May 17, 2024 | Environment, News
Redován is celebrating World Recycling Day today with an action aimed at increasing the selective collection of light packaging, i.e. all those that should be deposited in the yellow container such as milk and juice cartons, food and drink cans, plastic containers, etc. The municipality participates, as part of the Vega Baja Sostenible Consortium, in ‘El Reto del Reciclaje’, a competition between the municipalities of the region, which will be won by the locality that recycles the most packaging. The councillor for the Environment, Ramón López Escarabajal, has encouraged the entire population to participate and, with this, help the Association El Árbol de los Sueños which helps people with functional diversity, to which, in case of winning, the prize will be destined. The Recycling Challenge is promoted by Ecoembes and the Regional Ministry for the Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Territory in collaboration with the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium, and aims to involve citizens in the selective collection and recycling of waste and raise awareness of the problem of not doing so for the environment and for our future as a society
The action taking place this morning in the Plaza Miguel Hernández in Redován, coinciding with the street market, raises awareness of the need to separate waste at home so that it can be disposed of correctly. “In the tent installed all the information and a small gift is given to people who come, so that in this way they remember when they are at home that they have to throw each waste in a bag and then to their corresponding container, the yellow container packaging, paper and cardboard to the blue, and organic waste to the gray,” recalled the councillor for the Environment.
The councillor also informed that, in addition, every Wednesday the mobile ecopark of the Vega Baja Sostenible Consortium visits Redován, where other waste which should not be disposed of in the containers found in the streets of Redován can also be thrown away. “In this case, in the ecopark you can also take kitchen utensils that you no longer use, small electrical appliances, light bulbs, used cooking oil and other waste that if you throw them in the grey bin they would cause irreparable environmental damage”. He encouraged the public to recycle and make Redován a more sustainable municipality.
Jul 27, 2022 | Education, Environment, News
The project ‘Redovánpolis Go!’ The sustainable village’ developed by the Colegio Sagrados Corazones de Redován with the support of the City Council since its inception makes a positive balance of the course and presents its latest creation, ‘Metrominuto Redován’. It is a map developed by students of fifth and sixth grade in which the average travel times between different points of interest in the town are established. It is intended to promote mobility on foot, thus reducing CO2 emissions from vehicles into the atmosphere, involving families in its development and thus having a more sustainable town, which is the main objective of the project.
Councilman Environment, Ramon Lopez, said that ‘RedovánpolisGO!’ is not only new “but it is very necessary and effective, since from the school students are given a series of guidelines for recycling, mobility, and in general everything necessary to create a society increasingly aware of the respect it deserves the environment to, among other things, curb problems that we have to fight, such as climate change. That is why he wanted to congratulate once again the school and its teachers “for having managed to raise awareness among children who in turn apply these teachings at home and make their parents also be more respectful of the environment”.
Lopez has indicated that the City Council will install the map of ‘Metrominuto’ in places like the Avenida de la Diputación, so that it can be consulted. In addition, it can be downloaded from the website of the City Council “and a QR code has been developed through which anyone can carry it on their cell phone”.
Balance of the course
For ‘Redovánpolis Go!’ the 2021-2022 academic year has been the take-off of the project, although it began to develop during the previous academic year, as indicated by the project coordinator, Rubén Ferrer. The impact at the educational level has been high, with the participation of teachers, students and families in the different missions that have completed, month after month, all the classes. This participation has achieved, among other things, a better recycling of the school’s resources, in addition to collecting more than 7,000 bottle caps and more than 380 kilos of batteries.
Solidarity is also part of the school project, with missions that have raised money for the Association El Árbol de los Sueños, in addition to collecting food and materials for the Association Patas sin Fronteras, coordinated by the Infant cycle. From the third cycle, which has developed the ‘Metrominuto Redován’, have been received by the AMPA some farming tools for the school garden launched this year with the help of the City Council. The project has created the Virtual Museum of the sustainable village where you can visit the works of art made on the occasion of 8M, since equality is to start from the sustainable village.
