Green light for the start of extension work on the Jaime de Sant Angel Secondary School in Redován

The extension of the IES Jaime de Sant Àngel de Redován will get underway in the next few days, once the act of reconsideration for the start of the works has been signed. The signing was attended by the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, the councillors José Nájar and Ramón López, technicians from the Town Hall, representatives of the construction company Orthem and the technical management of the work. The councillor for Education, Rebeca Martínez, explained that the work is expected to take twelve months to complete and once finished it will allow us to respond to the educational needs of Redován”. Among the agreements adopted in the meetings prior to the start of the works, the Calle Doctor Marañón will be closed to traffic for the duration of the works. The town planning councillor, José Nájar, has indicated that this decision has been taken “as a safety measure and with the aim of disrupting as little as possible the daily work of the school, which will of course continue as usual while the works are being carried out”. The building project, which is included in the Edificant Plan, involves the creation of four classrooms for Bachillerato and two for Secondary, space for teachers, another smaller classroom and a space for computer classes. The IES will have a new building with a ground floor and two storeys, with a floor area of 1,369 square metres. The company awarded the contract will carry out the work for 1.6 million euros plus VAT.

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The Redován Town Council celebrates the tender for the roundabout on the N-340 that will improve traffic flow and boost the industrial estate.

Redován Town Council has expressed its satisfaction at having a response to what has been, for almost a decade, one of the main demands of the Consistory to the Government of Spain: the construction of a roundabout at kilometre point 691.800 of the N-340. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, recalled that both her predecessor in office, Emilio Fernández, and herself, have demanded this roundabout from all those in charge of the Ministry, the General Directorate of Roads or the Government Sub-delegation who have been in office since 2014. The roundabout will be built to the south of the crossing of Barrio San Carlos and will have two service roads on the margins to rearrange access to the industrial estate. The works include the conditioning of intersections, rearrangement of accesses and treatment of the crossing. For Ruiz, “this infrastructure is going to boost our industrial area, as it is located in an unbeatable location, with good communication with the A-7, and with the roundabout we will be able to make it more permeable and provide traffic flow, which is the only thing it lacks”. The mayoress of Redován wanted to recall all the work that has been done, “because the section of the N-340 that affects us has always appeared on the lists of black spots on the Spanish road network, and although the Town Hall has taken the measures that were in our power to attract companies to the industrial estate, and we have succeeded, you only have to take a look at our industrial area, having good access is also very important to continue to grow”. The works are in the tendering phase and will be executed together with a second roundabout in Albatera, at the height of the Mos del Bou Industrial Estate and with a joint budget of 2.22 million euros aimed at improving road safety and traffic functionality at intersections.

Redován Town Council to refurbish the old municipal gymnasium to house training classrooms

The old premises of the municipal gymnasium in Redován will reopen in the coming months, once the planned refurbishment work has been completed, to become a training centre. This was announced by the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, who recalled that, “although we had initially planned to reopen it as a gymnasium, we believe that at the moment the needs of our municipality are different and that is why we are going to create a space for approved classrooms that can host employment workshops and allow training in various trades for the unemployed in our municipality”. Ruiz considered that, at present, Redován has “a range of gyms that we consider to be good, as well as municipal sports facilities that also meet our needs and an indoor pavilion in the pipeline, while we do not have spaces for training, which means that people who want to take certain courses have to leave the town to do them”.

