The Redován Town Council encourages shopping in local shops and hotels and restaurants in the run-up to the start of the school year

The Redován Town Council wants the cost of September to be less pronounced for the citizens of Redován with the launch, on the 12th, of the Bono Consumo (Consumer Voucher). This campaign, subsidised by the Provincial Council of Alicante, will allow the purchase of vouchers worth 10, 20 or 40 euros, of which users will only pay half, as the other 50% will be provided by the Town Hall. The vouchers, which can be purchased both online through the website and physically at the Town Hall by appointment, can only be exchanged in shops and restaurants that have joined the campaign and can be seen on all the posters that have been made about the Bono Consumo.

The Councillor for Commerce, Maite Martínez, has encouraged the people of Redovan to take part in this campaign “either through their shops and catering establishments or by purchasing the vouchers and consuming, because it is an initiative that will benefit and have an impact on the economy of our municipality”. In addition, he added, this September “we have the double opportunity to prepare ourselves with the Bono Consumo for the start of the school year or to enjoy in our bars and cafes during the festivities we are celebrating”.

Redován has a total of 59,085 euros in vouchers which can be redeemed from 12 September on the aforementioned website, and in person at the Town Hall as long as an appointment has been made on 96 675 40 25. “This means putting 118,170 euros into circulation to benefit local commerce and hospitality, so we want the vouchers to reach as many people as possible, so that, in addition to purchasing them online, people who do not know or cannot use the internet, are not left without their vouchers,” said Martínez. The vouchers can be purchased and consumed until 12 October, although they will be on sale as long as there is credit available.

The mayor of Commerce has specified that the maximum number of vouchers that a person can buy is a total of 100 euros face value, ie 50 euros to be paid by the consumer and as many to be provided by the municipality.

Redován Town Council encourages shopping in the town with the Christmas Trade Fair

After the obligatory break caused by the pandemic, Redován is once again hosting the Christmas Trade Fair. Nearly twenty exhibitors will take part in the event which will be held this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, in the Plaza de la Paz and which was presented today by the Councillor for Commerce, Maite Martínez, and the Mayoress, Nely Ruiz, who also gave an account of the festive events for these dates which began last Tuesday with the switching on of the lights and the inauguration of the Municipal Nativity Scene. The fair is organised by the Town Hall in collaboration with the Vega Baja del Segura territory brand and the Alicante Provincial Council. The mayor of Commerce, Maite Martínez, has assured that “our commercial fabric needs all the support possible and that is why we wanted to recover an event that in 2019 was a great success that we hope to repeat this time, yes, with respect to all security measures in front of the Covid-19”. Martínez reminded the attendees that they must have their Covid passport in order, as the regulations require them to apply for it at events where more than 500 people are present. In addition, the mask is obligatory in places where the safety distance cannot be respected. The municipal official added that in the 17 exhibitors “it will be possible to buy both Christmas products from our bakeries and gifts of different kinds from our shops, another way of encouraging shopping in Redován as we have done in previous campaigns”. The fair will open its doors on Saturday at 11.00 am and then start the gastronomic contest ‘Grandfather chef Redován’. In the afternoon, the Unión Musical will bring Christmas carols to the square from 16.30 and from 18.30 children will be able to hand their letters to Father Christmas in person. The fair will remain open until 10pm. On Sunday, the opening will be at eleven o’clock in the morning and the carols of the Unión Musical will be played from 12.00 noon. At one o’clock there will be a fashion show organised by some of the participating businesses and in the afternoon there will be a performance by the Redován Dance Association at four o’clock. Both Maite Martínez and Nely Ruiz have encouraged the people of Redovan to attend, “as well as people from other parts of the region, who will have the opportunity to get to know our shops and enjoy our town, our hotels and restaurants and our nature. For her part, the mayoress has previewed some of the activities that will take place during the festivities in Redován. Thus, on Saturday 18 December there will be an evening party in the Plaza Miguel Hernandez, from six in the afternoon until midnight. “We want young and not so young people to enjoy this evening with music from the garage and DJ Angelo,” said the councillor. Ruiz added that that evening the Department of Social Services together with the Mancomunidad La Vega will carry out an action against gender violence “which will consist of the installation of a photocall where attendees can take a photo with messages against this type of violence that we always have to keep in mind since it takes the lives of many women every year”. The Department of Culture has scheduled for Sunday 19 the children’s theatre performance ‘The Adventures of the Young Prince’ at the Casa de la Música Antonio Ibáñez Serrano. Also from the area directed by Clara Ezcurra, on 23 December it will be the turn of the Royal Page, who will arrive with his tent in the Town Hall Square to collect the letters to the Three Wise Men from the children of Redován. “The page boy will not arrive alone, as he will be accompanied by different elements of children’s entertainment so that in addition to delivering the letter our children will have a fun afternoon,” said the mayoress. Finally, this year, on the evening of 5th January, the traditional Three Kings Parade will return to Redován starting at six o’clock in the evening, and at the end of which, the traditional Three Kings Auto de Reyes will be held in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento (Town Hall Square). Nely Ruiz has assured that “we have prepared a programme as similar as possible to that of the years before the pandemic, but we must be very aware that Covid-19 is still here, and we have to take all possible precautions to avoid a further increase in cases in our municipality and in our region”.

