Rainwater drainage works completed on Calle Menéndez Pelayo to prevent landslides

The works have been carried out thanks to a subsidy from the Provincial Council of Alicante, with a budget of almost 50.000 euros

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for the Environment and Municipal Services, Ramón López, presented this morning the completed work on the rainwater drainage system in Calle Menéndez Pelayo. The purpose of these works is to “direct the rainwater that runs with great force down the steep slope of the Redován mountain towards the nearby ravines”, which causes the dragging of the water into the town centre “and damages the houses on this street, as happened during the DANA or in other episodes of heavy rain”, explained López.

In this way, the councillor said that “after the clearing of the area, the path has been fenced off, a place that is very much used by the residents, as well as having a canalisation wall built and the road surface conditioned, as it was very badly damaged during the heavy rains in September last year”. Likewise, these actions “will prevent the acts of vandalism that, unfortunately, the houses in this area had been suffering for a long time”, added the mayor.

The work has been financed with 49.800 euros, obtained through a grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante. The mayor, Nely Ruiz, has assured that the collaboration of the provincial administration has been indispensable, since it solves “a situation that seriously affected the residents of this area of Redován, and that finally they are going to have the security in their homes in case there are new periods of strong rains”. The first councillor also indicated that “as a Town Hall and as a government team, it is our main objective to continue working to solve, as far as we can, the problems that most affect our neighbours”.

Half a hundred volunteers collect more than two tons of waste in the Sierra de Redován

Half a hundred volunteers participated last Sunday in the day for cleaning and removing waste from the natural environment on Clean Mountain Day, which took place from early morning in the Sierra de Redován, and in which they were collected more than two tons of garbage. The cleaning area ran along the PR-CV 54 variant III route, approximately 4 kilometers long and 1 hour long.

The activity was organized by the Municipality's Mountain Club, the Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing of the Valencian Community (FEMECV) and the Redován City Council, with the aim of raising awareness both among practitioners of the various mountain sports modalities and the general public of the need to preserve and protect the environment.

"We have to become aware that the mountain has to be kept clean with the care and effort of all," said Ramón López, Councilor for Sports and the Environment of Redován, "since it is one of the greatest riches with which we have in our municipality and it is necessary to take care of it, carrying out a collective work like the one carried out today by all these volunteers ”.

The Redován City Council receives more than 57,000 euros in grants from the Alicante Provincial Council

  • The aids will be aimed at actions such as alleviating the effects of Covid-19 in businesses and SMEs, the economic promotion of the municipality or the protection of the natural environment of Redován, among others

The Redován City Council has received in the last days 57,390 euros from the Alicante Provincial Council in concept of subsidies. These grants are aimed at various areas, ranging from the protection of the natural environment of the municipality, the promotion of the economic activity of businesses and entrepreneurs in the municipality, treatments against the proliferation of insects or the improvement of urban gardens.

The largest amounts to a total of 39,127 euros and will be used to minimize the impact of Covid-19 in SMEs, mycropymes, small companies and professional self-employed in the municipality that suspended their activity during the state of alarm or decreased their average turnover in the months of April and May compared to the previous semester. The grant will be aimed at defraying current expenses derived from the health crisis such as rentals, requests for consultancy and advice, interest on loans requested or the rental of commercial vehicles of companies established in the municipality. The bases of the aid are in the drafting process and will be published soon so that they can be requested by the merchants of the municipality.

Another of these grants, which amounts to a total of 7,653 euros, will be divided into two lines of action: the one aimed at supporting the holding of fairs and events in the municipality, which will subsidize 58.33% of the cost of the Christmas fair last year in Redován with 7,000 euros, and another of 653 euros for its economic promotion. Thus, they will be destined to pay for 90% of the course on food handlers, allergen management and security against Covid-19, aimed at working and unemployed personnel, which will take place on October 6 in the assembly hall of the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda sociocultural center.

The Redovanense Consistory will also receive all of the aid of 4,924 euros for the maintenance and conservation of natural areas of the municipality such as the Sierra de Redován, along with 2,540 euros (68.85% of the subsidy) to carry out control treatments of Diptera insects in its municipal area. Likewise, the provincial body has also awarded 3,145 euros to the City Council, from which 90% of the amount of the installation of banks and wastebaskets in the municipal urban garden will be subsidized.

