The Redován Town Council requests funds from the Generalitat to complete the refurbishment of the Sagrados Corazones School

The renovation of the Sagrados Corazones School in Redován, which is being carried out with funds from the Generalitat’s Plan Edificant, will soon come to an end, leaving unfinished work that was originally included in the project. This has occurred due to problems that have arisen during the work on an old building (built in the 50s of the last century) and which forced the original project to be modified to deal with the repair of beams due to aluminosis or the removal of asbestos pipes, which are totally obsolete. This is why the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, the first deputy mayor, José Nájar and the councillor for Education, Clara Ezcurra, have held a meeting with the general director of Educational Infrastructures, Rafael Valcárcel Sánchez, with the aim of requesting the necessary funds to complete the planned improvements and, with this, “we will have a centre that is fully updated and adapted to the needs of students and teachers”, said the mayoress.

José Nájar explained that, during the meeting, he presented to the director general the report of the planned actions proposed to be carried out with this second investment requested from the Generalitat “with which we would complete the refurbishment of the oldest buildings of the school, including the renovation of the playground, extending it with the incorporation of an adjoining plot that has been expropriated, and the construction of a small sports pavilion”. As for the improvements that are still pending, they affect the oldest buildings, the main building and the red brick building. Thus, in addition to the replacement of windows and some painting and masonry issues, they are all aimed at improving energy efficiency with the installation of photovoltaic panels, replacement of the gas heating system with a more efficient one that uses renewable energies, etc., as well as improving accessibility, both by adapting the current facilities and through the installation of a lift in the red brick building.

The councillor for Education, Clara Ezcurra, has assured that with the completion of these works that are pending from the first Edificant Plan “we will achieve a modern school with the capacity to meet the educational demand we have in Redován”. She is confident that the Regional Ministry of Education will meet the demands and include the works in the second phase of this regional plan “with which we would complete the reform of one hundred percent of our educational facilities after the work already carried out at the secondary school and the future extension of the one being done at the school”.

Redován takes the IBI update to Plenary to assume the increased costs in services and personnel.

The Redován Town Council will bring to the next Plenary Session an update of the IBI for the year 2024. This has been indicated by the mayoress, Nely Ruiz, who wanted to inform “in a clear and transparent way to all the people of Redovan” of this measure which aims to guarantee basic services and balance the expenses and income of the Consistory at this time when the budget for next year is already being prepared. Ruiz has assured that the increase in the cost of services such as rubbish collection, treatment and disposal, electricity supply and the need for more staff in both the Local Police and the municipal brigade, mean that the municipal budget has risen by more than 600,000 euros. Added to this is the fact that, in order to qualify for subsidies from the European Union through the Next Generation Funds, the Town Hall must make a contribution to the projects that are approved, “something that would be unfeasible if we did not have these budget items,” said Ruiz. The mayoress of Redován explained that the update involves an increase in the tax rate of 0.1%, from 0.6 to 0.7. In addition, a higher tax rate is established for owners of properties with a higher cadastral value, with the exception of homes.

“For example, owners of undeveloped plots of land with a cadastral value of more than 300,000 euros will pay a higher IBI, applying a 0.8 tax rate. Nely Ruiz assured that the government team “are very aware that we are managing everyone’s money and for everyone, and that is why we are taking this measure to allow us to carry out actions to improve the quality of life in our town, as well as to improve the basic services that Redován requires”. The councillor concluded by reminding everyone that the doors of her office are open, as always, to anyone who would like more details about this measure.

Redován approves a budget to end the year in economic balance and is already preparing the new one for 2024.

The Redován Town Council yesterday approved in plenary session the Budget 2023, an ‘atypical’ document, as explained by the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, but necessary to close the year in a situation of budgetary stability in the municipal coffers, while responding to the needs of the citizens. The budget amounts to 6,151,193.90 euros in both income and expenditure, “and if it has not been presented earlier is because the financial situation and the exponential increase in certain costs such as energy or items of treatment and disposal of waste have not allowed,” said Nájar. The head of Finance has stated that the price increase caused by the situation, especially because of the war in Ukraine, has raised the price of services, especially in everything related to energy and fuel costs “which, in the City Council, as in our homes, has also risen”.

Thus, the cost of waste collection increases by more than 40%, from the 577,336.49 euros planned in 2022 to 809,824.39 this 2023. The same applies to the cost of street lighting, which goes from 287,753.30 euros to 566,000, a 90% increase, while personnel costs, although to a lesser extent, increases slightly more than 10%. Despite this, Nájar has assured that from the government team “we have bet this 2023 to promote culture, trade or security, increasing the item for Culture by just over 16,000 euros, as well as everything related to festivals and Christmas activities and neighborhoods, among others, “with the intention of involving all the people who live in Redován of the actions with which we want to return to normality, which we are so eager to recover in all areas,” he said.

In the chapter on income, those related to indirect taxes (IBI, IVTM, capital gains and IAE) rise. At this point, José Nájar commented that the City Council’s own taxes remain frozen, so this increase is due to the incorporation of new homes to the municipal census, as well as in the IAE. The City Council also receives more in the tax on constructions and works ICIO, especially for the works of the Edificant Plan, with the actions in the school and institute.

