Open the deadline to submit works to the II edition of the National Contest of Pasodobles ‘Villa de Redován’

The prizes, up to 1,500 euros, will be decided at a concert scheduled for November 30 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music

Redován 2/8/2019. The Councilor for Culture of the City of Redován, Clara Ezcurra, has announced that the call for the National Pasodobles Contest ‘Villa de Redován’ is already open, which this year celebrates its second edition, and whose bases were approved by the Local Government Board The last friday.

Until September 30 at two in the afternoon, all those national and foreign composers residing in Spain may send their original and unpublished compositions in concert mode. A jury of three members of recognized prestige in the world of music will be in charge of choosing the four finalist pieces. The Musical Union of Redován, also organizer of the contest, will be in charge of interpreting the compositions that reach the final in a special concert that will take place on November 30 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music. Time in which the winning work will be determined.

The cash prizes amount to 1,500 euros in total, being 1,000 euros and a diploma for the first prize, whose piece will receive the name decided by the Musical Union of Redován, and 500 euros and a diploma for the second. The third and fourth prize will obtain nominative distinctions. In addition, the members of the Musical Union of Redován will grant one of the pasodobles a special mention by vote, which may or may not coincide with the decision of the specialized jury.

The bases with the requirements to be fulfilled are available at the Electronic Headquarters of the Redován City Council. Any questions or requests for information may be referred by email to, or by phone 635 59 30 22.

The Municipal Study Room of Redován can be open 24 hours a day thanks to a fingerprint system

  • The expansion of the Center of the Third Age opens its doors with the study room and the exhibition hall that dedicates to the local poet Joaquín Martínez
  • People interested in having access they will have to go to the Town Hall and register through the software implanted to read the fingerprints

Redován already has a new building Once started up, on Padre Manjón Street, the extension of the Center of the Third Age. Three floors of a building that lodge in the ground floor Municipal Archive and a multipurpose space and that since yesterday counts in its first floor with a Study Room 24 hours and in the second, a place to organize exhibitions that has been dedicated to Joaquín Martínez Martínez, “poet local already deceased with a very neat work and who was also the author of the letter of the anthem of the locality “, has specified the mayor, Emilio Fernandez. It was yesterday afternoon when the extension of the building officially opened with the opening of an exhibition by the veteran painter Joaquín Martínez Carrillo, son of the poet whose name has been given to the room, and María Escarabajal, a young painter, student of Fine Arts, who was author a few years ago of the cover design of the holiday book.

As a peculiarity, the mayor has given know the system that will allow the Study Room to be available of its users 24 hours a day, “since it is impossible to count on staff for the 24 hours, what we have done is to put in place a system of automatic opening with fingerprint “, the alderman has indicated. In this way, people interested in having access to this room will have to go to City Council and register through software that will allow you to read your fingerprint digital in the reader installed in the room. “Also, a camera has been installed which records people entering and leaving, “said Fernandez.

The expansion that now culminates with the opening of its three plants has been underway since 2011 when it opened there the municipal file. In total it has involved an investment of one million euros with the help of two plans of Works and Services of the Provincial Council Provincial de Alicante and the contribution of 200,000 euros from the City Council. In this last phase they have invested 450,000 euros and has acted on 270 meters squares. The mayor of Redova has assured that this municipal space ” It allows us to organize exhibitions and house those that request us, since until now we did not have a fixed place to carry them out, and especially response to a historical demand of our students, who already have a space in Redován to study, without having to travel to other municipalities, “he concluded.

