Redován applies the recommendations of the Audit Office to improve internal municipal management processes.

The spokesman for the Redován Town Council government team and councillor for Finance, José Nájar, appeared today to give an account of the report carried out by the Sindicatura de Cuentas (Audit Office) to the Consistory of Redován, which aims to improve the internal processes of municipal management. Nájar explained that every year the Audit Office randomly selects a series of municipalities to analyse them and highlight areas for improvement, making a series of recommendations which it subsequently verifies whether they are implemented. Nájar added that Redován has been the subject of this audit, as have other municipalities such as Torrent and Alzira, where the operation during 2022 of the Contracting area has been reviewed, as well as different aspects of economic and financial management of the general account for that year.

“The intention is to audit in order to improve, through this report, the internal processes of municipal management,” said the councillor, who stated that “at no time does the report, in its 81 pages, cite the word ‘irregular’ even once. In fact, the Sindicatura, in addition to proposing various improvements and recommendations on procurement, concludes, on page 7, that the contractual activity carried out by the Redován Town Council during the year 2022 is in accordance. The councillor for the Treasury has given an account “as a sign of commitment and transparency” of the recommendations made by the Audit Office, for example, that measures are taken to avoid submitting some processes after the deadline “knowing that there is no harm to the Town Hall itself or to the people of Redovan, and understanding the usual workload”. Thus, he rejected the use of this report to cast doubt on the work of transparency carried out by the municipal government “when in fact, the report itself, on page 42, indicates that the City Council has a Transparency Portal that has been found to be adequate to the obligations of article 20 of Law 1/2022 on Transparency and Good Governance”.

Likewise, the report recommends updating contracting formulas to improve the awarding process, without any irregularities in this regard, “so it is clear that the Redován Town Council complies with the Law of Transparency and Good Governance, while the contracting is in accordance with the Law”. To conclude, José Nájar, has been forceful and has assured “that there are no irregularities, lack of transparency or mismanagement or serious deficiencies in recruitment and therefore from the government team we are opposed to any information in this regard that calls into question the work of the staff of the Consistory itself”.

Redován Town Council prioritises in the 2024 budget the safety of the municipality and the promotion of culture, tourism and trade.

Redován Town Council will take the Municipal Budget for the year 2024 to the Plenary this Thursday. The document presented today at a press conference by the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, has a total of 6,112,924.65 euros which includes the increase experienced last year in services and supplies because of the war in Ukraine.

The head of the municipal finances has assured that, as in previous years, the budget “is in line with the real expenses and income of the Town Hall, because if we spent more than we earned we would generate debts for the Town Hall that would hinder the growth of our municipality, as happened at the time, debts that we are still paying today”. Nájar added that, despite everything, “we wanted to and have been able to prioritise the promotion of youth and culture with an increase in investment for the implementation of youth, cultural and festive activities; trade, with 30,000 euros to be allocated to the promotion of local commerce or tourism, with an item of 20,000 euros to publicise the many attractions that Redován has”. The councillor added that this year “we are also committed to improving security with 11,000 euros to provide more and better equipment for the Local Police and 18,500 euros for the installation of security mechanisms in the municipality”.

The councillor for Finance explained that the 25,000 euros for the contingency fund, which was removed from the previous budget, has been recovered and will be available for any expenses that may arise, although he specified that “all the councils have been warned of the need to make credit retentions for any expenditure, in order to control every cent of public money and not to spend it outside the budget”. Nájar pointed out that the Redován Town Council has also set aside 100,000 euros for the execution, within the framework of the Provincial Council’s Planifica Plan, of the budget item that the Council must assume in the project for the future covered pavilion.

With regard to income, Nájar indicated that it has decreased by around 40,000 euros compared to last year, although the income corresponding to the IBI update compensates for the reduction in the forecast for the rest of the chapters. “This update has been positive, as it allows us to cope with the increase in current expenditure, in particular the updating of salaries and the increase in the cost of services and supplies”. The head of Finance has made a review of all the concepts for which the City Council receives income, such as the ICIO, tax on construction and works of which will be settled this 2024 around 100,000 euros corresponding to the works of the Edificant Plan and another 60,000 in other types of constructions. As for municipal taxes such as rubbish collection, water and sewerage, cemetery, schools and sports facilities, market and occupation of public roads with tables and chairs, the bonuses for vulnerable groups are maintained and the CPI update is not applied, as in previous years, to these public prices. The Redován Town Council expects to receive 2.7 million euros from other administrations and 74,000 euros from property income, mainly from the income from photovoltaic installations on municipal buildings.

