Redován tackles the technological modernisation of the Centre for the Elderly and prepares the refurbishment of the ground floor

Redován 16/2/2022. The Redován Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has launched the technological modernisation of the Centre for the Elderly, and is already preparing the reform of the ground floor of this building. The councillor responsible for the area, Marisol Ibáñez, explained that part of the new acquisitions have been made with subsidies obtained by the Generalitat Valenciana through the Conselleria de Inclusion and the Diputación Provincial de Alicante.

In the case of the Generalitat, a grant of 10,201.51 euros has enabled the purchase of ten laptops, a digital whiteboard and another whiteboard to replace the traditional chalk board. “With this material that we already have here we are going to carry out workshops, with the aim that the elderly people of Redován learn to use new technologies and can have autonomy, to carry out online procedures or to enjoy entertainment through digital platforms or any type of streaming broadcasts”. The Diputación has awarded another grant, in this case of 870 euros, which has been used to buy a screen and a projector for the ground floor.

98,391 euros from the Diputación to update the ground floor

Marisol Ibáñez explains that the building itself is the one which has received the greatest investment, as the Town Hall has taken action in recent months to change the floor and doors on the first floor, while the Alicante Provincial Council has granted a subsidy of 98,391 euros which will be used to refurbish the entire ground floor. “It is the area that has become the most obsolete, and what we want is for it to be in keeping with the rest of the building so that our elderly people can fully enjoy its facilities”.

Redován Town Council creates the first municipal paddle tennis court in Los Pasos Sports Centre

Redován will have a complete, fully municipal racquetball area in the Los Pasos Sports Centre once the project, which has already begun to be processed by the Town Planning Department, is completed. Councillor José Nájar explained that the project, which involves the creation of a new paddle tennis court and the repair of the two existing tennis courts in this sports area, is financed with funds from the Alicante Provincial Council’s +Deporte plan and has a basic tender budget of 48,399.76 euros.

The execution project has been drawn up by the Redovan architect Sergio Pina Belmonte and includes the creation of the paddle tennis court. This will be located on the esplanade next to the access to the heated swimming pool, while the two existing tennis courts will also be repaired. Among the improvements to be added to what was initially planned is the repair of the exterior paving around the paddle tennis court, which currently has an irregular and deteriorated finish, as well as the installation of two benches to serve the court. 

The Councillor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, said that with this work “we are completing one of the busiest areas of our sports centre in both summer and winter, and we are giving the many paddle tennis fans in Redován the chance to practice this sport in a municipal facility which until now did not exist”.

At today’s meeting, the Local Government Board approved the basic project and the execution of the works, which, once they get underway, could be ready in three months

The Sagrados Corazones School and the Redován Town Council involve citizens in a ‘special mission’ of RedovánpolisGo! on the occasion of 8M

On this occasion, the school’s project seeks to instil in the school community four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to equality and education.

Redován 28/1/2022. RedovánpolisGo! The sustainable village is the project that has been launched this year by the Sagrados Corazones School in Redován and which has the support of the Town Council. This project, aimed at instilling in the educational community the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, has launched a ‘special mission’ on the occasion of the celebration, on March 8, of International Women’s Day and which seeks the involvement not only of students and their families, but of all citizens of Redován.

The ‘Special Mission 8M’ aims to meet four of the SDGs, those relating to quality education, gender equality, reduction of inequalities and partnerships for the goals. Rubén Ferrer, coordinator of the Agenda 2030 commission, explains that participating is very easy, “you just have to create a poster on real equality between men and women”. The aim is to get as many posters as possible expressing the feelings of women we admire, whether they are from our families, friends, colleagues at school or work, or celebrities. The idea is for each participant to contribute their opinion on inequalities, how we should treat each other and, above all, that no one is more than anyone else, as the new mission states. In addition, on this occasion, the Redován Secondary School is also taking part.

Marisol Ibáñez, from the Department of Social Services, explains that the Town Council usually participates in this initiative through other departments more related to environmental protection or the promotion of sustainable practices such as recycling, “but we are really excited to also collaborate from Social Services in a mission in which we seek the participation of groups and people of our municipality in general”. To this end, from the Consistory “we are going to publicise the mission through our communication channels, sharing this initiative on our social networks as well as collecting the work in the Town Hall”.

