Renovation works on Redován Medical Centre are completed with an increase in the number of consultations

  • The improvements include the purchase of new furniture consisting of four electric stretchers, two swivel chairs and a surgical cabinet

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, with the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, presented this morning the reform works done on the Redován medical centre, located on the ground and first floors of the ‘Ricardo Ruiz Poveda’ social and cultural centre. “This is an action that was very necessary for this office, located in a building that is more than 20 years old, and in which until now only small maintenance work had been carried out”, said Ruiz.

The work has been carried out thanks to a subsidy of 100.000 euros from the Regional Ministry of Health, as part of the PIAC plan for architectural intervention in consulting rooms, which, as the Councillor of Health explained, “has allowed the number of consultations to be increased from seven to eight”, as well as “the repainting of the walls on the two floors; the installation of a new, more hygienic and durable stoneware base in the common areas and waiting rooms; and the replacement of the air conditioning machines, which were very old and frequently damaged”. According to Ibáñez, this last improvement “will have an impact on saving repair costs and will improve temperature control in the centre, thanks to the new system for fitting out independent air-conditioning zones”.

These works have also included the repair of the exterior pillars, “which were very deteriorated, and which could even affect the structural stability of part of the building”, explained Ibáñez, as well as carrying out “improvements to the façade, where the existing plinth, which is already very damaged, has been replaced with marble”. Likewise, the actions in the centre have included the purchase of four electric medical stretchers, two swivel chairs, a surgical unit and a medical stool as improvements made by the company awarded the contract, providing the facilities with new medical furniture that will make it easier for the doctors to carry out their daily activities and provide better care for their patients.

For her part, the Mayor, Nely Ruiz, expressed her satisfaction with all the improvements made to the office, “changes that were essential to be able to carry out Primary Care in good conditions”. These conditions, together with the conditioning of the building, “must be combined with adequate staffing, as we have also been demanding from the Regional Ministry for some time now”, explained the Mayoress. Ruiz pointed out that Redován is also awaiting the construction project for a new Health Centre, which “we hope will be completed as soon as possible, to the delight of all Redován residents”.

Rainwater drainage works completed on Calle Menéndez Pelayo to prevent landslides

The works have been carried out thanks to a subsidy from the Provincial Council of Alicante, with a budget of almost 50.000 euros

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for the Environment and Municipal Services, Ramón López, presented this morning the completed work on the rainwater drainage system in Calle Menéndez Pelayo. The purpose of these works is to “direct the rainwater that runs with great force down the steep slope of the Redován mountain towards the nearby ravines”, which causes the dragging of the water into the town centre “and damages the houses on this street, as happened during the DANA or in other episodes of heavy rain”, explained López.

In this way, the councillor said that “after the clearing of the area, the path has been fenced off, a place that is very much used by the residents, as well as having a canalisation wall built and the road surface conditioned, as it was very badly damaged during the heavy rains in September last year”. Likewise, these actions “will prevent the acts of vandalism that, unfortunately, the houses in this area had been suffering for a long time”, added the mayor.

The work has been financed with 49.800 euros, obtained through a grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante. The mayor, Nely Ruiz, has assured that the collaboration of the provincial administration has been indispensable, since it solves “a situation that seriously affected the residents of this area of Redován, and that finally they are going to have the security in their homes in case there are new periods of strong rains”. The first councillor also indicated that “as a Town Hall and as a government team, it is our main objective to continue working to solve, as far as we can, the problems that most affect our neighbours”.

Redován once again calls on the Regional Ministry to improve primary care in the municipality’s doctor’s office

  • The municipal government team once again sends a letter to the Councillor for Health and the Orihuela Health Department

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has announced the sending of two letters to both the Councillor for Health, Ana Barceló, and the Director of Primary Care of the Department of Health of Orihuela, Rosario Sansano, with the aim of “once again demanding patient care in the right conditions for the neighbours who use the Redován doctor’s office”, reported Ruiz.

The first councillor said that the situation in this health centre, which has not been providing a good service since the beginning of the pandemic, “has got worse in the last two weeks, since the health staff is very limited due to the effects of the Covid-19”, and the accumulation of work is not enough to attend to the number of people who use the facilities every day since “at the moment we only have two doctors and a paediatrician, when they should be twice as many”. This has the effect, as Ruiz has indicated, “that calls for telephone appointments are not made, directing many users to the health centre in Callosa, when they should not be”.

In addition, the shortage of doctors means that it takes longer for people to make appointments for the PCR tests, which, as they do not receive a call from the centre and without health advice, “continue with their normal lives by going out on the streets, with the consequent risk of contagion among the population, or choosing to carry out the test in the private health service”, said Ruiz.

This situation is compounded by long queues and waiting times at the door of the clinic and calls that are not answered by the switchboard, situations already reported in previous meetings held by those responsible for the health department of Orihuela and also to the Ministry of Health.

With this scenario, “the complaints of citizens who have to suffer this deficient attention logically follow each other,” said the Mayor, who added that “we need this situation to be expedited and a solution given as soon as possible, because having a medical office that does not work and insufficient health personnel who cannot cope with their patients, in these times of pandemic in which we find ourselves, is an unacceptable situation.