In the income from municipal taxes, the bonuses for vulnerable groups such as pensioners, large families, the unemployed, the disabled and young people are maintained, but they are increased as the number of users of public spaces such as the municipal swimming pool has increased, as well as because the tax for occupation of public roads with terraces has ceased to be suspended this year. For its part, the expenses increase by 2.61% over the previous budget to reach the aforementioned amount of 6,151,193.90 euros. Staff costs are up for the incorporation of people to the municipal staff to improve efficiency in management; also current expenses, especially for the increase in electricity supply and waste collection; increases the amount of grants that are awarded and, with all that, the City Council maintains a contingency fund with 3,500 euros for unforeseen events that may arise. The councilman of Finance has reiterated the need to move forward the budget document to finish the year in economic balance, while work is already underway on the budget for 2024 that we hope to be able to present as soon as possible.

Redován, venue for the European Radio Controlled Car Racing Championship 2023

Radio-controlled car enthusiasts from all over Europe are coming together these days in Redován to celebrate the 2023 European Championship of this modality in the municipality. The tournament, organised by the RC Redován club together with the European Federation of Radio Controlled Cars (EFRA) and the Spanish Association of Radio Controlled Cars (AECAR), will take place from today until Saturday 2 September on the racing circuit for radio-controlled cars that the host club has on Camino del Cementerio, near the Barrio de San Carlos.

The councillor for Sports of the Redován Town Council, Adrián Ballesta, and the president of the club, Bryan Baldó, attended the inaugural session of this competition this morning, which, as the councillor indicated, “is an opportunity for Redován to appear as a reference point at European and world level, and a key location for all the followers of this hobby”.

Ballesta said that “we are fortunate to have the collaboration of this club and these wonderful facilities, which thanks to their quality have allowed us to host major competitions, such as the previous European Championship and the World Championship in 2022”. The councillor also highlighted the number of riders from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Belgium, who have travelled to Redován to take part in this event, which has a total of 159 participants.

In this way, the councillor indicated that “hosting this type of event, with the participation of so many people, is also a boost for the shops and catering establishments in the municipality, which also benefit from the arrival of these visitors”. For his part, the representative of the RC Redován, Bryan Baldó, pointed out that this is a competition in which “1/8 scale model cars will participate in the ‘off road’ modality for unpaved routes, as is the case of our circuit”. Baldó also highlighted the technical characteristics of the facilities, with 580 linear metres of circuit and more than 4,000 square metres of surface area, “with parking, a restaurant and basic services so that all those attending can enjoy a very exciting competition that is sure to be hotly contested”.


Redován Town Council assigns 17 agricultural laborers to adapt gullies and rural roads

The Town Council of Redován has received today the 17 agricultural laborers who join the municipal staff between July 12th and October 23rd on the basis of the Agreement between the SEPE and the Local Corporations which is developed every year in the municipality. The subsidy for this 2023 amounts to 99,670.50 euros. The Councilor for Training and Employment, Ms. Lidia Belmonte, and the Mayoress, Ms. Nely Ruiz, have received these workers, whose work will be focused on the cleaning and maintenance of ravines, rural roads, La Ermita recreational area, Los Pasos Sports Center, streets and squares of the municipality of Redovan.

The personnel will carry out their work from July 12th to October 23rd on the basis of the SEPE and the Local Corporations Agreement for this year 2023.
Lidia Belmonte has highlighted “the importance of the work that these people will do for the maintenance of different places in the municipality”, while indicating that these are unemployed people, so that “from the City Council we favor the creation of jobs, reducing the number of unemployed farmers”. The work will consist, basically, in clearing and cleaning of bushes, bottles and solid waste in the main ravines of the mountain range, and in the improvement and conditioning of rural roads, eliminating the garbage that can be found.

Redován Town Council adapts the Gabriel Miró Street park to the needs of the residents of Rincón

Redován Town Council has improved the green area located in Gabriel Miró Street in El Rincón neighbourhood. With an investment of around 12,000 euros, this public space now has a calisthenics area with horizontal stairs, a simple bar, a trellis and parallel bars, repainting of the walls and benches and installation of approved shock-absorbing rubber paving. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, and the councillor for Parks and Gardens, Ramón López Escarabajal, today visited the result of the work carried out over the last month and a half.

López Escarabajal explained that the Town Hall has paid for part of this work, specifically the decoration of the walls surrounding the park, while the rest is an improvement included in the contract of the company which carries out the maintenance of green spaces in the municipality.

“This is one of the various actions we are carrying out to adapt and improve our parks and gardens based on the needs of the people who use them on a daily basis,” said the councillor. Ramón López recalled that the Redován Town Council has already acted, among others, in the Plaza de la Salud, in the Morrongo neighbourhood, now in El Rincón, “and the next work will be in the children’s play area in the Plaza Miguel Hernández so that, little by little, we can carry out work in all the parks and squares in our town that so many people enjoy every day”.

For her part, the mayor of Redovan emphasised the fact “that the renovation of this park was necessary, as it was in quite a bad state, and it has also been carried out after meeting with the residents of the area and finding out about their concerns and needs, on the basis of which we have proceeded to make this project a reality”.