With a view to the 8M events, the councillor specified that the possibility of exhibiting the posters is also being considered. The works can be submitted in A4 size with the name and contact number on the back. Teachers, children, families and grandmothers from the Mancomunidad La Vega will hand in their posters at the school, and anyone else who would like to participate can leave them at the Town Hall. The deadline for submitting entries is 11 February.

Redován, Callosa and Cox will coordinate joint police security checks in neighbouring areas

Redován Town Council, through the head of the Local Police, has participated in the coordination meeting between the police chiefs of Callosa de Segura, Cox-Granja and Redován. The three commanders attended an initiative of the Department of Public Safety of the Callosa Town Council with the aim of coordinating security between the three towns.

The aim of the meeting was to establish a security coordination plan between the three neighbouring towns. In this way, coordinated traffic checkpoints will be set up jointly and at random in the border areas. The Councillor for Security of the City Council of Callosa, Rocio Cuadrado has indicated that “we are convinced that this initiative will work very well in the control of traffic and security between the three municipalities. The understanding and work with the local police of Cox-Granja and Redován is fantastic, and this will have a positive impact on the safety of the population of the three municipalities.

Callosa de Segura, Cox-Granja and Redován have a combined population of more than 35,000 inhabitants, in addition to the itinerant passage of thousands of people who pass through the municipalities on a daily basis. The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, said that this type of coordinated action between the local police “is very important, and represents a further step in the close collaboration that the local police of our municipalities have maintained for years, as well as with the State Security Forces and Bodies”. The Redovan councillor added that, in addition, “it allows us to reinforce the traffic and security controls that until now we have been carrying out with our own resources, but with more staff thanks to the addition of agents from the three towns”.

From Cox Town Council, the councillor for Public Safety, Ramón Pertusa, said that “the coordinated work between the three municipalities is a guarantee to improve, even if possible, the quality of the service that benefits the citizens” while highlighting “the great work that has been done for years and the result is embodied in this agreement that improves resources and makes us more efficient and effective by working as a team”.

Local Police arrest an individual for allegedly attempting to rob a shop.

Redován 14/1/2021. The Local Police of Redován have arrested an individual as the alleged perpetrator of an attempted robbery inside a commercial establishment in the town. The incident took place on 10 January at around half past eleven at night, when a neighbour called the police headquarters to report that there were sounds of banging inside the establishment in question.


The officers immediately went to the shop, where they could see at first that the entrance shutter had been forced and the glass of the door had been broken. The quick reaction of the neighbour and the police intervention allowed them to surprise the alleged perpetrator of the attempted robbery still inside the shop, who had crouched and hidden in an attempt to go unnoticed by the officers without succeeding. The man was arrested and handed over to the Guardia Civil in Callosa de Segura for further investigation.


He is the third person arrested by the Local Police so far this year for similar acts. The other two people were apprehended in the early hours of 1 January when they were also allegedly preparing to steal inside a commercial establishment. In addition to this, at the end of the year, the perpetrators of a series of acts of vandalism in the building of the Third Age were located.

Redován Town Council incorporates three caretakers and a labourer with the EMPUJU and ECOVID programmes of Labora co-financed by the European Social Fund

Redován 29/12/2021. Redován Town Council is once again benefiting from the Labora programmes of the Generalitat Valenciana EMPUJU and ECOVID, both of which are financed by the European Social Fund. Based on them, four people have been hired for a year, two under 30 years old and two unemployed over that age, who will work as caretakers in municipal facilities and masonry labourer.

The Councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, said that this type of programme is “very important for the Redován Town Council, because we give the opportunity to two young people to enter the labour market, while on the other hand, two unemployed people over 30 have a one-year contract and guarantee a salary for their families during that time”.

The EMPUJU programme has a grant awarded to the Redován Town Council of 32,192 euros and the contracts run from 20 December 2021 to 19 December 2022. In this case, one of the young people hired will work as a construction labourer for the maintenance of urban public spaces, and in the second, a caretaker for surveillance and custody of municipal facilities. In the case of the ECOVID programme of the Valencian Community, which aims to promote recovery from the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences, the grant is 34,00.32 euros. The two people hired will carry out their work from this past Monday 27 December until 26 December 2022, and will also carry out the work of a caretaker for surveillance and custody of municipal facilities (opening and closing facilities and other functions of the caretakers”.