‘Redovánpolis Go!’ has also been the subject of several awards such as the Grifo de Redován Award granted in April by the City Council. But it has also crossed the borders of the municipality as a finalist in a national contest and first prize in environmental competitions and on digital transformation of the classroom, an award that will be collected in Seville in the coming weeks. Likewise, the project has been exhibited in Elche in the framework of the I Jorndas de la ‘Red ODS 2030: Caminando hacia el futuro’ and in November it will be in ‘Vincle educatiu’ of the Fuhem Foundation in collaboration with the City Council and the University of Valencia, where it will be presented as a project of good practices in the school community.
Jun 6, 2022 | Councils News, Environment, News
The City Council of Redován wanted this year’s celebration of World Environment Day to focus on the work carried out in this area by the Colegio Sagrados Corazones, and, therefore, this day was celebrated with the students and teachers from college. The school center has been developing the project ‘RedovánpolisGo! The sustainable people’ that has just received the first prize at the national level in the category of health, well-being and food in the XII School Contest ‘Let’s take care of the Environment’. The Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, has assured that “it was worth delaying the celebration of this day that took place yesterday, Sunday, to be able to share it with such an important asset in caring for the environment in Redován, such as the school ”.

The mayor, who has been accompanied by the Councilor for Education, Rebeca Martínez, and the mayor, Nely Ruiz, as well as management personnel from the school and those responsible for Redovánpolis, added that these workshops and activities “we want them to serve as a token of appreciation from all the people of Redován to the work that is carried out in the school, since it is very important that we contribute to improving the environment from childhood and in our homes, through recycling, the reuse of objects and with this, we reduce the waste that we generate. In this sense, he has recalled that on many occasions it is the boys and girls who take home everything they have learned and encourage their parents to recycle.

During the morning, different activities were held, among which the presentation of the ecological municipal school garden stood out, “which comes to enrich that environmental and sustainable project of the school and for whose implementation the City Council has also collaborated”, he said the concilor.
For its realization they have had the collaboration of the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium, which has developed the recycling workshops and the boys and girls have had the opportunity to see closely the truck that is in charge of the equipment collection service, as well as the sweeper of the latest generation that is used in cleaning the streets of Redován “which we have labeled with the logo of the school project, so that it can be made known throughout our town”, indicated the mayor.
May 12, 2022 | Environment, Health service, Municipal Services, Infraestructures, parks and gardens, News, Town planning
The Town Council of Redován has launched, through the Town Planning Department, the annual campaign to clean up plots of land, through which owners of undeveloped land in the municipality are reminded that it is necessary to keep them in good condition to avoid the appearance of insects and rodents that cause inconvenience to the public. The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, has been in charge of presenting this campaign “for which on this occasion we have chosen to send a letter to all owners of plots of land in Redován urging them to clean up before 15 June, after which date the Local Police will monitor whether or not this has been done and the appropriate measures will be taken by the Town Council”. Nájar pointed out that this year, “instead of issuing a Bando de Alcaldía as has been done on other occasions, we have chosen to distribute this poster around the town, which is much more visual and which we think will reach more people who can see it”.
If I can do it, you can do it’, is the slogan of this campaign, which has also adopted the hashtag #RedovánMásLimpio that will accompany the publications that will be made every week on social networks. “The idea is to create a weekly photo album in which we can review the plots that are being cleaned”.
Municipal Ordinance
Since 2020, Redován has had a Municipal Ordinance on Neighbourhood Coexistence which establishes the obligation to maintain these plots in hygienic and healthy conditions. The municipal responsible has recalled that this regulation establishes fines for those who do not clean their plots “which can range from 750 to 1,500 euros, but I have to say that this campaign has no desire to collect money, but the only thing we intend from the City Council is that the land is cleaned and that, thereby, their owners contribute to our municipality is cleaner and do not generate problems of coexistence between neighbours.