The mayor, Nely Ruiz, wanted to acknowledge the work of the City Council workers, “who are the ones who, thanks to their work and dedication, carry out the application and processing to be eligible for these grants”, as well as thanking the collaboration to the Provincial Council of Alicante with its contributions, “which will be applied to help and improve the life and environment of the people of Redova as much as possible”.

The Redován City Council hires 19 agricultural laborers to carry out maintenance and cleaning tasks

The Redován City Council, through the Employment Department, has hired 19 agricultural laborers to carry out maintenance and cleaning of rural roads, ravines, recreational areas such as La Ermita or the town squares. This hiring is framed within a subsidy that the Consistory has received from the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.

The aid is 73,348 euros and the work has started this week and will take place over three months. The 19 hired laborers, preferably eventual farmers, were enrolled at the Orihuela Employment Center.

Specifically, the tasks to be carried out consist of cleaning and conditioning areas that need special care, such as green areas or municipal public roads, as well as some rural roads or ravines that require clearing tasks to avoid fire risk during the summer season. As a novelty, this year maintenance tasks will be carried out in squares, urban areas and green areas of the municipality that were greatly affected as a result of the DANA of September 2019.

The Councilor for Employment, Maite Martínez, explained that “this is very important work for the municipality since, on the one hand, we clean up the areas that have been affected by DANA and others that need maintenance, and, on the other hand, we decreased seasonal unemployment in a sector such as agriculture, since most of these workers are discontinuous permanent workers ”.

The Redován City Council requests citizen collaboration to keep the municipality clean. “It is important that all citizens are aware of the cleaning and maintenance of our town, so we want to influence the collaboration of all so that squares, streets, etc., are in the best conditions,” said the councilor.

Generalitat will soon begin the improvement of woodland in the Sierra de Redován

The company Foresma S.A. will carry out the reforestation works, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment for 80,000 euros

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has appeared this morning, together with the Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, to publicize the next works of improvement and forest restoration that will be carried out in the surroundings of the Sierra de Redován, affected by drought and pests of scolitid insects such as 'tomicus destruens'. The works correspond to the III phase of the improvement and restoration project of this mountain, which will have an execution period of 12 months. They will be carried out by the contractor Foresma S.A. and will cost 79,897 euros.

These actions include "the elimination of dead woodland, which involves a serious fire hazard," explained the councilor, "as well as the adaptation of runoff to channel torrential rains, reforestation and improvement of the landscape with native specimens, and the application of phytosanitary treatments to avoid damage to the species of the area such as pine ”, he added. In this respect, traps will be placed with special pheromones for scolitids, bait points with fresh wood to attract them, and other invigorating treatments of the remaining woodland.

The purpose of these actions is “the recovery of the soil in the face of erosion and desertification caused by drought, reducing the risk of forest fires and avoiding the loss of an area so valued in the municipality from the tourist point of view such as the Hermitage, suitable for hiking and hiking, ”explained the mayor.

Ruiz said that "it is also a leisure area, very important for all Redovans, that we are happy to return to a part of its characteristic greenery." Likewise, the mayor has also highlighted the commitment of the government team to maintain this natural space with these and future actions, claiming to be “an objective for which we will always work from the Redován City Council”.

Redován hires 17 unemployed as agricultural laborers

  • A subsidy of more than 66,700 euros from the Public Employment Service (SEPE) allows the hiring of these unemployed workers

The municipality of Redován has hired 17 unemployed people. This action has been possible thanks to the granting of a grant of more than 66,700 from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), as announced by the Councilor for Employment, Maite Martínez.

The mayor has been satisfied by the hiring of these agricultural workers, since “generates jobs in the municipality and reduces the number of unemployed threatened by long-term unemployment.” In addition, they favor their practical training and the conservation of the natural environment of the municipality. “These conditioning actions are very important for the conservation of the environmental environment of areas such as the Ermita recreational area,” said Maite Martínez, “since they allow to avoid fires, and the dragging of water materials and avenues with rainfall, that could affect the security of the residents of Redován. “

The cleaning tasks began on July 1 and will run throughout the summer, until September 26. Thus, in days of 8 hours, the workers will carry out tasks of clearing scrubs and waste from ravines and roads of the town, transferring them to landfills authorized for processing and proper treatment. The main areas to be worked on will be the Rovira ravine, the La Sierra, Fortuna, La Escorrata, Los Cuartos, Vereda Ancha, and Masquefa trails, as well as the natural area surrounding the Ermita de Redován.