Redován Local Police seize counterfeit footwear and clothing at a market stall

Officers from the Redován Local Police have detected this morning a number of allegedly counterfeit sportswear items, which have been found in one of the stalls at their weekly street market. The items seized amounted to almost a hundred sports trousers, 5 sweatshirts and 38 pairs of imitation trainers from brands such as Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Chanel. The items were immediately removed and transported to police headquarters, which will be used as evidence to initiate legal proceedings against the owner of the street stall.

Redován provisionally awards the new waste collection and street cleaning contract to STV Gestión

  • The contract extends waste collection to seven days a week, modernises the machinery and introduces a fifth container

The Plenary of the Redován Town Council, meeting in Extraordinary Session, has given the green light to the contracting of the waste collection and street cleaning service, which has been provisionally awarded to the company STV Gestión. The tendering process launched by the Consistory of Redovan comes to an end with the award, for an amount of around 430,000 euros per year, which aims to significantly improve street cleaning and waste collection through the numerous improvements set out in the specifications. The contractor will start work in the municipality from next week. “From now on, we begin a new stage in which Redován will have an updated service adapted to a town of its size and population,” said the mayoress, Nely Ruiz.

The main new feature of this contract is “the extension of the collection of solid urban waste to seven days a week, instead of the six that we have had until now”, said the councillor for Municipal Services, Ramón López. The councillor indicated that one of the company’s commitments is to increase the number of containers throughout the municipality, “both for residual waste and for recycling paper and cardboard, packaging, plastics and glass”, together with the implementation of a fifth container, brown in colour, for the collection of organic waste”.

This increase in the number of containers will allow for more effective waste collection, and at the same time, encourage the habit of recycling among the population, which will make Redován a greener municipality. The specifications also included an increase in the number of hours of work and “the modernisation and improvement of machinery for the performance of this service, which will be totally respectful of the environment”, added López. Other conditions requested of the new contractor include the extension of the collection of household waste to two days a week; fixed containers for the removal of pruning and other waste; the installation of doggy bag dispensers and extraordinary buckets.

For his part, the councillor for the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, stressed that “this is one of the most important contracts of this council, which was drawn up with the contributions and consensus of all the political groups and which will also be audited by external agents throughout the period of execution”. Ballester also stressed the need for renewal that existed since the service, “has remained unchanged or updated since 2003, so now what we seek is to offer citizens a much better waste collection and street cleaning and according to the time in which we are”.

The mayoress of Redován has indicated that, with the implementation of the new conditions, “it will allow a better functioning of the service and a closer relationship with the citizens”, adding that “we are thus fulfilling one of the main commitments made by this government team at the beginning of the legislature, with the primary objective of improving the quality of life and well-being of the citizens”.

Redován joins the Resistir Plan to help businesses and the self-employed affected by Covid-19

  • El municipio contará con 166.407 euros para subvencionar las actividades que se han visto más golpeados por la pandemia

The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, announced this morning the signing of the decree of adhesion of the Consistory redovanense to the aid plan ‘Resist’ of the Generalitat Valenciana, aimed at companies and self-employed in the sectors most affected by the health crisis of Covid-19. Through this plan, financed with 160 million euros jointly by the regional administration, provincial councils and town councils in 62.5%, 22.5% and 15%, respectively, “we can help our business fabric for those sectors that have been hardest hit by this pandemic situation, thanks to the 166,407 euros that we will have,” said the mayoress.

In this way, and as explained by the Councillor for Trade, Maite Martínez, “up to 2,000 euros per self-employed person or micro-enterprises with a maximum of 10 workers in the sectors to which the aid is directed, in addition to 200 euros per person affiliated to the Social Security as of 31 December 2020 in these micro-enterprises and self-employed persons”. The councillor added that “the municipal technicians are already working on the drafting of the rules and requirements for this aid, which will be published soon so that all entrepreneurs and self-employed workers in Redován can apply for them as soon as possible”.

“This is a measure to alleviate as much as possible the situation that small traders and self-employed entrepreneurs have been experiencing since the beginning of the health crisis,” said Nely Ruiz. The mayoress has valued very positively the cooperation of the various administrations, adding that “as a government team we have worked and will work to help as much as we can to shops and businesses in Redován, always with the aim of preventing the deterioration of our business fabric and to protect employment in the municipality”. Thus, he recalled the suspension of the terrace tax for this year 2021 that will be approved in plenary session this week.

Companies and workers in the following sectors will be able to benefit from this aid, based on the decree of the Generalitat: retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco in stalls and street markets; retail trade of textile products, clothing and footwear in stalls and street markets; retail trade of other products in stalls and street markets; hotels and accommodation; tourist and other accommodation; campsites and caravan parks; other accommodation; restaurants and food stalls; provision of meals prepared for events; other food services; beverage establishments; cinema exhibition activities; travel agency activities; tour operator activities; other reservation services; organisation of conventions and trade fairs; performing arts; activities auxiliary to performing arts; artistic and literary creation; management of theatres; museum activities; management of historical sites and buildings; management of sports facilities; sports club activities; gymnasium activities; other sports activities; amusement park activities and other recreational and amusement activities.

