Open the deadline for participation of the III edition of the National Pasodoble Contest “Villa de Redován”

  • The prizes, up to 1,500 euros, will be announced at the concert scheduled for June 27 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music

The Councilor for Culture of the City Council of Redován, Clara Ezcurra, has announced that the deadline for sending works to participate in the National Contest of Pasodoble Composition “Villa de Redován”, which this year celebrates its third edition, is already open , and whose bases were approved last Friday at the Local Government Board.

The deadline for submission of the original and unpublished compositions of the pasodoble concert mode will be Friday, May 29 at 2:00 p.m. Of the works received, a jury composed of three members of recognized prestige within the world of music will make a previous selection of four compositions, which will be performed by the Musical Union of Redován in a concert at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music on next Saturday June 27th.

It will be there where the pasodobles winners are announced, being the first prize of 1,000 euros and diploma, whose name will decide the Musical Union, and 500 euros and diploma for the second. The third and fourth prizes will also receive nominative distinctions. The musical group will also decide with its vote the piece deserving a special mention.

The participation bases, with the requirements and way of sending the works are available at the Electronic Headquarters of the City of Redován. Any questions or requests for information may be directed by email to the address, or by phone 635 59 30 22.

Redován awards the drawing prizes “Las abarcas desertas” of the Sagrados Corazones public school

  • The event, which celebrates its tenth edition this year, has had the participation of 79 children from the center, who attend 3rd grade

Last Friday afternoon, at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda cultural center in Redován, the awards ceremony for the tenth edition of the drawing contest “Las abarcas desiertas” was held, organized by the Miguel Hernández Chair of the UMH university, the councilors of Culture and Education of the Redován City Council, the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation and the Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality.

In this way, the four elementary school students who won the prize, consisting of a batch of school products, have been José Miguel Gómez Sigüenza (class A); Alejandro Rives Guirao (class B); Diana Cortegano Pérez (class C), and Verónica Peral Bascuñana (class D).

The winning works were selected last December by the jury composed of José Luis Ferris, director of the Miguel Hernández Chair; Marisol Ibáñez, Councilor for Education; Clara Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture; Aitor Larrabide, director of the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation, and Mª Amparo Puertas, director of the center.

Both councilors conveyed their congratulations to the finalist students, “and especially to the four winners of this contest,” said Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture, “which brings the figure of the poet Miguel Hernández to our schoolchildren.” For his part, Marisol Ibáñez, mayor of Education, highlighted the high quality of the 79 works presented, “which have shown great talent this year and have made the choice of finalist drawings very difficult.”

Redován starts its Christmas activities with a program focused on the little ones

  • Children’s theater, the traditional Christmas parade through the streets of the municipality and the visit of the Magi with their Grand Cavalcade are some of the activities that can not be missed every year
Christmas comes to Redován thanks to the activities organized by the Department of Festivities, which the mayor, Nely Ruiz, and the Department of Culture, headed by the mayor Clara Ezcurra. The events "will focus this year on the little ones, the true protagonists of these dates," said the mayor.

In this way, the festive program will begin next Saturday, December 21, with the play ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music from 5:30 p.m. The representation has the support of the Diputación de Alicante and admission will be free until the auditorium capacity is completed. The next day, Sunday, December 22, the music will bring the spirit of Christmas to the Redovans with the traditional Christmas Parade of the Musical Union of Redován, “which will tour the municipality from 11:00 am announcing the neighbors the arrival of the holidays ”, Clara Ezcurra informed. It will be in the afternoon, at 5:00 p.m., when the boys and girls of Redován “can have a great time in the Church Square with the Children's Festival organized by the San Miguel Arcángel Parish,” explained the mayor of Culture.

The Christmas activities will continue on Thursday, December 26 with the Christmas Concert of the Orihuela City Orchestra, starting at 8:00 p.m. at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music. On Thursday, January 2, the visit of the Royal Page to the City Hall will take place from 5:30 p.m., where the little ones will be able to deliver the letters with their wishes for the Magi. Likewise, on Sunday 5, starting at 5:45 p.m., it will be when his Majesties of the East will parade through the streets of Redován in his Grand Cavalcade, which will run from the Plaza de la Cruz to Juan Carlos I Street. “Will take place the traditional representation of the Auto de Reyes in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento from 7:00 pm, after which the Kings will distribute sweets and toys to all the children of the municipality as a gift,” said Nely Ruiz .

This program joins the one held last weekend in the Plaza de la Paz, where the Christmas Trade and Gastronomy Fair took place. During these two days “we have had the presence of many residents of the municipality supporting our commerce and local products, as well as children’s and leisure activities for the whole family, including the visit of the elves and Santa Claus to Redován” , the mayor has finished.

