Redován launches grants of up to 3,000 euros for the self-employed, SMEs and micro-SMEs in the municipality

The Redován Town Council has launched aid to minimise the economic impact of COVID-19 on SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals with tax domicile in the municipality who have been affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic. This aid of up to 3,000 euros per application, will be granted through the subsidy of 58,578.33 euros granted by the Provincial Council of Alicante to the Consistory redovanense, and interested persons have from today until 22 October to apply for them through the Electronic Headquarters of the City of Redován, where you can also consult in detail the rules of the call published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante. SMEs, micro-SMEs, freelancers and professionals who have reduced their turnover by at least 25% compared to the average monthly turnover in 2019 will be eligible for this aid. A microenterprise is considered to be one that has a maximum of 10 workers and has an annual turnover or balance sheet of no more than two million euros. In addition, they must meet a series of requirements specified in the rules, such as being registered in the IAE in the municipality on 31 December last year or that the tax domicile is in Redován. Councillor José Nájar explained that these are direct aids intended to cover current expenses paid between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. The councillor explained that the aim is to “provide liquidity to companies to facilitate their maintenance and with it, the employment of people from our town”. Eligible expenses include self-employment fees, rent for premises or business, consultancy and advisory services, telephone and internet costs, etc. However, other types of expenses such as cash payments or VAT and other taxes and fees will not be eligible for subsidy, as these are not concepts that can be included in this type of aid. The application period is 15 days after publication of the rules in the Boletín Oficial de la Provincia. Plan Resistir On the other hand, the Redován Town Council, through the Local Government Board, has approved the grants from the Plan Resistir of the Generalitat Valenciana which “began to be paid last Friday 24th September. This is a total of 52 grants to micro-companies and self-employed in certain activities related to trade and hospitality that had a maximum amount of 2,000 euros per application,” said the mayor.

Redován achieves the largest budget in its history with 8.9 million to respond to the crisis caused by Covid-19

The 3.4 million investment includes the Plan Edificant and the Diputación’s works plans with the sports pavilion and water improvement projects

The councillor for finance, Adrián Ballester, has assured that it is a “realistic and rigorous budget that takes into account the council’s real income”

Redován 25/06/2021. The Redován Town Council will approve the General Budget 2021 in the plenary session on Wednesday 30 June, an “atypical” document, as the mayoress, Nely Ruiz, has described it, and which amounts to 8.9 million euros, a historic figure for the municipality of Redovan, which will reach the highest investment figure in the history of the municipality. The councillor explained that the budget aims to respond “to the health emergency crisis which has led to an economic and social crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic”. To this end, an effort has been made to increase subsidies by 14.17% compared to last year, taxes have been frozen and bonuses for social groups have been maintained. On the other hand Ruiz has indicated that the budget increase in income is also due to the fact that the Town Hall has received the pending subsidies for expenses caused by the DANA of 2019, as well as the works planned by the Generalitat Valenciana within the Plan Edificant and by the Diputación Provincial de Alicante through the Plan de Obras and Plan +Cerca, which allows the payment of current expenditure. In this way, the investment in the budget amounts to 3.4 million euros and includes important works projects for Redován, such as the high school, the sports pavilion or water improvement works. In addition, “among the works to be carried out in 2021 is the improvement of the water infrastructure in the Barrio María Ros to prevent flooding, which will be put out to tender directly by the provincial council,” added the councillor. The councillor for Finance, Adrián Ballester, has been in charge of breaking down the 2021 General Budget of the Redován Town Council. Ballester has assured that “the real income and expenditure of the Town Hall have been taken into account, therefore, it is a realistic and rigorous budget, and in no way a deficit”. In fact, it is proposed that once the budget has been implemented, the result will be a positive budget execution, with a surplus and a positive cash surplus. The head of the municipal Treasury has indicated that, apart from the Resist Plan aid already announced for professionals and SMEs in the municipality, another call for subsidies will be opened to help the professional sectors hardest hit by the economic crisis. In terms of income, the initial budget is 8,933,027.96 euros, 44.75% more than in 2020. By chapters, an increase of 7.24% in indirect tax revenue is expected. This is the income from IBI, vehicle taxes, capital gains and the Tax on Economic Activities (IAE), which remain frozen for another year and if they increase it is due to the incorporation of new properties in the IBI register, as well as the increase in the number of businesses that pay the IAE in Redován, thanks to the growth of companies that are committed to locating in the San Carlos de Redován industrial estate. Income from the ICIO (Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) also increased by 1.68% based on the number of requests for licences made this year. Pensioners, large families, the unemployed, the disabled and young people will also receive discounts for social groups this year. Adrián Ballester recalled that “for more than eight years now, the CPI has not been taken into account in the rates for the provision of public services, so the Town Hall assumes the financing of the same and this affects public spending as a whole”. Expenditure is expected to be 8,745,925.52 euros, 41.72% more than last year’s initial budget. By chapters, personnel costs are up due to the increase in public employee salaries and the creation of new posts to increase efficiency in administrative management (a post in intervention, treasury and a general administration technician) and current expenses are also up, mainly due to the new waste collection contract that will improve the service by adapting it to the current needs of the municipality, which also involves a higher cost. “The economic crisis that has resulted from the Coronavirus health crisis has led us to make an effort to attend to the people of our town who need it, and therefore within the expenses, there is a considerable increase in subsidies, a chapter that goes from 601,635.83 euros in 2020 to 686,891.39 euros in 2021,” said the councillor of Finance.