Redován Local Police officers arrest a man for allegedly stealing building materials from inside a house

  • The detainee was apprehended while fleeing after forcing his way into the house on Camino de Fortuna to steal a large amount of wiring and various objects

Officers from the Redován Local Police arrested an individual on Tuesday 19 January who allegedly broke into a country house on Camino de Fortuna in Orihuela, located on the border of the municipality with Redován, by forcing the front door. He is charged with an alleged offence of burglary. The events took place last Monday, when the owner of the house surprised the suspect, who was carrying a rucksack on his back. On being surprised, the suspect left the house and fled on foot. The homeowner then alerted the pair of Redován Local Police officers who were in the area at the time carrying out their duties, who located the individual a few metres away and began their pursuit.

The suspect ignored the officers’ orders to stop and tried to escape by entering a nearby orchard where he was immediately intercepted and arrested. After examining the contents of the backpack that the arrested man was carrying, the officers found eight rolls of cable, six metal taps, three stopcocks and a spray gun, materials that the owner confirmed had been stolen from his home. Finally, the detainee was taken to the National Police in Orihuela, where the relevant police procedures were carried out.

The Councillor for Public Safety, Adrian Ballester, thanked the work of the officers and all the staff of the Local Police of Redován in general for the work that has intensified in recent days since “in addition to ensuring the safety of all citizens of our town, they ensure in these difficult times, compliance with the rules to curb the spread of Covid-19,” he said.

Ballester also pointed out that the Redován Local Police “are working with all the means available to them to carry out these tasks of surveillance and control of those places that are included in the regulations, such as municipal parks and gardens and also catering establishments”. The councillor for Citizen Safety also wanted to point out that “the Local Police is at the service of the citizens of Redován”, reminding citizens that they can contact the officers for whatever they need by phoning 608 072 253.

Redován to suspend payment of the terrace tax for bars, restaurants and cafés

  • The City Council will take this measure to the Plenary Session on 4 February to help hotel and restaurant owners in the face of the economic effects of Covid-19.

The Redován Town Council has announced the suspension of the payment of terrace installation fees for bars, restaurants and cafes in the municipality for the coming year 2021, which will be approved in the Municipal Plenary on 4 February. This measure was already adopted by the Council of Redovan last May and is now being extended to help, as far as possible, entrepreneurs in the sector. The councillor for the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, recalled that the hotel and catering industry has been severely affected throughout the year due to the pandemic, but that, “with the entry into force of the latest measures decreed by the Generalitat Valenciana, it is going to be even more affected, having to close its establishments”.

The suspension of the tax will come into force once the Plenary has provisionally approved it. It will come into effect from mid-March, and the owners of the premises will only have to pay the tax for the days they have set up a terrace from 1 January until that date, “without having to pay for the time during which the Generalitat has decreed the closure, and without having to pay anything else for the rest of the year 2021”, explained the councillor.

Last Wednesday saw the entry into force of new restrictions adopted by the Generalitat to curb the third wave of COVID-19 in the Valencian Community. These measures include the closure of hotel and catering establishments, except for those establishments that can offer take-away or pick-up service on the premises. These measures are completed with the closure at 18:00 hours of commercial premises and surfaces, except for those establishments dedicated to the essential commercial activity of food, hygiene, pharmacies, orthopaedics, opticians, hairdressers and sale of pet food.

“As a government team, we are obliged to support our shopkeepers and hotel and restaurant owners in everything we can, and after the last year, any help for this sector is not enough,” said Ballester. In this way, “from the Town Hall we continue working and considering proposals to be able to help them and make this situation as bearable as possible”, he added.

For its part, the municipal head of Trade and Markets, Maite Martinez, also stressed the importance of supporting local trade “as much as we can”, encouraging residents to consume, whenever possible, in shops and businesses in Redován. To do this, and as she has indicated, “it is necessary to comply with the indications and check in advance if the establishment offers a home delivery service to avoid crowds and the accumulation of people, try to be proactive and make purchases before 18:00 hours, and always complying with all health safety measures”.

Redován hires a technician to draw up the Municipal Flood Action Plan

  • The City Council will also update the current Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan to deal with possible episodes of storms

Redován Town Council will update the current Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan and will also draw up a new Municipal Flood Action Plan, as announced by the Councillor for Safety and Emergencies, Adrián Ballester. These plans will be drafted by the Senior Technician in Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection who has recently been hired by the Consistory of Redovan through the Emcold programme of the Valencian Employment and Training Service (Labora), a programme to promote employment in collaboration with local corporations, which has been endowed with a grant of 17,777 euros.

The new emergency technician has already joined the staff of the Consistory and will carry out the drafting of these plans during the six months of his contract. In this way, as Ballester has indicated, “we will be prepared to be able to prevent any type of risk in the event of floods, earthquakes or fires, and to deal more efficiently with future emergency situations to avoid possible consequences as far as possible”.

Both the Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan and the Floods Plan will provide a breakdown of all the climatological, environmental, population and infrastructure characteristics of Redován, as well as a description of the possible risks, both natural and man-made, that may occur in the municipality. “It also includes the regulations to be applied in these situations, as well as the structure, organisation and operation of the plan, together with its different phases and procedures for action,” explained the councillor.

In this way, “the municipality of Redován will be better prepared and organised for possible emergency situations, as was the case with the 2019 floods caused by the DANA, which we all remember for their devastating devastation”, explained the councillor for Emergencies, who added that “the Redován Town Council continues to work and prepare various actions and projects in the municipality to deal with future temporary episodes”.