‘It shines like the light ’, by Fernando Lizana Lozano, winner of the Pasodobles Villa de Redován contest

  • The awards for the winning pieces were delivered last Saturday, November 30 at the concert that took place in the House of Music of the municipality

The second edition of the Villa de Redován Pasodobles Contest already has a winning work. The piece ‘Shines like the light’, composed by Fernando Lizana Lozano from Madrid, won the first prize of this competition nationwide and endowed with 1,000 euros, among the 4 works that managed to reach the final concert last Saturday in the auditorium of the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music.

The winning work, chosen by the jury of specialized musicians and made up of José Miguel Rodilla Tortajada, Sixto Manuel Herrero Rodes and Javier Pérez Garrido, will be renamed ‘Musical Union of Redován. 30th anniversary 1989-2019 ’, in honor of the anniversary of the creation of this musical association.

The second place, endowed with 500 euros, went to the pasodoble composed of the Almeria Francisco M. Castilla Gutiérrez and entitled “Landscapes”, while the third was for the work “Virguerías”. Its author, Malaga’s Tomás Ocaña González, also obtained the Special Mention granted by the popular vote of the Musical Union of Redován, also organizers of this contest and performers of the works at the concert. The fourth prize went to the work ‘Santana’, by Murcia composer Pablo López Bernal.

The Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, wanted to congratulate the winner of the contest “but also the four finalists, who have been able to attend this concert today, for the great quality of the works presented, something that has made it very difficult for the jury the choice of a single winning work ”. Likewise, the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has conveyed her congratulations to the first prize “and to all the participants of this contest that, with this second edition, has already been consolidated and puts Redován on the national music scene”.


The pasodobles contest “Villa de Redován” will reveal the winning works after Saturday’s concert in the municipality

  • The second edition of this national competition has had a large participation, with a total of 10 works received

The City Council of Redován will announce the winners of the II national contest of pasodobles “Villa de Redován”, after the concert next Saturday, November 30 that will take place from 9:00 pm at the House of Music “Antonio Ibáñez Serrano ”of the municipality.

The four finalist pieces, “Shine like the light”, “Landscapes”, “Santana” and “Virguerías”, will be performed by the Musical Union of Redován, where a jury composed of three members of recognized prestige in the world of music will choose The winning work. Cash prizes amount to 1,500 euros, giving 1,000 euros to first place, 500 euros to second and nominative distinctions for third and fourth place. Likewise, the Musical Union, who also organizes the contest, will give a special mention to the piece they choose by popular vote.

“We are very satisfied with the reception this second edition has had,” said the mayor of Culture, Clara Ezcurra. “This is a contest of great relevance and nationwide, in which this year we have had a very large participation to receive 10 pieces,” he said. “It is certainly a contest that has become a benchmark among composers of this genre, since we have received pieces from all parts of Spain, such as Andalusia or Madrid,” added the councilor.

Redován programs three days of “Halloween” activities aimed at children

Workshops, storytelling, mats, a contest and the great costume parade are the activities that the Redován City Council has scheduled for next week on the occasion of the “Halloween” holiday in the municipality.

The mayor of the town, Nely Ruiz, accompanied by the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, have been responsible for presenting this “terrifying” program, “in which, one more year, we try to make the children of the town enjoy and Have a fun and lively time, ”said the first mayor. “This is an American party but it has taken a deep breath among the youngest, and we want to offer leisure activities so that the children of Redován can have fun,” he added.

The activities will begin on Tuesday 29 with various craft workshops with Halloween themes, which will take place at 6:00 pm in the Municipal Library. For its part, and also at 6:00 p.m., on Wednesday, October 30, a scary storyteller will be held at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda Social Center.

The main course of the activities will take place on Thursday, October 31, Halloween and Halloween, “where from 18:30, the traditional Pumpkin Contest will be held” in the Plaza de la Cruz ” , explained the Councilor for Culture, “with a lot of school material as a prize to the participants with the three best designs presented”. Then, at 7:30 p.m., the Great Costume Parade will begin “in which all the children who wish to participate can participate,” Ezcurra completes, and will end at the Plaza de la Paz, where the little ones You can have fun with the mats installed there.

The Sacred Hearts of Redován school will also be the scene of the spooky activities, since it will be there where, from 9:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m., “The passage of terror” will take place, aimed at groups of 8 people and you spend every 10 minutes that, in the case of children under 12, must access accompanied by an adult to the “child” version of this. To participate in this activity it will be necessary to register in advance in the City Council.

The mayor of Redován has wanted to invite all the boys and girls of the town, and from nearby municipalities of the Vega Baja, “to participate in all this thematic programming in which we hope people get involved and we can have a“ scary ”time.