Redován prepares a December full of activities that focus on children and young people

The City Council of Redován has presented its programming for the month of December, in which in addition to the traditional Christmas events, it has wanted to put the focus on children and youth so that this population can prepare their plans for the coming weeks and, above all, for their Christmas vacation period. The councilors of Childhood and Social Welfare, Marisol Ibáñez, and Culture and Education, Clara Ezcurra, have been responsible for publicizing this program in which are involved directly or indirectly all areas of the City Council. Marisol Ibáñez has shelled the actions of their departments that begin this Friday with a calisthenics workshop in the Plaza Francisco Ferrer aimed at young people aged 12 to 16 years.

“The little ones will begin activities on Saturday, December 9 from ten in the morning, with a toy library in which monitors will perform games, gymkhanas, dances and workshops for children from 5 years. On the 15th it will be the turn of improvisational theater in a workshop to be held at the Senior Center aimed at people from 16 years, and on Saturday December 16 will be a planetarium activity with virtual reality and solar observation. That same weekend of December 16 and 17 will take place a CIAM camping in the Alicante town of Biar, with actions related to environmental care. On Friday 22, on the eve of Christmas, children from 12 to 16 years old have an appointment at the Senior Center with a scape room that will take place from 17.00 to 20. 00 hours, and from December 26 to January 5 “will take place the traditional Christmas recreational activities, which are carried both the center of Redován and the neighborhoods of San Carlos and El Rincón from 9.00 to 14.00 hours, with the aim of reconciling work and family life of mothers and fathers who work in this non-school period”.

Marisol Ibáñez has announced that this year, as a novelty, on December 23 there will be a family bike ride with departure and arrival at the Plaza de la Paz. It will start at ten o’clock in the morning and will last about 45 minutes, with a tour through different streets of the town. At the end, there will be lunch and a day with the Redovan associations will be held in the same square. Another of the appointments of this Christmas program each year is the youth trip to the fair Exponadal in the Institución Ferial Alicantina (IFA), which will take place on 26, and on 29 “we will close the program with the intergenerational carols that are made from the CLIA, with departure from the Senior Center”.

Lighting of the lights on December 7

Christmas will be lit in Redován on December 7, as explained by the mayor Clara Ezcurra, who has given an account of the programming of traditional activities such as the gastronomic tourist day that takes place every year in the Plaza de la Paz with responsible for the butchers of the town that through the typical products, on this occasion on Sunday December 10 from ten in the morning, will recall the pig slaughter that for decades was performed for Christmas in many homes in Redován. “The theater can not miss these dates, and will arrive at the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ on Sunday December 17 at six in the afternoon, with the play dedicated to children’s audience ‘The fantastic bonbonería’,” said Clara Ezcurra, who has specified that the little ones will have another important appointment on Friday 22, also from six in the afternoon, to visit Santa Claus in his tree house and give them their letters in the Plaza de la Paz. Afterwards, there will be a parade with several Harry Potter characters to the Plaza Miguel Hernández. Young people will also have the traditional evening, this time on December 23 in the Plaza Miguel Hernandez from 17.30 to 01.00 hours, the same day that the Musical Union of Redován will make its Christmas party at five o’clock in the afternoon.

El viernes 29 serán las campanadas infantiles en la Plaza de la Paz, donde habrá una fiesta para despedir el año con colchonetas y distintos talleres. Cerraremos el año con música, el día 30 de diciembre en la Casa de la Música Antonio Ibáñez Serrano con el concierto ‘Iluminando Redován’. El 3 de enero el Paje Real recibirá las cartas dirigidas a Sus Majestades los Reyes Magos de Oriente, Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar, instalando su campamento en la Plaza Miguel Hernández a partir de las seis de la tarde, y la programación terminará, como cada año, con la Cabalgata de Reyes del 5 de enero a las seis de la tarde desde la Plaza de la Cruz. A continuación, se representará el Auto de Reyes Magos.



The Redován Town Council celebrates Women’s Month and extends the commemoration of 8M to the whole of March.

Redován 23/2/2022. Redován Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has prepared an extensive programme of activities to celebrate Women’s Month. In this way, the commemoration of 8M, International Women’s Day, will be extended to the whole month of March. The councillor for Social Services, Marisol Ibáñez, and the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, today presented the programme of events which begins on 6 March with the naming of Redován Women 2022, which will take place at 11.30 am in the Town Hall Plenary Hall.

The mayoress explained that this year “in which it seems that we are beginning to emerge from the pandemic that has prevented us from celebrating Women’s Month as we would have liked in previous years, we wanted to highlight the role of women in the health system”. Hence both the photographic exhibition ‘Women of Redován’ and the naming of Redován Women 2022 will focus this year on healthcare professionals in all job positions from doctors to nurses, assistants, lightning technicians, cooks, cleaners, managers, receptionists, etc.

Nely Ruiz announced that the Redován Town Council “will present the Mujer 2022 award to Doctor María Ballester, a native of Redován who carries out her daily work as an oncologist at the Vega Baja Hospital, focusing on breast and gynaecological cancer”. María Ballester has been trained in this field since the beginning of her professional career in the Medical Oncology Service of the General University Hospital of Elche. During these years she has continued her training and has a Master’s Degree in Medical and Surgical Research and a Specialised Master’s Degree from the Spanish Society of Oncology. In addition, he has participated in various research projects and scientific publications, receiving in 2016 the second national prize in the Oncology Clinical Case Competition.

