Redován puts out to tender the management of the works for the school and the secondary school under the Edificant Plan

  • The amount of the two bids totals 139,238 euros and will be used to adapt these buildings to current needs and regulations.

The councillor for Urban Planning and Contracting of Redován, José Nájar, has reported the start of the tender process for the extension and renovation of the CEIP Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality and the adaptation of the Jaime de Sant Àngel secondary school, as part of the Edificant Plan. Both actions “will solve the problems that these centres have had for a long time, such as the lack of space in the case of the secondary school, and the adaptation of the surroundings to the conditions and regulations of accessibility, in the case of the school”, said the councillor.

With these tenders “a very important step is taken in the implementation of the Edificant Plan in the municipality,” said the councillor for Urban Planning, “which will allow the Town Hall to start the tender for the works during the second quarter of this year. Redován Town Council has a budget of 3.7 million euros for the development of the Plan Edificant in the municipality.

In this way, the Consistory begins the tender for the construction management and coordination of safety, health and other services for the expansion and adaptation of the I.E.S Jaime de Sant Angel de Redován, which “will be based on a memory made by the City Council, and which will include the creation of a classroom of 1,369 square meters for six classes for students of ESO and Bachillerato,” said Nájar. In addition, a smaller classroom and a computer room will also be planned. The total amount of this tender is 59,612 euros, and the deadline for submitting bids is 20 March.

With regard to the Sagrados Corazones school, the tender announced corresponds to the drafting of the project, the project management, and the coordination of safety, health and other services for its extension and adaptation. The actions to be carried out will focus on two very old pavilions in which, as the councillor reported, “an improvement in accessibility will be carried out, with the installation of an external lift and a structure with double staircase and corridors, as well as the adaptation of the toilets for students with reduced mobility”.

Other improvements will include the replacement of blinds and carpentry, the elimination of leaks in the exterior pergola and the repair of areas of the façade, as well as the installation of accessible playground equipment in the courtyard. The works will be completed with the air conditioning of the red pavilion building, “to avoid the high temperatures that occur inside the classrooms during the summer months,” said the councillor. The tender for these works is 79,625 euros, and the deadline for submitting bids is 16 March.

Redován reinforces health protection measures in view of the increase in cases of Covid-19 in the municipality

  • The measures include the suspension of extra-curricular activities, the closure of parks and gardens at night and the reinforcement of disinfection

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has announced this morning the reinforcement of the health measures against Covid-19, in view of the increase in the number of positive cases in the municipality. In this way, and from Saturday 19 September, “we will proceed to carry out several urgent and extraordinary measures such as the closure of municipal parks and green areas, which will not be accessible from 21:00 until the morning of the next day,” explained the first mayor.

Likewise, the cleaning and disinfection of streets and public spaces of great affluence will be intensified, both in the municipality of Redován and in its neighbourhoods, in order to continue the work of preventing contagion of Covid-19. Similarly, and in consensus with the educational centres, Ruiz explained that “it has been decided to temporarily suspend extra-curricular activities, reducing the time of contact between schoolchildren and thus reducing the possibility of contagion”.

In this sense the Mayoress has informed, through the Department of Public Health of Orihuela, of the confinement of a second class of Infant Education in the CEIP Sagrados Corazones of the municipality in the 4 year old classroom, which joins the one confirmed yesterday in the same centre, of five years, after the detection of a positive case among the students. Both classes are under the protocols and measures of action necessary to contain the situation.

The first councillor asked for “patience” from the population and that “security measures be taken to prevent them from having to be even tougher in the face of a new increase in cases”. Ruiz stressed the need to comply with health measures, such as the obligatory use of masks at all times, maintaining a safe distance and correct hand hygiene.

The Redován City Council reinforces health security measures against Covid-19 for the return to school

  • The purchase of thermometers, masks and fans or the reinforcement of personnel and the disinfection of surfaces are the main measures

The Councilor for Health and Education of the Redován City Council, Marisol Ibáñez, has informed today of the measures to reinforce health security against the coronavirus adopted by the Consistory for the return to school on September 7 in the educational centers of the municipality. Ibáñez has stated that “our main objective is to complement as much as we can the protocols that have been prepared both from the centers and from the Ministry”, since “the safety of our children and young people to avoid infections is the most important thing”.

Thus, through a grant, the City Council will assign a second janitor to support tasks at CEIP Sagrados Corazones throughout the year. In addition, the cleaning service has been reinforced, incorporating four workers in the morning shift to carry out daily surface disinfection tasks. “There have also been two disinfections against the virus in the building’s facilities,” explained the mayor, “and another that will be carried out today, Friday, before the children enter the center.” Another measure that has been carried out, as reported by Ibáñez, has been the acquisition of 15 fans “to facilitate the aeration and ventilation of the classrooms”, in addition to the installation of covers and toilet seats in all toilets of the center with the aim of eliminating the possibilities of contagion among children when Similarly, and with regard to the Pasitos nursery school, the City Council will assume the extra expense that the scenario caused by Covid-19 has meant for the center, “as required by current regulations after the health situation that we are living “, explained the mayor,” always with the aim of guaranteeing that the facilities are in optimal hygienic, sanitary and disinfection conditions. ” The council has also carried out the acquisition of both masks for workers and infrared thermometers to control the temperature of the little ones, as well as waste bins with a lid and material for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Likewise, the acquisition of individual school material has been carried out, “to prevent it from being shared among minors and thus reduce the chances of contagion.”making use of them.