In this regard, the mayoress assured that “we have already contacted Convega, a consortium with which we already carry out actions of this type, and their technicians have seen the facilities and evaluated their suitability for them to be approved as training classrooms”. Nely Ruiz made this announcement in an appearance in which she was accompanied by the Councillor for Education, Marisol Ibáñez, and the Councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, given that, initially, once the space has been fitted out, the facilities will be used to accommodate the students of the Sagrados Corazones School who will have to leave the centre during the refurbishment work that will begin in the coming months. The mayoress of Redován has assured that this option has been chosen “in order to speed up the works of the Plan Edificant, because if we have to request prefabricated classrooms the works would take longer. The councillor for Education, Marisol Ibáñez, recalled that the basic and execution project for the Sagrados Corazones School passed through the plenary last week and is currently in the public exhibition period, after which the tender will be launched. “We hope to be able to start work as soon as possible on a project that will improve the accessibility and health of the school,” said the councillor, who pointed out that “a new staircase and lift will be added to the grey pavilion to guarantee accessibility for all pupils and the bathrooms will be completely refurbished, with a total of six units to be built in the space left by the old staircase”. This will make up the bulk of the work, which includes the replacement of blinds and carpentry in both the grey and red pavilions. “In the red pavilion, the exterior access pergola will also be refurbished, different areas of the façade will be repaired and the shutters will be changed, among other things,” Ibáñez commented. This work on 1,110 square metres of surface area “will adapt the centre to the needs of the Redovan educational community”.

For her part, the councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, has defended the need that, once the work on the school and also on the secondary school has been completed, the start of which is imminent in the latter case, “Redován will have a space in which to train people who leave secondary school and do not want to go to a training course or university, or simply people who due to circumstances did not receive training before and who now, at an older age, want to learn a profession and can do so without leaving our town”. For this reason, he emphasised that “we are going to work hand in hand with Convega so that Redován can become one of the many places for courses offered by the consortium, as up until now we have hosted some, but far fewer than we would like”. Martínez pointed out that the procedure for the approval and accreditation of collaborating centres is carried out on the basis of an order from the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment which regulates the procedure for the accreditation of facilities, as long as the minimum requirements of space, facilities and equipment established for all the training modules of the certificates of professionalism are met. To conclude, the mayoress said that she hopes to have the project for the adaptation of the facilities ready as soon as possible “and to recover a public space that had been closed for several years to use it for the benefit of the citizens of Redovan”.


Redován launches grants of up to 3,000 euros for the self-employed, SMEs and micro-SMEs in the municipality

The Redován Town Council has launched aid to minimise the economic impact of COVID-19 on SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals with tax domicile in the municipality who have been affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic. This aid of up to 3,000 euros per application, will be granted through the subsidy of 58,578.33 euros granted by the Provincial Council of Alicante to the Consistory redovanense, and interested persons have from today until 22 October to apply for them through the Electronic Headquarters of the City of Redován, where you can also consult in detail the rules of the call published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante. SMEs, micro-SMEs, freelancers and professionals who have reduced their turnover by at least 25% compared to the average monthly turnover in 2019 will be eligible for this aid. A microenterprise is considered to be one that has a maximum of 10 workers and has an annual turnover or balance sheet of no more than two million euros. In addition, they must meet a series of requirements specified in the rules, such as being registered in the IAE in the municipality on 31 December last year or that the tax domicile is in Redován. Councillor José Nájar explained that these are direct aids intended to cover current expenses paid between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. The councillor explained that the aim is to “provide liquidity to companies to facilitate their maintenance and with it, the employment of people from our town”. Eligible expenses include self-employment fees, rent for premises or business, consultancy and advisory services, telephone and internet costs, etc. However, other types of expenses such as cash payments or VAT and other taxes and fees will not be eligible for subsidy, as these are not concepts that can be included in this type of aid. The application period is 15 days after publication of the rules in the Boletín Oficial de la Provincia. Plan Resistir On the other hand, the Redován Town Council, through the Local Government Board, has approved the grants from the Plan Resistir of the Generalitat Valenciana which “began to be paid last Friday 24th September. This is a total of 52 grants to micro-companies and self-employed in certain activities related to trade and hospitality that had a maximum amount of 2,000 euros per application,” said the mayor.