Nájar pointed out that “the best time to carry out the clean-up is precisely now, during the months of May and June, and this year it is more than necessary, given that the rains in March and April have caused the plants to grow a lot and have brought forward the nuisance of mosquitoes and other types of insects”. He thanked those who have already done their duty and appealed to those who have not yet done so to get started as soon as possible.
Jan 28, 2022 | Education, Environment, News, Youth
On this occasion, the school’s project seeks to instil in the school community four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to equality and education.
Redován 28/1/2022. RedovánpolisGo! The sustainable village is the project that has been launched this year by the Sagrados Corazones School in Redován and which has the support of the Town Council. This project, aimed at instilling in the educational community the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, has launched a ‘special mission’ on the occasion of the celebration, on March 8, of International Women’s Day and which seeks the involvement not only of students and their families, but of all citizens of Redován.
The ‘Special Mission 8M’ aims to meet four of the SDGs, those relating to quality education, gender equality, reduction of inequalities and partnerships for the goals. Rubén Ferrer, coordinator of the Agenda 2030 commission, explains that participating is very easy, “you just have to create a poster on real equality between men and women”. The aim is to get as many posters as possible expressing the feelings of women we admire, whether they are from our families, friends, colleagues at school or work, or celebrities. The idea is for each participant to contribute their opinion on inequalities, how we should treat each other and, above all, that no one is more than anyone else, as the new mission states. In addition, on this occasion, the Redován Secondary School is also taking part.
Marisol Ibáñez, from the Department of Social Services, explains that the Town Council usually participates in this initiative through other departments more related to environmental protection or the promotion of sustainable practices such as recycling, “but we are really excited to also collaborate from Social Services in a mission in which we seek the participation of groups and people of our municipality in general”. To this end, from the Consistory “we are going to publicise the mission through our communication channels, sharing this initiative on our social networks as well as collecting the work in the Town Hall”.
With a view to the 8M events, the councillor specified that the possibility of exhibiting the posters is also being considered. The works can be submitted in A4 size with the name and contact number on the back. Teachers, children, families and grandmothers from the Mancomunidad La Vega will hand in their posters at the school, and anyone else who would like to participate can leave them at the Town Hall. The deadline for submitting entries is 11 February.
Dec 1, 2020 | Councils News, Environment, News, Sports
- The work has focused on the maintenance and conservation of the signs and the cleaning of stone dragging occurred in the DANA
The Councillor for the Environment and Sports of Redován Town Council, Ramón López, gave an account of the recent maintenance and conservation work carried out on footpaths in the Redován mountain range. These works have been aimed at the local path SL-146 known as Los Coloraos, and have been carried out with aid granted by the Provincial Council of Alicante for the conservation and improvement of municipal sites in municipalities in the province during the 2020 year. This path “showed a significant deterioration of the horizontal and vertical signs due to atmospheric agents, a deterioration which was aggravated by the passage of the DANA in September 2019, with the consequent danger it could pose for walkers and climbers”, explained the mayor. In addition, and as Lopez has indicated, the area “presented landslides with stones and gravel in several sections of the path, still as a consequence of the strong torrential rains”.
In this way, twelve tracking and signposting posts have been replaced along the almost two kilometres of the path, as well as a direction sign and a wooden interpretation table on the summit of the mountain range “which allows the identification of the different elements of the landscape surrounding the peak of Pico del Aguila”, reported López. The cleaning of the trails has also been carried out, as well as the replacement of the steel cables to hold the walkers in the passes of La Boquera, El Escalón and El Mayoral, “which will allow the users to do this route with all the necessary safety”, added the councillor.
The actions have had a cost of 4924 euros and have been carried out through a specialised company. In addition, we have had “the invaluable collaboration of the Redován Mountain Club”, said Ramón López, as its members “are always willing to give us a hand in caring for our mountains, and the Redován Town Council would like to thank them for their help in always having this natural environment, which belongs to all the people of Redován, ready and cared for so carefully”.