Jul 16, 2021 | Employment and training, News
Redován 16/7/2021. A total of 19 people will work in Redován from next Monday 19 July until 19 October to carry out cleaning and maintenance work in gullies, rural roads, La Ermita recreational area and various streets and squares. They will do so on the basis of the subsidy obtained by the Redovan Town Council as part of the agreement between the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Local Corporations. A total of 78,796.80 euros covers one hundred percent of the salary costs of the workers.
The councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, this morning announced the forthcoming incorporation of these 19 workers, 13 men and 6 women, “who throughout the summer will be carrying out much needed work in Redován”, said the councillor. The work will consist of clearing gullies, collecting waste and cleaning up to prevent materials being washed away in the event of flooding, as well as improving the infrastructure of Redován’s rural roads. Cleaning and maintenance work will also be carried out in La Ermita recreational area, Los Pasos sports centre, streets and public squares and the neighbourhoods of San Carlos and El Rincón.
64 full working days
A total of 64 full working days will be carried out, that is, eight hours per person, “in which we are going to carry out a complete plan to improve roads, streets and ravines, which is necessary every summer, especially in view of the autumn rainy season in the case of the ravines”. The councillor for Employment has detailed that the waste removed from the ravines “will be transferred to authorised dumps for proper treatment, and special emphasis will be placed on cleaning the area of the Ermita, since we have a privileged place for its nature and its views that has become an increasingly visited by people from our town and also from outside”.
With regard to the streets, Martinez has specified that the list is long, but has cited some as the avenues of Liberty, Constitution and the Provincial Council, the streets Las Escuelas, Escorrata or Jaboneros in the centre and virtually all the squares of the town, La Paz, Comunidad Valenciana, Francisco Ferrer, Miguel Hernandez, Plaza de la Cruz or Health, among others.
“As every year, the application is made to the Orihuela Labour Office where the personnel are selected,” explained the councillor, who pointed out that these are contracts of a fixed duration and are called “of social interest / promotion of agricultural employment”. The people selected are registered with Labora and affiliated to the Régimen Especial Agrario de la Seguridad Social.
Jun 25, 2021 | Finances, News
The 3.4 million investment includes the Plan Edificant and the Diputación’s works plans with the sports pavilion and water improvement projects
The councillor for finance, Adrián Ballester, has assured that it is a “realistic and rigorous budget that takes into account the council’s real income”
Redován 25/06/2021. The Redován Town Council will approve the General Budget 2021 in the plenary session on Wednesday 30 June, an “atypical” document, as the mayoress, Nely Ruiz, has described it, and which amounts to 8.9 million euros, a historic figure for the municipality of Redovan, which will reach the highest investment figure in the history of the municipality. The councillor explained that the budget aims to respond “to the health emergency crisis which has led to an economic and social crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic”. To this end, an effort has been made to increase subsidies by 14.17% compared to last year, taxes have been frozen and bonuses for social groups have been maintained. On the other hand Ruiz has indicated that the budget increase in income is also due to the fact that the Town Hall has received the pending subsidies for expenses caused by the DANA of 2019, as well as the works planned by the Generalitat Valenciana within the Plan Edificant and by the Diputación Provincial de Alicante through the Plan de Obras and Plan +Cerca, which allows the payment of current expenditure. In this way, the investment in the budget amounts to 3.4 million euros and includes important works projects for Redován, such as the high school, the sports pavilion or water improvement works. In addition, “among the works to be carried out in 2021 is the improvement of the water infrastructure in the Barrio María Ros to prevent flooding, which will be put out to tender directly by the provincial council,” added the councillor. The councillor for Finance, Adrián Ballester, has been in charge of breaking down the 2021 General Budget of the Redován Town Council. Ballester has assured that “the real income and expenditure of the Town Hall have been taken into account, therefore, it is a realistic and rigorous budget, and in no way a deficit”. In fact, it is proposed that once the budget has been implemented, the result will be a positive budget execution, with a surplus and a positive cash surplus. The head of the municipal Treasury has indicated that, apart from the Resist Plan aid already announced for professionals and SMEs in the municipality, another call for subsidies will be opened to help the professional sectors hardest hit by the economic crisis. In terms of income, the initial budget is 8,933,027.96 euros, 44.75% more than in 2020. By chapters, an increase of 7.24% in indirect tax revenue is expected. This is the income from IBI, vehicle taxes, capital gains and the Tax on Economic Activities (IAE), which remain frozen for another year and if they increase it is due to the incorporation of new properties in the IBI register, as well as the increase in the number of businesses that pay the IAE in Redován, thanks to the growth of companies that are committed to locating in the San Carlos de Redován industrial estate. Income from the ICIO (Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) also increased by 1.68% based on the number of requests for licences made this year. Pensioners, large families, the unemployed, the disabled and young people will also receive discounts for social groups this year. Adrián Ballester recalled that “for more than eight years now, the CPI has not been taken into account in the rates for the provision of public services, so the Town Hall assumes the financing of the same and this affects public spending as a whole”. Expenditure is expected to be 8,745,925.52 euros, 41.72% more than last year’s initial budget. By chapters, personnel costs are up due to the increase in public employee salaries and the creation of new posts to increase efficiency in administrative management (a post in intervention, treasury and a general administration technician) and current expenses are also up, mainly due to the new waste collection contract that will improve the service by adapting it to the current needs of the municipality, which also involves a higher cost. “The economic crisis that has resulted from the Coronavirus health crisis has led us to make an effort to attend to the people of our town who need it, and therefore within the expenses, there is a considerable increase in subsidies, a chapter that goes from 601,635.83 euros in 2020 to 686,891.39 euros in 2021,” said the councillor of Finance.