Redován celebrates its first visual poetry school contest

The hall of events of the Sacred Hearts of Redován CEIP hosted last Friday the awards ceremony of the I Visual poetry school competition held in the municipality. A contest in which children from all classes of fifth grade of the school have participated. These students have had the opportunity to get to know this kind of poetry a little over a month ago thanks to the Caligrama 2000 Project, a successful and renowned visual poetry workshop developed by the Vigo poet and pedagogue David Fernández Rivera and promoted by Nely Ruiz from the Department of Education of the Municipality. The contest, organized by the City Council of Redován and promoted by the poet himself as a result of the enthusiasm of the students after living the experience of the workshop in the classrooms, has been carried out with the wish that the children of the Sacred Hearts CEIP can develop different skills such as imagination, the search for communication, the development of the many skills required to build a visual poem, as well as to solidify everything learned with David Fernández Rivera in the Caligrama 2000 Project. Thanks to this initiative the children have become autonomous creators of their own visual poems and have been able to share their new concerns with the poet who, as president of the jury, and accompanied by the mayor of Redován, Emilio M. Fernández, as well as by the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, presented the contest prizes. Specifically medals and diplomas were awarded to the three best poems and diplomas to seven finalists. In addition, the winner has received a trophy that reproduces an original work by Rivera himself. The award-winning poems, as explained by the jury, which was also part of the cultural promoter and writer from Oriolan Javier Catalan, have stood out for the application of the visual techniques worked in the workshop, for creativity and for its communicative effectiveness. The children received their prizes full of enthusiasm and desire to continue learning and working with David Fernández Rivera from this new poetic perspective. Also, before the act began, the mayor of Redován and the councilor of culture received the poet in the Consistory, where he signed in the Book of Honor in recognition of his cultural contribution to the municipality; In addition, he received from the hands of Emilio Fernández a reproduction of the sculpture of the Griffon of Redován, undoubtedly one of the most representative symbols of the town, and that Rivera thanked with some emotional words.

The 24-hour Study Room and the Redován Municipal Exhibition Hall will be finished in two months

Redovan 27/02/2019. The works to build a 24-hour Study Room and the one that will be the Municipal Exhibition Hall of Redován, in the extension of the Third Age building, are going at a good pace and its completion is expected in about 60 days. This was explained this morning by the mayor, Emilio Fernández, who has visited the progress of the works that have an investment of 450,000 euros.

The work being carried out includes two plants with an area of ​​270 square meters. “This project began in 2011 with the extension of the Third Age building and the Municipal Archive”, explained Fernández.

The building has a total cost of one million euros, after all the work done over the past years and has been helped by two plans of Oras and Services of the Provincial Council of Alicante, providing the City Council 200,000 euros

The mayor has expressed his satisfaction that “we fulfilled a commitment with the residents of Redován who demanded a 24-hour Study Class so that our young people did not have to go to other municipalities to study in conditions”. Also, the mayor has stressed that thanks to this action “finally we will have a municipal exhibition hall to accommodate all kinds of samples.” In this sense Fernandez recalled that the municipal archive was installed in the first phase on the ground floor and said that “we are very sensitive with everything that surrounds the history of the municipality and that is why we wanted the archives to be in a place optimal for its conservation and study “.

Fernandez also thanked the Provincial Council of Alicante for their help to undertake works that “will improve the quality of life of citizens and once completed the neighbors can enjoy these facilities for many years.”

The areas of Culture and Sports of Redován put the municipality at the forefront of the towns of Vega Baja

Clara Ezcurra and Ramón López shed all the activities carried out in which the town has been disseminated throughout the national territory

The mayor of Youth, Tourism and Culture, Clara Ezcurra and the Councilor for Sports, Environment, Public Safety and Markets, Ramón López Escarabajal, today took stock of this mandate in which they have carried out numerous activities and actions that have put Redován in the spotlight as an example to follow in these matters. The mayor, Emilio Fernández, was in charge of presenting the work of both departments and said that “we have considered culture as one of the fundamental elements of the legislature, with initiatives that have given voice to citizens and, as regards security, the technical teams have been renewed to improve the quality of life of the neighbors “.

In Youth, Ezcurra has highlighted the commitment of the council for the summer trips to the water park, holding for the first time of Youth Day, at academic level holding the Cambridge exams at the institute and the youth information point about activities related to young people. The mayor has stressed that “the study room is almost ready 24 hours and soon all young people can enjoy.” And he has announced that an Escape Room will be held on March 16.

