Redován once again complains to the Orihuela Health Department about the lack of medical staff in his office

  • The Consistory transmits the complaints it receives from users due to the saturation of the service to the heads of the Conselleria

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has once again expressed her discontent with the Orihuela Health Department over the conditions in which the health service is being offered in the local doctor’s office. As the first mayor explained, “the two paediatricians and four doctors that the centre should have according to its characteristics and the population it serves have been reduced to only two doctors, also reducing the number of nursing staff”.

Ruiz has indicated that this deficit is due to the fact that “in the face of requests for holidays or sick leave, the Orihuela Health Department and the Regional Ministry of Health do not replace the health personnel as there are no doctors available in the area’s job centres”, which is why there has been an increase in the number of patients and the consequent saturation of the service. “This translates into insufficient user care, a situation which has already been occurring in our centre and which we have been denouncing for several months now”, insisted the Mayoress, who is in permanent contact with those responsible for the Orihuela Health Department, with whom she maintains a collaborative relationship.

For this reason, and since September, the Redován Town Hall has contacted on several occasions the Health bodies responsible for managing the centre, such as the Director of Primary Care, Rosario Sansano; the manager of the Orihuela Health Department, Miguel Fayos, or the Councillor for Health, Ana Barceló. With regard to the Councillor, the Mayoress has sent several letters to the Health Minister, but has not received a reply. “Our doctors are still overcrowded, they do not have time to make all the telephone enquiries due to the accumulation of patients, and the users of the service do not stop complaining to us as they find a very deficient service”, said the first mayor.

In addition, “it should be remembered that this situation is occurring during a pandemic and, at present, during an upsurge in the cases of Covid-19”, said Ruiz, “which unfortunately does not allow for good management of the situation and is a factor that can have a great influence on the increase in cases”. The Town Hall of Redován has been informed of several neighbours who have been in contact with confirmed positive cases, “who already have symptoms that are compatible with the virus, and who have been waiting for five days to be contacted from the clinic to be able to take the PCR test”, explained the mayor. Likewise, the mayor indicated that her government team “is not going to give up on this issue, demanding what is fair and what we are entitled to as a population, always in order to preserve the health of all the citizens of Redován”.

Redován Local Police warns of the danger of fire caused by the dumping of fire debris in the container

  • The deposit of materials such as ash, coal or embers from cookers and fireplaces without being properly extinguished is not permitted and can lead to fines of up to 750 euros

Avoiding the risk of fire is the objective of the Redován Local Police, which warns of the increase in the number of rubbish containers that have been burnt in recent days by the dumping of ashes, coal or embers from cookers and chimneys in the municipality’s homes. As reported by the Councillor for Public Safety, Adrian Ballester, these materials “are being deposited in the rubbish containers without first checking that they are completely extinguished, which increases the risk of fire and the consequent danger to nearby homes, vehicles parked in the vicinity or forest areas,” he explained.

This practice, as well as involving the mobilisation of emergency and fire-fighting resources to extinguish the fire, entails considerable costs for both the Fire Brigade and the Town Council in replacing the damaged containers, since “there have already been four such fires in the last week”, as Ballester indicated. The Local Police reminded the public that the municipal ordinance of coexistence, cleanliness and decoration of the public thoroughfare of Redován establishes the prohibition of “depositing lit materials in rubbish bins and containers”, cataloguing it as an infraction that can lead to sanctions of up to 750 euros together with the obligation to repair the damage caused.

The Councillor for Public Safety wanted to thank the public in advance for their collaboration in this task, adding that, in this way, “situations of risk for everyone can be prevented that can be easily avoided by following some simple instructions”.

From the Local Police Headquarters and the Redován Town Hall we ask for caution when disposing of embers from cookers and fireplaces and not to throw them into the organic waste container, as embers can retain heat for several hours. That is why “it is recommended that we have a bucket or metal container on our terrace or garden where we can deposit the ashes for more than 24 hours, immersing them in water to be completely sure that they cannot ignite and always with the precaution of not inhaling the smoke”, explained the councillor. In the case of the coal, it will be necessary to let it cool down for 48 hours, pouring water over the hot coal and carefully removing it to accelerate the cooling process.

