pig slaughter that for decades was performed for Christmas in many homes in Redován. “The theater can not miss these dates, and will arrive at the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ on Sunday December 17 at six in the afternoon, with the play dedicated to children’s audience ‘The fantastic bonbonería’,” said Clara Ezcurra, who has specified that the little ones will have another important appointment on Friday 22, also from six in the afternoon, to visit Santa Claus in his tree house and give them their letters in the Plaza de la Paz. Afterwards, there will be a parade with several Harry Potter characters to the Plaza Miguel Hernández. Young people will also have the traditional evening, this time on December 23 in the Plaza Miguel Hernandez from 17.30 to 01.00 hours, the same day that the Musical Union of Redován will make its Christmas party at five o’clock in the afternoon.

El viernes 29 serán las campanadas infantiles en la Plaza de la Paz, donde habrá una fiesta para despedir el año con colchonetas y distintos talleres. Cerraremos el año con música, el día 30 de diciembre en la Casa de la Música Antonio Ibáñez Serrano con el concierto ‘Iluminando Redován’. El 3 de enero el Paje Real recibirá las cartas dirigidas a Sus Majestades los Reyes Magos de Oriente, Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar, instalando su campamento en la Plaza Miguel Hernández a partir de las seis de la tarde, y la programación terminará, como cada año, con la Cabalgata de Reyes del 5 de enero a las seis de la tarde desde la Plaza de la Cruz. A continuación, se representará el Auto de Reyes Magos.