Jun 17, 2021 | Municipal Services, Infraestructures, parks and gardens, News, Uncategorized
Redován 17/06/2021. The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, explained today at a press conference the update of the rubbish tax, which was approved in the plenary session in October last year and which came into force on 1 January. “We reported this fact in October, we informed all channels of communication, in the media, we met last week with traders and hoteliers and we will explain it as many times as necessary,” said the councillor, who pointed out that “it was necessary to make this review of prices that were set in 2003 with a population of 6,000 people for a waste collection service that today, with 8,000 inhabitants, was loss-making and that we have to improve”. Ruiz pointed out that when the landfill had to be changed for the disposal of waste, a minor modification was made, but this is the first time that the rate has been made in depth. Keeping Redován clean costs 753,883.67 euros a year. Of this amount, 475,901.55 corresponds to waste collection and street cleaning; 42,500 to the treatment of rubbish and 235,482.12 to the treatment and disposal of waste. Up until last year, the council was only earning 300,000 euros from the charge, and the revision will therefore bring the annual income from the charge to 470,000 euros. The remaining 40% of the total cost of the service is assumed by the City Council. The mayoress recalled how in the plenary session the opposition groups considered it necessary to update the rate, which was approved with the favourable votes of the PP, the abstention of the PSOE and the negative vote of Unidas Podemos (Ciudadanos was not present at the session).
The revision of the fee was based on a study carried out by SUMA at the request of the Consistory of Redovan. In this study, a comparison was made with the rates paid in other municipalities in the Vega Baja and the prices were compared. In addition, it was taken into account that the increase would be applied according to the amount of waste generated. In this way the households, a total of 3,540, assume a lower cost than other activities. “We are aware that we are asking for an extra effort, especially from shopkeepers and hoteliers, but it is necessary to improve a service for the benefit of all citizens,” said the mayor. The update means an annual increase for homes, which are the most numerous, of 22.55 euros, 1.87 euros per month, as they go from paying 76.45 to 99 euros each year, while large industries, supermarkets and the geriatric have a greater impact. Nely Ruiz has given an account of the costs that the Town Hall has assumed in recent years on account of the deficit in the rubbish tax, around 33% each year with the exception of 2019, as due to the clean-up work by DANA that deficit shot up to 74.85%. “We are at the time of launching a new contract that will be beneficial for all citizens and also for the environment, because it involves an improvement of the machinery, making it more respectful, the change of all containers in addition to the increase of its interior and exterior cleaning, we will triple the number of recycling bins and incorporate the brown, We are also going to triple the number of recycling containers and incorporate the brown one, exclusively for organic waste, and containers for pruning, as well as doubling the number of cleaning staff on our streets”, explained the mayoress, who pointed out that “we must also take into account the increase in recent years due to the transfer to the plant and the disposal of our waste”. During the appearance, the mayoress of Redován recalled the measures adopted by the Town Hall in recent times for both the commercial sector and the hotel and catering trade, such as the suspension of the tax on the occupation of public roads, the closure of streets at weekends, the financial allocation of 6,000 euros to encourage trade, the Plan Resistir aid in which the Town Hall has contributed 25,000 euros together with the Diputación and the Generalitat, and the promotional videos. To conclude, Ruiz recalled that “nobody likes to pay more taxes, but at the end of the day they are to improve the services provided in the municipality, and in Redován we have spent four years with all taxes frozen to try to help, as far as possible, the economy of our people”.
Jun 4, 2021 | Councils News, News, Sports
- Registrations are now open and can be downloaded from the website or picked up at the Town Hall for both the Tennis Stage and the Sports Schools.
Redován is bringing back this year, with all the measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the municipal summer schools. During the month of July, the Los Pasos Sports Centre will host both the Tennis Stage and the Sports School, activities that will join those already announced by the La Vega Association of Social Services in its traditional ‘Vegavacaciones’. The Councillor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, and the Councillor for Social Services, Marisol Ibáñez, have presented these activities which “bring us back to normality in a way after a blank year due to the pandemic”, said the municipal officials.
Ramón López explained that the registration process for the activities is now open. Applications can be downloaded from the Redován Town Hall website or picked up in person at the Town Hall. Once completed, payment must be made through the Suma Gestión Tributaria website and all documentation must be presented. The registration process for the Sports Schools will be open until Tuesday 22nd June, while for the Tennis Stage it will be until the 28th.
