The Valencian Government launches a tender for 127,224.83 euros for the reforestation project of the Sierra de Redován

This is the third phase of forest improvement and restoration work in the mountains affected by the drought and plagues in the Redovanense mountain

The acting mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, announced this morning the tender for the reforestation project of the Sierra Redovanense “after four years of a lot of work in which we have managed to get the Generalitat to fully assume the project prepared by the Provincial Council”, said the mayor. This is the third phase of forest improvement and restoration work in the forest affected by drought and pests, especially that of the ‘tomicus destruens’ or ‘barrenillo de los pinos’ that has ended in recent years with a good deal of the forest area of ​​the municipality.

The project, as explained by the Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López Escarabajal, involves the reforestation of the entire area affected by the ‘tomicus’ plague and from which the dry pines were removed in previous phases. Especially in the upper part of the site of the Hermitage and the adjoining areas, and will involve the creation of new sashes to retain water and the planting of native species. The mayor stressed that during these last four years “have been invested in the Sierra de Redován, between the City Council, the Provincial Government and Valencian Government, more than 400,000 euros.”

The amount of project amounts to 127,224.83 euros and the execution period is twelve months. Interested companies can submit their offers until June 10 to two in the afternoon at the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Change Climate and Rural Development. The announcement of the tender with all the details it is available in the Public Sector Contracting Platform.

The areas of Culture and Sports of Redován put the municipality at the forefront of the towns of Vega Baja

Clara Ezcurra and Ramón López shed all the activities carried out in which the town has been disseminated throughout the national territory

The mayor of Youth, Tourism and Culture, Clara Ezcurra and the Councilor for Sports, Environment, Public Safety and Markets, Ramón López Escarabajal, today took stock of this mandate in which they have carried out numerous activities and actions that have put Redován in the spotlight as an example to follow in these matters. The mayor, Emilio Fernández, was in charge of presenting the work of both departments and said that “we have considered culture as one of the fundamental elements of the legislature, with initiatives that have given voice to citizens and, as regards security, the technical teams have been renewed to improve the quality of life of the neighbors “.

In Youth, Ezcurra has highlighted the commitment of the council for the summer trips to the water park, holding for the first time of Youth Day, at academic level holding the Cambridge exams at the institute and the youth information point about activities related to young people. The mayor has stressed that “the study room is almost ready 24 hours and soon all young people can enjoy.” And he has announced that an Escape Room will be held on March 16.

As for tourism, the mayor has highlighted the opening of hiking trails, as well as theatrical routes and gastronomic days with the collaboration of the Festera Board and Association of Hotel Owners. Likewise, a Christmas day has been celebrated without forgetting “the increase in tourism thanks to via ferrata”. Also around the culture there are numerous activities during the year and the person in charge of the area wanted to highlight “the Abarcas Desierto contest, cultural trips, carnivals, as well as the collaboration of the council in religious events such as Holy Week with the presentation of the poster and proclamation and processions “. One activity highlighted by Ezcurra has been ‘music in your bars’, bringing concerts and monologues through redován venues, as well as the Sacred Music Contest, a Halloween parade and the celebration in November of Santa Cecilia with a multitude of activities.

For his part, Ramón López Escarabal, highlighted in the Department of Markets the remodeling of the Plaza de Abastos “with improvements in accessibility, as well as piped music or the change of lights.” As for Environment “we have worked very hard with the theme of ‘tomicus destruens’ to solve this plague in which all affected pine trees have been cut and 1,000 performances of sashes and tree basins to retain the water and be able to plant.” Likewise, autochthonous plantations have been made. The mayor also highlighted the implementation of the urban garden in the center of the municipality and two Erasmus activities related to the Environment and thanks to which “students from up to five countries have come”.

On the other hand, in Citizen Security, Emergencies and Traffic has been remodeled the clothing and expanded the technical means, as well as the incorporation of more agents “and have covered all the seats that were available.” In addition, new units have also been set up for the Police Headquarters so that the agents “were in the best conditions”.

In addition, the mayor of Sports has explained that the artificial turf has been remodeled football field, as well as costumes, and so on. In addition, performances have been carried out in the indoor pool, “with more than 200 users”, remodeling of the changing rooms of the Los Pasos sports center, as well as the setting up of the Cantera Express environment, collaboration with the Climbing Club as well as the MTB Club.

Finally, López Escarabajal has highlighted the implementation of the Via Ferrata de Redován. “It has had a very important social, economic and tourist impact in the municipality and will be expanded to be the longest in Spain.”

The City Council of Redován and Hidraqua present the landscape and environmental restoration of La Ermita

  • The works include the installation of the localized irrigation, the extension of trails, as well as the improvement of the furniture in the leisure area

  • The mayor says it is a necessary action “because this place every time more people come to play sports or enjoy a day in the mountains”

The Municipal Natural Area La Sierra de Redován, and specifically the area of ​​La Ermita, is going to undergo a landscape and environmental restoration that will allow the reforestation of the space and the installation of localized irrigation that guarantees the survival of the trees and shrubs that plant. At the same time they will improve the conditions of leisure, sports and leisure area, since La Ermita is already, “a place well traveled by athletes, hikers and people who enjoy a day of leisure in our mountains” , said the mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández. The first mayor added that with the action to be carried out by the concessionaire of the potable water and sewerage service, Hidraqua, “the conditions for the users and for the Sierra itself will be improved, given that the vegetation” is very important to control the erosion, and in the case of Redován it is necessary after the loss of thousands of pines because of the plague of tomicus destruens. “

Fernandez made these statements during the presentation that took place at the City Council of Redován this morning, of the landscape intervention project of La Ermita, carried out by the author of the project, Clara Corpas. This has been the one in charge of degranar the performances that will carry out, “in which the water will play a very important paper since in the actuality carries out the irrigation of manual form and what sets out to install the located irrigation that ensures the success of the plantations. “

El alcalde de Redován, Emilio Fernández (i) y la autora del proyecto, Clara Corpas (d)

As for the restoration of the vegetation cover, we will bet on the recovery of the autochthonous vegetal formations, enhancing the species of the environment, although before carrying out the plantations, the garbage area will be cleaned and a selective land clearing will be carried out, eliminating the shrub invasive species or that are in poor condition and retaining the copies deemed appropriate, “said the technician.