Redován City Council pays out more than 39,000 euros in aid to shops, companies and self-employed workers

  • The amounts subsidised range from 100 to 2,000 euros for around thirty companies, with the help of the Diputación de Alicante

Redovan City Council, through the departments of Finance, Legal Services and Employment, has made effective the payment of emergency aid for SMEs and self-employed to twenty-eight companies, shops and self-employed in the municipality, which in recent months have been affected in their economic activity by the consequences of the health crisis produced by the Covid-19. The total amount of this aid is ?39 127 and has been granted directly thanks to a subsidy from the Diputación de Alicante.

These grants are in addition to the various subsidies received to promote recruitment in the municipality, as indicated by Maite Martinez, head of the area of Employment of the Consistory Reddovanense, “since our purpose as a government team is to help in any way we can to anyone who needs it. Martinez recently announced the hiring of two concierges through the ECOVID program call for people over 30 years who are unemployed as a result of the situation arising from the Covid-19. The mayor of Employment also said that “we will continue to apply for all those grants to which we can adhere,” adding that “we are already working towards next year to continue helping the most vulnerable groups in the municipality.

“The health crisis caused by the Covid-19 has affected all areas of society, making it also our economic engine as a municipality, businesses and traders,” said Adrian Ballester, councillor of Finance. In this way, “one of our priorities as a Town Hall in this situation has also been to protect, preserve and support these pillars of our productive and social fabric”, he added. Likewise, the Councillor for Legal Services, José Nájar, stated that “the objective has always been to minimise the impact as much as possible and to ensure that, once the health alarm is over, economic activity in the town is boosted as soon as possible”.

Redován welcomes Christmas with a Christmas decoration contest for facades and balconies

  • The event will join other activities to celebrate the holidays such as the children’s theatre show, concerts and the visit of the Three Kings

The mayor of Redován and in charge of the Department of Festivals, Nely Ruiz, together with the councillor for Culture of the municipality, Clara Ezcurra, presented this morning the activities that the Redován Council has programmed for this Christmas. “This year, and due to the situation we are experiencing in relation to the Coronavirus, we have had to reduce the number of activities, but at no time has it been considered to leave the municipality without Christmas activities during these special days,” said the first mayor, who added that “all the activities scheduled will be carried out following a strict safety protocol and with all the guarantees against the Covid-19.

The main novelty will be the first Christmas decoration competition for façades and balconies, which, as the Councillor for Culture explained, “is an initiative that was created with the aim of involving citizens in the municipality’s festive decoration, and thus contributing to creating a Christmas atmosphere in the town’s streets”. All those registered in Redován can participate, “registering for free before Monday 14 December by presenting the completed form at the Town Hall, which can be found on the municipal website, and competing for three prizes in the form of a Christmas basket”, explained Ezcurra. The decorations will have to be installed until 6th January, to be visited by the members of the jury to assess their originality and colouring, as well as the lighting used, creativity and the aesthetic result of the decoration.

This competition will be joined by the children’s theatre play “Tarzán”, which the youngest visitors will be able to enjoy on Sunday 20th December from 17:30 in the auditorium of the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’. Entrance is free, “and the capacity for this activity will be limited, and children must enter with a protective mask, respecting the safety distance and complying with the prevention protocol before the Covid-19”, indicated the Councillor for Culture. This Christmas we will also be able to enjoy the performance that the Redován Musical Union will carry out on the morning of the 24th in different parts of the municipality, also starting at 10:00, and “with the aim that the carols and typical songs of this season can be heard from different parts of the town, without the residents having to move or leave their homes,” explained Ezcurra.