Redován launches the María Ros neighbourhood collector project to mitigate the effects of torrential rains

  • The plenary endorses the procedure for the drafting of the project for a work valued at 300,000 euros to be carried out jointly with the Provincial Council.

The Plenary of the Redován Town Council, meeting in Extraordinary Session, has given the green light to the credit modification of the municipal budget which allows the government team to have 9,000 euros which will be used to pay for the drafting of the project for the storm water collector in the María Ros neighbourhood. “A procedure that this government team considered very necessary to start developing the project as soon as possible,” said the councillor for Urban Planning, José Nájar, “as this infrastructure will minimise the flooding problems suffered by this area of the municipality, one of the most affected during the DANA of 2019”.

The collector will be installed at the lowest point of the municipality, from where the accumulated water will be evacuated towards the other collector in the town. The project will be based on the assessment report that the Consistory has previously carried out and which estimates the total value of the work at around 300,000 euros. “We have to remember that it is in these streets where the most complicated moments of those days in September 2019 took place, with the rainwater reaching the height of the windows, and where neighbours had to be rescued with tractors and heavy machinery,” recalled the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz.

The project will also include the resurfacing of the area, and once completed, will be submitted to the Provincial Council of Alicante for assessment and implementation. The vice-president and deputy for Water Cycle of the provincial body, Ana Serna, visited the municipality last November and held a meeting with the mayoress on this matter. At that meeting, which was attended by technicians from both institutions, an inspection of the area was carried out to ascertain its current state and the alternatives for action.

The mayor thanked the provincial institution for “the total support it has shown from the outset to provide the municipality with anti-flood infrastructures in the event of torrential rains, which are so common in our area”. Ruiz also indicated that “the intention of this government team is to try to start work on the collector as soon as possible, with the aim of definitively solving this serious problem for the citizens of Redován”.

Redován joins the Resistir Plan to help businesses and the self-employed affected by Covid-19

  • El municipio contará con 166.407 euros para subvencionar las actividades que se han visto más golpeados por la pandemia

The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, announced this morning the signing of the decree of adhesion of the Consistory redovanense to the aid plan ‘Resist’ of the Generalitat Valenciana, aimed at companies and self-employed in the sectors most affected by the health crisis of Covid-19. Through this plan, financed with 160 million euros jointly by the regional administration, provincial councils and town councils in 62.5%, 22.5% and 15%, respectively, “we can help our business fabric for those sectors that have been hardest hit by this pandemic situation, thanks to the 166,407 euros that we will have,” said the mayoress.

In this way, and as explained by the Councillor for Trade, Maite Martínez, “up to 2,000 euros per self-employed person or micro-enterprises with a maximum of 10 workers in the sectors to which the aid is directed, in addition to 200 euros per person affiliated to the Social Security as of 31 December 2020 in these micro-enterprises and self-employed persons”. The councillor added that “the municipal technicians are already working on the drafting of the rules and requirements for this aid, which will be published soon so that all entrepreneurs and self-employed workers in Redován can apply for them as soon as possible”.

“This is a measure to alleviate as much as possible the situation that small traders and self-employed entrepreneurs have been experiencing since the beginning of the health crisis,” said Nely Ruiz. The mayoress has valued very positively the cooperation of the various administrations, adding that “as a government team we have worked and will work to help as much as we can to shops and businesses in Redován, always with the aim of preventing the deterioration of our business fabric and to protect employment in the municipality”. Thus, he recalled the suspension of the terrace tax for this year 2021 that will be approved in plenary session this week.