Among the investments planned for this year are the works to change the drinking water supply network and redevelopment of San Blas street; completion of the improvement and asphalting of Camino Fortuna, as well as the asphalting of other roads in the town centre, and the sectorisation of the water supply network to continue improving the supply network of the municipality. Another of the projects that will begin to materialise in 2024 is the construction of the covered pavilion in a single phase and for a total amount of almost 2,000,000 euros.

Jose Nájar concluded by reminding that “we bring a balanced budget in terms of income and expenditure, where the priority is the safety of the people of Redovan, and where we continue to bet strongly on our culture, commerce and identity of the municipality. In short, budgets that allow Redován to continue to progress and prosper.

Redován takes the IBI update to Plenary to assume the increased costs in services and personnel.

The Redován Town Council will bring to the next Plenary Session an update of the IBI for the year 2024. This has been indicated by the mayoress, Nely Ruiz, who wanted to inform “in a clear and transparent way to all the people of Redovan” of this measure which aims to guarantee basic services and balance the expenses and income of the Consistory at this time when the budget for next year is already being prepared. Ruiz has assured that the increase in the cost of services such as rubbish collection, treatment and disposal, electricity supply and the need for more staff in both the Local Police and the municipal brigade, mean that the municipal budget has risen by more than 600,000 euros. Added to this is the fact that, in order to qualify for subsidies from the European Union through the Next Generation Funds, the Town Hall must make a contribution to the projects that are approved, “something that would be unfeasible if we did not have these budget items,” said Ruiz. The mayoress of Redován explained that the update involves an increase in the tax rate of 0.1%, from 0.6 to 0.7. In addition, a higher tax rate is established for owners of properties with a higher cadastral value, with the exception of homes.

“For example, owners of undeveloped plots of land with a cadastral value of more than 300,000 euros will pay a higher IBI, applying a 0.8 tax rate. Nely Ruiz assured that the government team “are very aware that we are managing everyone’s money and for everyone, and that is why we are taking this measure to allow us to carry out actions to improve the quality of life in our town, as well as to improve the basic services that Redován requires”. The councillor concluded by reminding everyone that the doors of her office are open, as always, to anyone who would like more details about this measure.

Redován Town Council launches aid to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses and the self-employed in the municipality.

Until the 14th of July you can apply at the Redován Town Hall for aid to minimise the economic impact of COVID-19 for SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals in Redován within the 2022 year. “Once again this year we want the people of Redován who strive every day to move their businesses forward to have this help from the City Council, through the grant we receive from the Provincial Council of Alicante, to help facilitate the maintenance of the activity and the jobs it generates,” explained the Councillor for Employment, Maite Martinez.

Those interested can now consult the rules and all the documentation on the notice board of the Electronic Headquarters of the Redován Town Hall through the website, as well as in this same entry, in the documents that can be downloaded at the end of it. SMEs, micro-SMEs, freelancers and professionals who meet the requirement that the monthly average of the months for which the aid is to be requested, which must be between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022, has been equal to or less than the monthly average invoiced in the same months in 2019, may benefit from them.

Eligible expenses may include self-employment fees, monthly business rent, consultancy and advisory fees, water and electricity, telephone, internet, business security, equipment maintenance, interest on loans for the purchase of premises, insurance premiums for premises or commercial vehicles, rental of commercial vehicles, or interest on loans for the purchase of commercial vehicles. All paid between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022. The rules establish that the maximum aid to be received will be 4,000 euros per applicant. Applications must be submitted via the Town Hall’s Electronic Headquarters along with all the documentation.

The Redován Town Council has a budget of 59,085 euros provided by a named grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante, “and whenever aid of this type is put in place we will be applying for it so that our companies and entrepreneurs can move their businesses forward and not be doomed to closure,” said the head of the municipality.