As for tourism, the mayor has highlighted the opening of hiking trails, as well as theatrical routes and gastronomic days with the collaboration of the Festera Board and Association of Hotel Owners. Likewise, a Christmas day has been celebrated without forgetting “the increase in tourism thanks to via ferrata”. Also around the culture there are numerous activities during the year and the person in charge of the area wanted to highlight “the Abarcas Desierto contest, cultural trips, carnivals, as well as the collaboration of the council in religious events such as Holy Week with the presentation of the poster and proclamation and processions “. One activity highlighted by Ezcurra has been ‘music in your bars’, bringing concerts and monologues through redován venues, as well as the Sacred Music Contest, a Halloween parade and the celebration in November of Santa Cecilia with a multitude of activities.

For his part, Ramón López Escarabal, highlighted in the Department of Markets the remodeling of the Plaza de Abastos “with improvements in accessibility, as well as piped music or the change of lights.” As for Environment “we have worked very hard with the theme of ‘tomicus destruens’ to solve this plague in which all affected pine trees have been cut and 1,000 performances of sashes and tree basins to retain the water and be able to plant.” Likewise, autochthonous plantations have been made. The mayor also highlighted the implementation of the urban garden in the center of the municipality and two Erasmus activities related to the Environment and thanks to which “students from up to five countries have come”.

On the other hand, in Citizen Security, Emergencies and Traffic has been remodeled the clothing and expanded the technical means, as well as the incorporation of more agents “and have covered all the seats that were available.” In addition, new units have also been set up for the Police Headquarters so that the agents “were in the best conditions”.

In addition, the mayor of Sports has explained that the artificial turf has been remodeled football field, as well as costumes, and so on. In addition, performances have been carried out in the indoor pool, “with more than 200 users”, remodeling of the changing rooms of the Los Pasos sports center, as well as the setting up of the Cantera Express environment, collaboration with the Climbing Club as well as the MTB Club.

Finally, López Escarabajal has highlighted the implementation of the Via Ferrata de Redován. “It has had a very important social, economic and tourist impact in the municipality and will be expanded to be the longest in Spain.”

Redován presents its Christmas activities with a traditional street market as the main novelty

The municipality of Redován enters fully into the Christmas holidays during this long weekend, and especially from Sunday 9 December. The councilors of Fiestas y Comercio, Nely Ruiz and Maite Martínez respectively, have presented today the Christmas activities that will take place in the town to
celebrate these very endearing dates.

Before the family reunions and some dates of being in the home, the women of the municipality will be able to enjoy a day of excursion to the city of Benidorm. Organized by the Department of Social Welfare, includes a sightseeing tour of the city center. “A day of coexistence and fun that we hope that the women of our town enjoy in a different environment and have a moment of leisure and entertainment accompanied by other women,” said Ruiz.

The main novelty of this year’s program is the celebration of a Christmas market this Sunday in the Plaza de la Paz from 10.30 am to 8.00 pm. The mayor of Commerce has reported that “it is a market in which participating establishments in our municipality, an activity that in this time of shopping and gifts seeks to promote local trade.” Along with the market will be held
a tasting and preparation of sausages by the butchers of the town.

A program of activities for the whole family
The children will have the opportunity to have a great time on Sunday, December 16, with the Children’s Christmas Festival, organized by the San Miguel Arcángel Parish. And is that “children are the main protagonists in these days full of magic,” said the councilor of Fiestas, “with these activities especially aimed at them.” The festival will begin at 5:00 pm, at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano Music House.

Thus, the expected visit of Santa Claus to the municipality will be on Saturday, December 22 at 11.30 am, “which will bring hope to all the children of the town”, and that “will be accompanied during the same of the Dance Association and the Band Musical Union of Redován “, has informed the aedile.

Once the month of January has arrived, the Paje Real will land in Redován from 5:00 pm on Thursday 3, accompanied by many surprises. ” The visit of the page will serve as a preamble to the great Cavalcade of the Three Wise Men, which will take place from 5:30 p.m. on January 5 through the streets of Redován and in which children’s characters will also participate.

To end his speech, Ruiz has invited the participation in these activities of the residents of the municipality, expressed his desire that “they are to everyone’s liking and join us in celebrating these close and family dates.”