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has stated that “a return to school with all the guarantees is our total priority, to which we are going to contribute as City Council in whatever way we can, always complying with the regulations stipulated by both the Ministry of Health as by Conselleria ”. The first mayor has reported the meeting at the initiative of the City Council and the Department of Education that, prior to the start of the course, took place this morning between the Covid-19 coordinators of all the centers and those responsible for the medical center “to treat the communication and action protocols to be developed in the event that there may be a suspicious case ”, adding that“ they are also working together with the Redován Local Police, which will be the one who will coordinate the entrances to the centers in a staggered manner ” .

Redován awards the drawing prizes “Las abarcas desertas” of the Sagrados Corazones public school

  • The event, which celebrates its tenth edition this year, has had the participation of 79 children from the center, who attend 3rd grade

Last Friday afternoon, at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda cultural center in Redován, the awards ceremony for the tenth edition of the drawing contest “Las abarcas desiertas” was held, organized by the Miguel Hernández Chair of the UMH university, the councilors of Culture and Education of the Redován City Council, the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation and the Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality.

In this way, the four elementary school students who won the prize, consisting of a batch of school products, have been José Miguel Gómez Sigüenza (class A); Alejandro Rives Guirao (class B); Diana Cortegano Pérez (class C), and Verónica Peral Bascuñana (class D).

The winning works were selected last December by the jury composed of José Luis Ferris, director of the Miguel Hernández Chair; Marisol Ibáñez, Councilor for Education; Clara Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture; Aitor Larrabide, director of the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation, and Mª Amparo Puertas, director of the center.

Both councilors conveyed their congratulations to the finalist students, “and especially to the four winners of this contest,” said Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture, “which brings the figure of the poet Miguel Hernández to our schoolchildren.” For his part, Marisol Ibáñez, mayor of Education, highlighted the high quality of the 79 works presented, “which have shown great talent this year and have made the choice of finalist drawings very difficult.”

The City Council of Redován allocates 5,000 euros to aid for the purchase of school supplies

  • The area of Education aims to support parents who have had their children enrolled in the second cycle of Children

The City Council of Redován grants one more year the aid for the acquisition of school material during the 2018/2019 academic year to students of the second cycle of Children. The edile of Education, Marisol Ibáñez, has been in charge of publicizing these aids, whose bases as well as the instances to be filled out for their application are in the electronic office, in the bulletin board of the website of the City Council of Redován through the link:

The total amount that is going to be used for this purpose is five thousand euros and one of the requirements is to be enrolled in the Sagrados Corazones de Redován Public School in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education and that the family income per person is not greater than eleven a thousand euros. In addition, the applicant, as well as their parents or guardians must be registered in the locality. Schoolchildren who ask for help must attend the center on an ongoing basis. All these requirements are specifically found in the call and bases that have been published in the electronic office.

Ibáñez has ensured that with these aids “we give facilities to the families of Redován to face an important expense for them and, also, help them that their sons and daughters study in the best possible conditions”. In addition the mayor of the area recalled that “we aim to continue with this type of aid because the education of our children is the most valuable thing we have and we want to contribute to make it in optimal circumstances.

On the other hand, Ibáñez recalled that the deadline to submit all documentation is until September 16, inclusive. The documentation can be submitted by electronic registration, by mail or by presenting the documentation in the general register of the City Council, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

University Transportation

On the other hand, the Councilor for Education, Marisol Ibáñez, recalled today that the proposal for the granting of financial aid for university transport during the 2018/2019 academic year has been published on the bulletin board of the electronic headquarters. In this regard, the mayor explained that a total of 7,000 euros have been allocated. “From the Department of Education will continue to support our young people because they are our future,” said Ibáñez, who added that “about 40 university students have benefited from this help to pay for part of the transport they use to go to the centers of study”.


The Municipal Study Room of Redován can be open 24 hours a day thanks to a fingerprint system

  • The expansion of the Center of the Third Age opens its doors with the study room and the exhibition hall that dedicates to the local poet Joaquín Martínez
  • People interested in having access they will have to go to the Town Hall and register through the software implanted to read the fingerprints

Redován already has a new building Once started up, on Padre Manjón Street, the extension of the Center of the Third Age. Three floors of a building that lodge in the ground floor Municipal Archive and a multipurpose space and that since yesterday counts in its first floor with a Study Room 24 hours and in the second, a place to organize exhibitions that has been dedicated to Joaquín Martínez Martínez, “poet local already deceased with a very neat work and who was also the author of the letter of the anthem of the locality “, has specified the mayor, Emilio Fernandez. It was yesterday afternoon when the extension of the building officially opened with the opening of an exhibition by the veteran painter Joaquín Martínez Carrillo, son of the poet whose name has been given to the room, and María Escarabajal, a young painter, student of Fine Arts, who was author a few years ago of the cover design of the holiday book.

As a peculiarity, the mayor has given know the system that will allow the Study Room to be available of its users 24 hours a day, “since it is impossible to count on staff for the 24 hours, what we have done is to put in place a system of automatic opening with fingerprint “, the alderman has indicated. In this way, people interested in having access to this room will have to go to City Council and register through software that will allow you to read your fingerprint digital in the reader installed in the room. “Also, a camera has been installed which records people entering and leaving, “said Fernandez.

The expansion that now culminates with the opening of its three plants has been underway since 2011 when it opened there the municipal file. In total it has involved an investment of one million euros with the help of two plans of Works and Services of the Provincial Council Provincial de Alicante and the contribution of 200,000 euros from the City Council. In this last phase they have invested 450,000 euros and has acted on 270 meters squares. The mayor of Redova has assured that this municipal space ” It allows us to organize exhibitions and house those that request us, since until now we did not have a fixed place to carry them out, and especially response to a historical demand of our students, who already have a space in Redován to study, without having to travel to other municipalities, “he concluded.