The Redován Local Police consolidates its staff with a new chief of police and the incorporation of two officers as career civil servants

  • The Redovan municipal police force has 13 posts covering the public safety service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The staff of the Local Police has been consolidated with two selective processes that have been carried out in recent months: a chief officer and two agents with the category of career civil servants. In this way, José Gabriel Martínez takes over from Antonio Ruiz, who retired a few months ago. Martínez, with 21 years of service in the municipality of Redovan, has passed the selection process and, therefore, now officially occupies the post of chief officer.

On the other hand, two police officers who were working as interim officers have won their permanent posts after the selection process that has just ended. In this way, the Redován Local Police now has 13 officers in the absence of a vacancy which will be filled shortly and which corresponds to the post left by the current chief. The Redovan Town Council has made a firm commitment to the job stability of the police force, as the aim is that, little by little, all members of the police force will be career civil servants. That is why the procedures have been initiated to launch a new competition to incorporate these people into permanent positions.

The councillor for Security, Adrián Ballester, has been responsible for presenting these new additions in an appearance in which he stressed “the work done by the Local Police in Redován, because it is a body close to the citizens that in addition to working public safety performs many more tasks such as attending events, attends the entrance and exit of our schools and any situation that arises on the part of our neighbours. Ballester has therefore reiterated the importance of consolidating the positions that were in interim status “so that the main concern of our agents is to ensure the safety of our people”. The officers have been enrolled in the course for new local police officers organised by the Generalitat Valenciana through IVASPE.

24 hours, 365 days

The police force covers the public safety service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and its vehicle fleet includes two hybrid vehicles, equipped with defibrillators, among other things, as well as a moped. Ballester also said that collaboration with other forces such as the Guardia Civil at the nearby Callosa de Segura post is constant “and thanks to this joint work, various important operations have been carried out in our municipality in recent times”,

Redován hires 19 agricultural labourers to clean and maintain ravines, paths, the natural area of La Ermita and various streets and squares.

Redován 16/7/2021. A total of 19 people will work in Redován from next Monday 19 July until 19 October to carry out cleaning and maintenance work in gullies, rural roads, La Ermita recreational area and various streets and squares. They will do so on the basis of the subsidy obtained by the Redovan Town Council as part of the agreement between the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Local Corporations. A total of 78,796.80 euros covers one hundred percent of the salary costs of the workers.

The councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, this morning announced the forthcoming incorporation of these 19 workers, 13 men and 6 women, “who throughout the summer will be carrying out much needed work in Redován”, said the councillor. The work will consist of clearing gullies, collecting waste and cleaning up to prevent materials being washed away in the event of flooding, as well as improving the infrastructure of Redován’s rural roads. Cleaning and maintenance work will also be carried out in La Ermita recreational area, Los Pasos sports centre, streets and public squares and the neighbourhoods of San Carlos and El Rincón.

64 full working days

A total of 64 full working days will be carried out, that is, eight hours per person, “in which we are going to carry out a complete plan to improve roads, streets and ravines, which is necessary every summer, especially in view of the autumn rainy season in the case of the ravines”. The councillor for Employment has detailed that the waste removed from the ravines “will be transferred to authorised dumps for proper treatment, and special emphasis will be placed on cleaning the area of the Ermita, since we have a privileged place for its nature and its views that has become an increasingly visited by people from our town and also from outside”.

With regard to the streets, Martinez has specified that the list is long, but has cited some as the avenues of Liberty, Constitution and the Provincial Council, the streets Las Escuelas, Escorrata or Jaboneros in the centre and virtually all the squares of the town, La Paz, Comunidad Valenciana, Francisco Ferrer, Miguel Hernandez, Plaza de la Cruz or Health, among others.

“As every year, the application is made to the Orihuela Labour Office where the personnel are selected,” explained the councillor, who pointed out that these are contracts of a fixed duration and are called “of social interest / promotion of agricultural employment”. The people selected are registered with Labora and affiliated to the Régimen Especial Agrario de la Seguridad Social.