Both activities, aimed at ages between 5 and 16 years, will be held from 5 to 30 July from 9.00 to 13.00 hours, “with the aim, as usual, to reconcile work and family life in a period in which children are already on holiday, in addition to offering them physical activity outdoors instead of being at home,” said the Councillor for Sports. With regard to the price, Ramón López indicated that “it is 60 euros for the whole month, but there is also the possibility of registering for fortnights at a price of 40 euros each, a flexible way that we believe also helps families to organise themselves”.
For her part, the Councillor for Social Services has given an account of the ‘Vegavacaciones’ activities organised by the Mancomunidad La Vega from 1 July to 4 August, following a change in the initial dates. On this occasion it is about “socio-educational activities that aim to promote coexistence and teach students values in a fun way,” said the municipal responsible. Registration for this summer school is open until 21 June and all the details can be consulted on the Mancomunidad’s website https://www.mancomunidadlavega.es/. The title is ‘The Travelling Suitcase’ “and the children who attend will be divided into two age groups, one for the youngest, from 3 to 5 years old, and another for those from first to fourth year of primary school,” said Ibáñez.
The registration fee is 50 euros and since places are limited and with all the measures against Covid-19, applications will be accepted in strict order of registration. “That is why from Redován Social Services we encourage people who want their children to attend these schools to come to the Town Hall to apply, as our team will be able to answer any questions they may have”.
May 25, 2021 | Councils News, Health service, News
The City Council made the facilities available to the Ministry of Health in April to facilitate the vaccination process in the municipality
Redován has started today one of the eleven vaccination points against COVID-19 established in Vega Baja. It is in the Center for the Third Age that the City Council made available to the health authorities in April with all the security guarantees established due to the pandemic. The Councilor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, explained that for Redován it was important to have this space “in which to facilitate the vaccination process for our neighbors.”
Ibáñez recalled that it is very important “that all people have updated data on the SIP card.” This is because the vaccination appointment is sent through a text message, “so that each card must have a mobile number associated with it for the appointment to be received.” For this reason, the councilor has made an appeal to the population so that if they know of an elderly person who has not been vaccinated “they must communicate in the health center so that their vaccination can be carried out.” Data can also be updated through the website on the vaccination process enabled by the Ministry of Health https://coronavirus.san.gva.es/ca/web/vacunacion/inicio.
Marisol Ibáñez has stated that “we want the percentage of the vaccinated population to be the maximum, depending on the doses that are sent, because it depends on it that we recover a certain normality, although there is still a lack of so that our life can be as it was before the pandemic”. The City Council recalls the need to continue with protective measures, especially hand hygiene and the use of a mask, “because the effort we have made has been very great and we cannot relax and lose it.” Redován has been for several weeks with hardly any cases of COVID-19 and the Health Department notified only 19 during the previous week, “and for that reason from the City Council we appreciate that great effort made to all citizens.”
May 10, 2021 | Commerce, News, Outstanding, Redovan
- The City Council produces three videos showing that all kinds of products and services can be accessed without having to travel.
In Redován I have everything’ is the slogan of the campaign launched by the Redován Town Council to boost consumption in the municipality and promote the local economy. “It is very important that after everything we have been through, first the Dana, then the pandemic, and the economic crisis in which we find ourselves, caused by both disasters, the citizens of Redován take into account that our town has a wide range of products and services, and as the video says, if they don’t have it, they bring it to you without having to look for it outside”, says the mayoress, Nely Ruiz.
This campaign consists of three videos. The first has already been broadcast on different municipal communication channels and is related to trade. The second, related to the customs of Redovan and focused on the hotel and catering industry, has just been circulated through various social networks. And the third, which will arrive at the end of the year, will be dedicated to traditions, focusing on the typical Redovan Christmas sweets that are famous beyond the borders of the municipality. In all cases the videos have been produced with the support of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board of the Alicante Provincial Council “and the aim is to promote our local products, which are many and of high quality, because we often go out to look for things that we can find in our shops,” said the mayor of Commerce and Markets, Maite Martinez.
Martínez recalled that the Town Council, within its means, has put in place “all the economic aid that has been made available to us from higher institutions, but we also felt that it was necessary to generate a feeling of belonging to a group among the people of Redovan, a group of which each of us who live here forms part and in which we must help each other”. For her part, the councillor for the hotel and catering industry, Clara Ezcurra, considered that this sector “which has suffered above all from the closures and curfews, has the support of the Town Council in everything we can do”. That is why the hotel and catering industry, as part of our customs, is also a protagonist in this campaign.
Ezcurra has encouraged consumption in bars and restaurants in Redován, and recalled that one of the support measures that has been adopted in the coming months has been the pedestrianisation of streets and squares to encourage consumption in these establishments. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of both the product and the people who struggle every day to open their businesses in Redován. “The videos are dynamic, as is the dynamic society of Redovan, and with them we also want to send out a message of hope, because together we are going to get out of this crisis as we have got out of previous ones,” concluded the mayoress.