Redován launches a promotion campaign for local businesses to encourage consumption in the municipality

  • The City Council produces three videos showing that all kinds of products and services can be accessed without having to travel.

In Redován I have everything’ is the slogan of the campaign launched by the Redován Town Council to boost consumption in the municipality and promote the local economy. “It is very important that after everything we have been through, first the Dana, then the pandemic, and the economic crisis in which we find ourselves, caused by both disasters, the citizens of Redován take into account that our town has a wide range of products and services, and as the video says, if they don’t have it, they bring it to you without having to look for it outside”, says the mayoress, Nely Ruiz.

This campaign consists of three videos. The first has already been broadcast on different municipal communication channels and is related to trade. The second, related to the customs of Redovan and focused on the hotel and catering industry, has just been circulated through various social networks. And the third, which will arrive at the end of the year, will be dedicated to traditions, focusing on the typical Redovan Christmas sweets that are famous beyond the borders of the municipality. In all cases the videos have been produced with the support of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board of the Alicante Provincial Council “and the aim is to promote our local products, which are many and of high quality, because we often go out to look for things that we can find in our shops,” said the mayor of Commerce and Markets, Maite Martinez.

Martínez recalled that the Town Council, within its means, has put in place “all the economic aid that has been made available to us from higher institutions, but we also felt that it was necessary to generate a feeling of belonging to a group among the people of Redovan, a group of which each of us who live here forms part and in which we must help each other”. For her part, the councillor for the hotel and catering industry, Clara Ezcurra, considered that this sector “which has suffered above all from the closures and curfews, has the support of the Town Council in everything we can do”. That is why the hotel and catering industry, as part of our customs, is also a protagonist in this campaign.

Ezcurra has encouraged consumption in bars and restaurants in Redován, and recalled that one of the support measures that has been adopted in the coming months has been the pedestrianisation of streets and squares to encourage consumption in these establishments. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of both the product and the people who struggle every day to open their businesses in Redován. “The videos are dynamic, as is the dynamic society of Redovan, and with them we also want to send out a message of hope, because together we are going to get out of this crisis as we have got out of previous ones,” concluded the mayoress.

Redován joins the Resistir Plan to help businesses and the self-employed affected by Covid-19

  • El municipio contará con 166.407 euros para subvencionar las actividades que se han visto más golpeados por la pandemia

The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, announced this morning the signing of the decree of adhesion of the Consistory redovanense to the aid plan ‘Resist’ of the Generalitat Valenciana, aimed at companies and self-employed in the sectors most affected by the health crisis of Covid-19. Through this plan, financed with 160 million euros jointly by the regional administration, provincial councils and town councils in 62.5%, 22.5% and 15%, respectively, “we can help our business fabric for those sectors that have been hardest hit by this pandemic situation, thanks to the 166,407 euros that we will have,” said the mayoress.

In this way, and as explained by the Councillor for Trade, Maite Martínez, “up to 2,000 euros per self-employed person or micro-enterprises with a maximum of 10 workers in the sectors to which the aid is directed, in addition to 200 euros per person affiliated to the Social Security as of 31 December 2020 in these micro-enterprises and self-employed persons”. The councillor added that “the municipal technicians are already working on the drafting of the rules and requirements for this aid, which will be published soon so that all entrepreneurs and self-employed workers in Redován can apply for them as soon as possible”.

“This is a measure to alleviate as much as possible the situation that small traders and self-employed entrepreneurs have been experiencing since the beginning of the health crisis,” said Nely Ruiz. The mayoress has valued very positively the cooperation of the various administrations, adding that “as a government team we have worked and will work to help as much as we can to shops and businesses in Redován, always with the aim of preventing the deterioration of our business fabric and to protect employment in the municipality”. Thus, he recalled the suspension of the terrace tax for this year 2021 that will be approved in plenary session this week.