Similarly, the Three Kings will visit Redován again on 5 January, with a tour of its streets starting at 17:30, so that the children can greet them from their balconies and receive gifts from their Majesties. Previously, and from 28 December, “the children will have been able to deposit their letters with their wishes for this Christmas in the Royal Mailboxes, which will be installed during these days in the Parish Church of San Miguel Arcángel, in the Sagrados Corazones Primary School, and in the offices of the Local Police”, indicated the Mayor.

Nely Ruiz also wanted to invite the citizens to participate in these Christmas events and to celebrate these very special dates “always following all the indications of the health authorities and respecting the limitations established by the Generalitat for meetings of people both in public and private spaces, as well as respecting the limitation of driving at night”. Meetings with family members or friends can reach 10 people on 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st December and 1st January, while the ‘curfew’ will be extended to 1.30am on 24th, 25th and 31st December.

Redován City Council hires two caretakers for the prevention of Covid-19 in municipal areas

  • The incorporation of these workers has been carried out through the ECOVID programme for the promotion of employment of LABORA

The Department of Employment of Redován Town Council, led by Councillor Maite Martínez, has announced the hiring of two people by the Council, thanks to the subsidy granted by the ECOVID programme of the Valencian Employment and Training Service ‘Labora’ and the Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Work. This plan, financed by the State Public Employment Service, has been allocated 16,803.72 euros and aims to promote employment, in collaboration with local corporations, for people over 30 years of age who are unemployed as a result of the situation arising from Covid-19.

As Martinez said, the new workers joined their jobs at the end of November, “with a six-month contract, to perform janitorial tasks in the CEIP Sagrados Corazones and in the municipal football field of Redovan for the prevention against Covid-19 in municipal facilities”. In this way, “these people will be in charge of actions such as, for example, the ventilation of the school’s classrooms, replenishing and providing hydro-alcoholic gel for users, and carrying out surveillance tasks to ensure the maintenance of protective measures against the coronavirus at all times in these facilities”.

The mayor expressed his satisfaction at being able to contribute to the reduction of unemployment in the municipality thanks to this type of subsidy which, moreover, “allows us to reinforce health safety in those places that could be sensitive to the spread of Covid-19 due to the high concentration of users such as schools or sports areas, which need greater surveillance and control”.

Redován cleans and marks the path of Los Coloraos in the mountains with a grant of 4.924 euros from the Provincial Council

  • The work has focused on the maintenance and conservation of the signs and the cleaning of stone dragging occurred in the DANA

The Councillor for the Environment and Sports of Redován Town Council, Ramón López, gave an account of the recent maintenance and conservation work carried out on footpaths in the Redován mountain range. These works have been aimed at the local path SL-146 known as Los Coloraos, and have been carried out with aid granted by the Provincial Council of Alicante for the conservation and improvement of municipal sites in municipalities in the province during the 2020 year. This path “showed a significant deterioration of the horizontal and vertical signs due to atmospheric agents, a deterioration which was aggravated by the passage of the DANA in September 2019, with the consequent danger it could pose for walkers and climbers”, explained the mayor. In addition, and as Lopez has indicated, the area “presented landslides with stones and gravel in several sections of the path, still as a consequence of the strong torrential rains”.

In this way, twelve tracking and signposting posts have been replaced along the almost two kilometres of the path, as well as a direction sign and a wooden interpretation table on the summit of the mountain range “which allows the identification of the different elements of the landscape surrounding the peak of Pico del Aguila”, reported López. The cleaning of the trails has also been carried out, as well as the replacement of the steel cables to hold the walkers in the passes of La Boquera, El Escalón and El Mayoral, “which will allow the users to do this route with all the necessary safety”, added the councillor.

The actions have had a cost of 4924 euros and have been carried out through a specialised company. In addition, we have had “the invaluable collaboration of the Redován Mountain Club”, said Ramón López, as its members “are always willing to give us a hand in caring for our mountains, and the Redován Town Council would like to thank them for their help in always having this natural environment, which belongs to all the people of Redován, ready and cared for so carefully”.