The Redován City Council dismisses its Local Police Chief in recognition of his work with an act

• Agent Antonio Ruiz Hernández leaves his post to retire after more than thirty years of belonging to the municipal police force

The Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Redován has been the place where this morning the act in recognition of the work and services carried out in the municipality by the Local Police agent, Antonio Ruiz Hernández, during his professional career took place. This act has been carried out with all health security measures due to Covid-19. Ruiz Hernández will proceed to retire after thirty-two years as part of this body, thirteen years at the head of it as Chief Officer. Ruiz remembered his beginnings in 1988 as a Police in Redován and thanked the mayors and councilors who have passed through the City Council, as well as all municipal workers, for their collaboration and help in the performance of their work. He also recalled the agents who have accompanied him all these years. “It has been a pleasure working with everyone. Despite the sadness that leaving work causes me, I must understand that everything has a beginning and an end. The time has come to enjoy free time, because life is short and the world is very wide, “said the policeman.

The event included the interventions of the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, the Councilor for Citizen Security, Adrián Ballester, in addition to the participation of relatives, friends and colleagues of the honoree, in which he proceeded to stamp his signature in the book of honor of the municipality and the reception of an honorific plaque. Likewise, and as the mayoress has indicated, “in the last Municipal Plenary session, it was unanimously approved to apply to the Generalitat Valenciana for the Retirement Honor Diploma, one of the highest recognitions at the regional level for professional career”.

The mayor has highlighted the professionalism and work of this agent, since “it has been an honor and a privilege to have a police officer like Antonio in the town, dedicated to his work and always dedicated to helping his neighbors and the municipality ”. For her part, the Security Councilor has assured that “we could not otherwise fire this unbeatable agent, who in addition to performing her duties impeccably, is and has always been a very dear figure for all Redovans.”

Antonio Ruiz has a degree in Police Sciences. Appointed Chief Police Officer in 2007, in 2014 he received the medal of the Order of Civil Merit awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has also been distinguished with the Police Merit Medal with a white badge from the Redován City Council in 2015, and more recently, with the Police Merit Cross with a white badge from the Generalitat Valenciana for his excellent professional career in twenty-five years of service.

Redovan City Council presents a project to the European Commission for the social inclusion of young people

The project is part of the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme and could obtain funding of almost 150.000 euros

The social and labour inclusion of young people with difficulties through their participation in European Union policies is the objective pursued by the project that Redován Town Council has presented to the European Commission, as reported by the town’s Councillor for Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester. The Council is leading a consortium of organisations from seven countries (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Lithuania, the Netherlands and France) which have joined together “to improve the inclusion of young people who neither study nor work and who are at risk of exclusion as a result of factors such as unemployment, aggravated by the Covid-19 health crisis”, said Ballester.

The project is part of the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme and, if selected, could receive funding of up to ?148,000 from the European Commission. The initiative has activities in all seven countries, and the international partners include the French municipality of Saint-Aubin de Médoc, with which Redován is twinned and has strong ties of friendship and cooperation.

The councillor explains that “we hope to involve the whole municipality in the project and encourage citizen participation in Redován, with a special involvement in public life for young people so that they are aware of the opportunities offered by the European Union in terms of training and study, work or mobility”. Another of the objectives, said the mayor, is to “position Redován at an international level and demonstrate the municipality’s ability to manage European funds.

The project is scheduled to begin in March 2021 and end in September 2022, “provided that health conditions with respect to Covid-19 allow it”, Ballester explained, adding that “we hope that the young people of the municipality will become involved in this initiative and understand that the European Union and public bodies are something more, they are already institutions that are at the service of citizens to help them in every way possible”.

Local Police in Redován sanction 10 people this weekend for not complying with health regulations in front of Covid-19

  • Officials step up surveillance and begin a campaign of controls to ensure compliance with the new measures decreed by the Generalitat and following the decree of the State of Alert by the Central Government

Redován City Council, through the Department of Public Safety, has announced the increase of police surveillance, as well as the start of a campaign of controls in different parts of the municipality, with the aim of ensuring compliance with the new rules issued by the Generalitat to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in view of the increase in positive cases in recent days. In this way, and during this weekend in which the Central Government has again decreed the State of Alarm throughout the country, the first fines in this area have already been imposed, “having already sanctioned 10 people in Redován for the breach of this regulation for health safety,” as announced by the councillor responsible for the area, Adrian Ballester.

The councillor also announced that “local police officers are going to increase their vigilance both in the municipality’s catering establishments, to check that they are strictly complying with these new regulations, and in the parks and various hot spots in the town, to avoid the concentration of young people and unhealthy practices such as the botellón”. As the councillor has expressed, these uncivic actions, apart from generating rubbish and disturbing the residents, “pose a risk to all citizens, even more so if the mask is not worn and the interpersonal safety distance is not maintained in this type of meeting”, explained Ballester.

The new measures announced by the regional government came into force on Sunday 25 October, and their main novelty is the limitation of the freedom of movement of people from 00.00 at night to 6.00 in the morning, except for justified reasons. Meetings in both public and private spaces will be limited to six people not living together, along with the closure of gardens and outdoor areas from 10pm to 8am.

Likewise, consumption in hotel and catering establishments will not be able to take place at the bar, always with a maximum of six people per table and establishing the closure of the premises from 00:00 hours. The measure also prohibits the sale of alcohol between 22:00 and 8:00 hours, except for hotel and catering establishments. “We hope that these measures and the increased vigilance of our agents will serve to make citizens understand the need to work together to minimise the risk of infection and to defeat the virus together,” concluded Ballester.