Companies and workers in the following sectors will be able to benefit from this aid, based on the decree of the Generalitat: retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco in stalls and street markets; retail trade of textile products, clothing and footwear in stalls and street markets; retail trade of other products in stalls and street markets; hotels and accommodation; tourist and other accommodation; campsites and caravan parks; other accommodation; restaurants and food stalls; provision of meals prepared for events; other food services; beverage establishments; cinema exhibition activities; travel agency activities; tour operator activities; other reservation services; organisation of conventions and trade fairs; performing arts; activities auxiliary to performing arts; artistic and literary creation; management of theatres; museum activities; management of historical sites and buildings; management of sports facilities; sports club activities; gymnasium activities; other sports activities; amusement park activities and other recreational and amusement activities.

Redován to suspend payment of the terrace tax for bars, restaurants and cafés

  • The City Council will take this measure to the Plenary Session on 4 February to help hotel and restaurant owners in the face of the economic effects of Covid-19.

The Redován Town Council has announced the suspension of the payment of terrace installation fees for bars, restaurants and cafes in the municipality for the coming year 2021, which will be approved in the Municipal Plenary on 4 February. This measure was already adopted by the Council of Redovan last May and is now being extended to help, as far as possible, entrepreneurs in the sector. The councillor for the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, recalled that the hotel and catering industry has been severely affected throughout the year due to the pandemic, but that, “with the entry into force of the latest measures decreed by the Generalitat Valenciana, it is going to be even more affected, having to close its establishments”.

The suspension of the tax will come into force once the Plenary has provisionally approved it. It will come into effect from mid-March, and the owners of the premises will only have to pay the tax for the days they have set up a terrace from 1 January until that date, “without having to pay for the time during which the Generalitat has decreed the closure, and without having to pay anything else for the rest of the year 2021”, explained the councillor.

Last Wednesday saw the entry into force of new restrictions adopted by the Generalitat to curb the third wave of COVID-19 in the Valencian Community. These measures include the closure of hotel and catering establishments, except for those establishments that can offer take-away or pick-up service on the premises. These measures are completed with the closure at 18:00 hours of commercial premises and surfaces, except for those establishments dedicated to the essential commercial activity of food, hygiene, pharmacies, orthopaedics, opticians, hairdressers and sale of pet food.

“As a government team, we are obliged to support our shopkeepers and hotel and restaurant owners in everything we can, and after the last year, any help for this sector is not enough,” said Ballester. In this way, “from the Town Hall we continue working and considering proposals to be able to help them and make this situation as bearable as possible”, he added.

For its part, the municipal head of Trade and Markets, Maite Martinez, also stressed the importance of supporting local trade “as much as we can”, encouraging residents to consume, whenever possible, in shops and businesses in Redován. To do this, and as she has indicated, “it is necessary to comply with the indications and check in advance if the establishment offers a home delivery service to avoid crowds and the accumulation of people, try to be proactive and make purchases before 18:00 hours, and always complying with all health safety measures”.

Redován modernizes its market with six air conditioning units thanks to a grant from the Diputación

  • The economic development area of ​​the provincial entity grants more than 4.000 euros from its Plan for the Modernization of Municipal Markets

The Department of Commerce and Markets of the Redován City Council, led by councilor Maite Martínez, has announced the recent installation of six air conditioners in the municipal market, acquired thanks to a grant from the Alicante Provincial Council for development of actions in the field of economic development. The amount granted corresponds to 90% of the amount of expenditure, “a total of 4.129 euros that are part of the Plan for Modernization of Municipal Markets of the economic development area of ​​the provincial entity,” said the mayor.

The air conditioners equipped with heat pumps have already been installed in each of the establishments that offer service in the Redovanense food market, and as Martínez explained, this is an improvement that “was already very necessary given that the workers who carry out their activity in these facilities needed it especially for the summer months due to the high temperatures that can be registered inside ”. The new provision also benefits people who come to make their purchases, “improving the environment and facilitating access to it.” In the same way, it is an environmentally responsible acquisition, since the inverter split model to which the installed devices correspond “allows greater efficiency and lower energy consumption, allowing the area to be kept at a constant temperature more easily”, he stated. the councilor.

The mayor thanked the Alicante Provincial Council for granting this grant. At the same time, he assured that “this action shows our commitment as a government team with the commerce of our municipality and the small merchants, whom we will help whenever it is in our power”. This is one more performance of the Redován food market, which in recent years has been renovated by the City Council with the improvement of the toilets, as well as the painting of the entire building.