Companies and workers in the following sectors will be able to benefit from this aid, based on the decree of the Generalitat: retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco in stalls and street markets; retail trade of textile products, clothing and footwear in stalls and street markets; retail trade of other products in stalls and street markets; hotels and accommodation; tourist and other accommodation; campsites and caravan parks; other accommodation; restaurants and food stalls; provision of meals prepared for events; other food services; beverage establishments; cinema exhibition activities; travel agency activities; tour operator activities; other reservation services; organisation of conventions and trade fairs; performing arts; activities auxiliary to performing arts; artistic and literary creation; management of theatres; museum activities; management of historical sites and buildings; management of sports facilities; sports club activities; gymnasium activities; other sports activities; amusement park activities and other recreational and amusement activities.

Redován to suspend payment of the terrace tax for bars, restaurants and cafés

  • The City Council will take this measure to the Plenary Session on 4 February to help hotel and restaurant owners in the face of the economic effects of Covid-19.

The Redován Town Council has announced the suspension of the payment of terrace installation fees for bars, restaurants and cafes in the municipality for the coming year 2021, which will be approved in the Municipal Plenary on 4 February. This measure was already adopted by the Council of Redovan last May and is now being extended to help, as far as possible, entrepreneurs in the sector. The councillor for the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, recalled that the hotel and catering industry has been severely affected throughout the year due to the pandemic, but that, “with the entry into force of the latest measures decreed by the Generalitat Valenciana, it is going to be even more affected, having to close its establishments”.

The suspension of the tax will come into force once the Plenary has provisionally approved it. It will come into effect from mid-March, and the owners of the premises will only have to pay the tax for the days they have set up a terrace from 1 January until that date, “without having to pay for the time during which the Generalitat has decreed the closure, and without having to pay anything else for the rest of the year 2021”, explained the councillor.

Last Wednesday saw the entry into force of new restrictions adopted by the Generalitat to curb the third wave of COVID-19 in the Valencian Community. These measures include the closure of hotel and catering establishments, except for those establishments that can offer take-away or pick-up service on the premises. These measures are completed with the closure at 18:00 hours of commercial premises and surfaces, except for those establishments dedicated to the essential commercial activity of food, hygiene, pharmacies, orthopaedics, opticians, hairdressers and sale of pet food.

“As a government team, we are obliged to support our shopkeepers and hotel and restaurant owners in everything we can, and after the last year, any help for this sector is not enough,” said Ballester. In this way, “from the Town Hall we continue working and considering proposals to be able to help them and make this situation as bearable as possible”, he added.

For its part, the municipal head of Trade and Markets, Maite Martinez, also stressed the importance of supporting local trade “as much as we can”, encouraging residents to consume, whenever possible, in shops and businesses in Redován. To do this, and as she has indicated, “it is necessary to comply with the indications and check in advance if the establishment offers a home delivery service to avoid crowds and the accumulation of people, try to be proactive and make purchases before 18:00 hours, and always complying with all health safety measures”.

Redován City Council pays out more than 39,000 euros in aid to shops, companies and self-employed workers

  • The amounts subsidised range from 100 to 2,000 euros for around thirty companies, with the help of the Diputación de Alicante

Redovan City Council, through the departments of Finance, Legal Services and Employment, has made effective the payment of emergency aid for SMEs and self-employed to twenty-eight companies, shops and self-employed in the municipality, which in recent months have been affected in their economic activity by the consequences of the health crisis produced by the Covid-19. The total amount of this aid is ?39 127 and has been granted directly thanks to a subsidy from the Diputación de Alicante.

These grants are in addition to the various subsidies received to promote recruitment in the municipality, as indicated by Maite Martinez, head of the area of Employment of the Consistory Reddovanense, “since our purpose as a government team is to help in any way we can to anyone who needs it. Martinez recently announced the hiring of two concierges through the ECOVID program call for people over 30 years who are unemployed as a result of the situation arising from the Covid-19. The mayor of Employment also said that “we will continue to apply for all those grants to which we can adhere,” adding that “we are already working towards next year to continue helping the most vulnerable groups in the municipality.

“The health crisis caused by the Covid-19 has affected all areas of society, making it also our economic engine as a municipality, businesses and traders,” said Adrian Ballester, councillor of Finance. In this way, “one of our priorities as a Town Hall in this situation has also been to protect, preserve and support these pillars of our productive and social fabric”, he added. Likewise, the Councillor for Legal Services, José Nájar, stated that “the objective has always been to minimise the impact as much as possible and to ensure that, once the health alarm is over, economic activity in the town is boosted as soon as possible”.