Anuncio en el BOP.


Redován keeps taxes frozen, increases aid to collectives, and contemplates investments of 6.5 million in the 2022 budget.

Redován Town Council today presented its budget for 2022. The presentation was made by the mayoress, Nely Ruiz and the councillor for Finance, José Nájar. The two councillors have outlined a budget that keeps taxes frozen for this year and increases aid for associations and groups. The budget has an expected income of 6,069,827.14 euros and expenditure of 5,994,827.1 euros, which allows the council to maintain budgetary stability.

The mayoress assured that “this is a realistic budget, which maintains budgetary stability and includes some new expenses, because this year we hope to enter a period of some normality after the pandemic and we wanted to make a budget that marks the recovery, in all senses, of our municipality”. In this sense, the budget includes an increase in items to encourage citizen participation, in Youth and Culture, as well as for festivities or Christmas and neighbourhood activities. “The aim is to minimise the emotional impact of the last two years of the pandemic,” said Ruiz.

On the other hand, the budget also includes items for commercial activity, as well as for the promotion of tourism, with 10,000 euros. “It is worth remembering that for the third consecutive year, the suppression of the fee for occupying the public highway with tables and chairs has been maintained, with the aim of reactivating the local economy,” said the mayoress. Ruiz also stated that “we are also going to increase the amount of each subsidy for local associations, with the intention of promoting the activities of the different groups”.

For his part, the councillor for finance, José Nájar, explained the amounts in the document. He stressed that the budgets are realistic and this is reflected in the downward adjustments to the expected income compared to other years. Thus, in absolute terms, income in chapter I is down by -5.37% to 2,117,967 euros. The forecast for indirect taxes in chapter II is -13.33% with a forecast revenue of around 130,000 euros and taxes -7.87% to 896,981 euros. “We are freezing for another year the taxes for the residents of Redován with the commitment of the Town Hall to help as much as we can to get out of a complicated situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Nájar, who added that “for the year 2022 we maintain the bonuses for social groups such as pensioners, large families, the unemployed, the disabled and young people”.

With regard to the expenditure forecast, Nájar wanted to highlight the increase in social aid, subsidies to local groups, an increase in the Culture, Youth and Commerce items, as well as stating that “in this financial year 2022 the Town Hall is going to make investments for a total amount of 6,532,107.09 euros, financed through its own funds included in the budget, as well as subsidies from different Administrations”.

Also contemplated, in Sports, is the construction of a paddle tennis court and the repair of two tennis courts, as well as an investment of more than 15,000 euros in improvements to the football pitch, and the contribution of more than 27,000 euros for the construction of a new 7-a-side football pitch of which the Diputación de Alicante will cover the rest. In Infrastructures and the Environment, work will be carried out in the municipal area of the Sierra, as well as the signposting of public roads and the paving of the Town Hall square. Investments are also envisaged for the renovation of the drinking water network, the refurbishment of the gymnasium and the public centre for the elderly, as well as the extension of the cemetery. “We have many projects currently underway and others that we want to be a reality as soon as possible, so we will continue in this line of continuing to improve Redován day by day,” said the mayor of Finance.

The Redován Plenary approves the suspension of the tax for the occupation of terraces for the third consecutive year.

The Plenary of the Redován Town Council has unanimously approved the suspension of the terrace tax for bars, restaurants and cafes in the town for this year. This is the third consecutive year that this measure has been adopted, with which, as the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, explains, “we intend to support the hospitality sector which has been and is one of the most affected by the pandemic”.

The councillor adds that in 2022 “there is no longer as much economic aid as in previous years, so from the Redován Town Council we have considered continuing with the suspension of the fees for the terraces to, in some way, promote their installation and encourage citizens to consume in them so that the benefits stay in our municipality”. In this way, the Plenary gave the go-ahead to the modification of the Tax Ordinance Regulating the Tax on the Occupation of Local Public Use Land with tables, chairs, grandstands and tables for lucrative purposes.

Among other things, during the plenary session held last Thursday, the Equality Plan of the Redován Town Council was also approved, as well as the change of name of José María Pemán Street, which will now be called Adolfo Suárez Street.