With regard to the improvement of the space for its use by the public, Clara Corpas explained that the paths will be widened, connecting with the existing ones, and some viewpoints will be created in them “to be able to contemplate the landscape and rest during the walk, all of them with furniture to sit and shade trees area “. To complete the action, the placement of furniture with picnic tables, bicycles, railings, etc., always using natural materials that are integrated into the environment. The person in charge of the project has concluded that for Hidraqua it is very important to save water in areas such as the Vega Baja and respect and protection of the environment, and has specified that the action will have a deadline of three months once it is start up.

The students of the IES and the School of Redován reforest the area of ​​the Hermitage with plants of native species

Redován 5/2/2019. The students of the Sacred Hearts School and of the IES Jaime de Sant-Angel de Redován contribute these days to the reforestation of the skirt of the mountain range, in the zone of the Hermitage, with a plantation of autochthonous species that will last until Thursday.

The Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López Escarabajal, explained that “in this way we want to celebrate the Tree Week, because on each day the students of the different courses of the two Redovanenses schools will go up.” At the same time he added that from his department, “they are offered a healthy lunch to complement the activity”.

The mayor has indicated that 800 copies of different plants will be planted, among which stands out the carob tree and the Carthaginian cypress.



Some thirty Erasmus students meet in Redován to develop an environmental project

Redován is once again the meeting place for thirty young people from the Erasmus + program who will live in the municipality from today until June 7. During this period they will hold workshops in which they will work on a project on diversity and sustainable functionality with activities focused on the environment. The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, accompanied by the councilor of Sports and Environment, Ramón López, and the mayor of Culture and Tourism, Clara Ezcurra, have welcomed students from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland and Spain and they have guided them on a small tour through different places in the municipality such as the Jaime de Sant Ángel Institute, the flea market, the Town Hall and the church, among others.

The base of the group will be in the municipal shelter and from there the different activities will be developed, among them “a pine plantation in the Sierra with copies that will be facilitated by the City Council and that will take place on Monday”, said the councilor of Medio Ambient. Also, they will have the opportunity to know the town, as well as other nearby cities “such as Orihuela, where they will enjoy the monumental heritage of the historic capital of the region; Elche and its palm grove, a World Heritage Site, as well as the gastronomy of the area and customs, “said the mayor.

López Escarabajal stressed that a selection of five students from the first year of the IES Jaime de San Ángel “who will accompany our visitors during the weekend and will help them, above all, with the language” has been made. Students will make a Sunday on the trails of the Sierra de Redován.

The mayor, Emilio Fernández, has encouraged all the people of the region “to show that we are a hospitable people, as we did last year, and to make this experience unforgettable for those who come to live with all their enthusiasm.” Fernandez explained that the activity that is going to be carried out in Redován is entitled ‘Sustainable Youth’ and that its motto is ‘A small investment, a great return’. At the same time he wanted to thank the association Young Ilicitanos for Europe that again have chosen the municipality as headquarters for the arrival of the Erasmus +. European programs that are being strengthened by the City Council, with the inclusion this year in the budget of scholarships for those who access this program to complete the established economic allocation.

Redován joins the ‘Recycling Challenge’ with the aim of increasing by 20% the recycling of plastic and cardboard

The ‘Challenge of Recycling’ launched by Ecoembes and that takes place in all the municipalities of the Vega Baja reached Redován yesterday. The campaign was installed in the Plaza Miguel Hernández and moved to the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel, where, as explained by the mayor, Emilio Fernández, “he has become aware of the need to preserve our environment, because it is a commitment to everybody”.

The ‘Challenge of Recycling’ is a competitive challenge that aims to increase the rates of recovery and recycling of the containers that are deposited in the yellow containers (cans, bricks and plastic containers) and blue (cardboard and paper). What is proposed is that the withdrawal of this type of waste will increase in the coming weeks by 20% in the municipalities that have accepted the challenge, as is the case of Redován, so that whoever achieves or exceeds this figure will have the opportunity to allocate 6,000 euros to a non-profit entity.



Emilio Fernández, accompanied by the Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, and the councilors of Culture and Employment, Clara Ezcurra and Maite Martínez respectively, has received the van, from which promotional material and a bag of linen have been distributed for the bread “that I encourage our neighbors to use, because it avoids plastic and also keeps our bread in better conditions”. The mayor has made a reflection on the tons of paper and plastic garbage that are generated in our homes, and has pointed out that these materials “are used uselessly”, giving as an example the fact that “we do not take plastic bags in the supermarket and yet we print a kilometer ticket on paper, something that we throw away when the new technologies could perfectly send us the ticket to our mobile phone. ”

Of course, the councilor has encouraged the people of Cordoba to participate in the ‘Challenge of Recycling’ because “we have to go from thinking about using things and throwing them away to think about reducing waste and recycling”. In this way, he added that “with the efforts of all we could improve the environment and prevent garbage from being a problem”, while he reminded that next June 5 is World Environment Day “and that precisely the The UN is dedicating its campaign this year to the reduction of plastic waste, especially in the sea. ”