Marisol Ibáñez specified that the entire programme is part of the Vital campaign of the La Vega Association of Social Services, to which Redován belongs, and which is aimed at highlighting the care work that falls to women. The councillor explained the rest of the activities. On 7 March at 19.30 hours and in online mode, there will be a session of Feminist Reading Club that will focus on the book ‘Tsunami: Feminist Perspectives’. On 10 March the Social Centre for the Elderly will host a workshop on female sexuality, while on Friday 11 March there will be a stand at the Friday market where information on equality will be handed out. Equality Market: The value of care’ will be the slogan on the stand that will be open all morning at the market.

“On the 11th we also have one of the main events of this month, with the dinner that we will share in Salones Thamesis,” said the councillor, who recalled that there is a deadline until 7 March to sign up through the Aracelia (650 219 570) and Redován Women’s Association (667 863 378). “We will share an evening full of surprises and very lively with DJ Marcos and Víctor Sigüenza and the performance of Miriam and Fátima,” explained Ibáñez.

Regarding the photographic exhibition ‘Mujeres trabajadoras de Redován’, the inauguration will take place on 12.30 p.m. in the Exhibition Hall of the Social Centre. Although it was originally planned to have around 30 photos, this exhibition has become much bigger “as there are many women in Redován who work at all levels of the health sector and who have wanted to participate”, said the councillor, who hopes that all of them, those who are in the photos and those who are not, can see themselves reflected in them.

On 16 March the Social Centre for the Elderly will host a laughter therapy workshop at eight o’clock in the evening aimed at women, and on the 17th it will be the turn of the ‘Educating for equality’ workshop at the Sagrados Corazones school. On 24th March, the activity will return to the Social Centre for the Elderly, with the talk ‘Slowlife. Learn to slow down’ and we finish the month with the Emotional Wellbeing workshop on the 30th, also at the Social Centre for the Elderly at eight o’clock in the evening.

“We are also planning a trip to visit the neighbouring city of Murcia and its many cultural elements on the 26th of March,” said the councillor. Marisol Ibáñez predicted the success of all these activities “because every day, the women of Redován show that they want to be active and have the same opportunities as men, and from the Town Hall we are working to provide them with the necessary tools to develop themselves without having to leave Redován”.

The councillor for Social Services thanked the women’s associations of Redován and the La Vega Association of Social Services for their collaboration in the development of this extensive programme.

Redován tackles the technological modernisation of the Centre for the Elderly and prepares the refurbishment of the ground floor

Redován 16/2/2022. The Redován Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has launched the technological modernisation of the Centre for the Elderly, and is already preparing the reform of the ground floor of this building. The councillor responsible for the area, Marisol Ibáñez, explained that part of the new acquisitions have been made with subsidies obtained by the Generalitat Valenciana through the Conselleria de Inclusion and the Diputación Provincial de Alicante.

In the case of the Generalitat, a grant of 10,201.51 euros has enabled the purchase of ten laptops, a digital whiteboard and another whiteboard to replace the traditional chalk board. “With this material that we already have here we are going to carry out workshops, with the aim that the elderly people of Redován learn to use new technologies and can have autonomy, to carry out online procedures or to enjoy entertainment through digital platforms or any type of streaming broadcasts”. The Diputación has awarded another grant, in this case of 870 euros, which has been used to buy a screen and a projector for the ground floor.

98,391 euros from the Diputación to update the ground floor

Marisol Ibáñez explains that the building itself is the one which has received the greatest investment, as the Town Hall has taken action in recent months to change the floor and doors on the first floor, while the Alicante Provincial Council has granted a subsidy of 98,391 euros which will be used to refurbish the entire ground floor. “It is the area that has become the most obsolete, and what we want is for it to be in keeping with the rest of the building so that our elderly people can fully enjoy its facilities”.

The association ‘El árbol de los sueños’ (The tree of dreams) for people with functional disabilities starts up in Redován

  • The group chose the Redován Town Hall to present its charity calendar, the proceeds of which will go towards the purchase of therapeutic material

The association for people with functional diversity ‘El árbol de los sueños’ (The tree of dreams) presented its activity today in the plenary hall of Redován Town Hall. The Consistory has given its facilities to this organization born in the municipality that aims to provide support and facilitate access to therapies for people with disabilities. At the same time, its members have taken the opportunity to present their solidarity calendar and to inform about all the initiatives they are developing in the municipality.

The president of the association, María Isabel Cartagena, appeared alongside María del Pilar Heredia, secretary, and Javier Andreo, treasurer. “We wanted to make ‘El árbol de los sueños’ officially known and for people to know what we do,” explained Cartagena. For this reason, he thanked “the City Council, its mayoress, Nely Ruiz, and the Department of Social Welfare led by Marisol Ibáñez, for their collaboration and for giving us the opportunity to do so from this press room,” he added.

“The entire proceeds from our activities are destined to defray the costs of materials for our children’s therapies, as we have not yet been able to access any subsidies,” said the president. The association has been active in the municipality for four months, and has a space in the Centro Social de la Tercera Edad de Redován. The solidarity calendar features, by way of presentation, “all those who make up the association, including some of our children and also the therapists and staff who carry out the therapies,” said María del Pilar Heredia. The Redován Local Police officers were also involved, “and we would like to thank them immensely for their collaboration, as our children had some unforgettable moments while the photographs were being taken,” she said. The calendar will cost 5 euros, and those who wish to purchase it can find it in the offices of the association, in the Town Hall, and in various collaborating businesses in the municipality.

In addition to the calendar, ‘El árbol de los sueños’ has various initiatives underway to raise funds, such as charity raffles, the sale of cloth sanitary masks “approved and available in various sizes, with a price of 5 euros,” said its treasurer, Javier Andreo. There has also been a distribution of solidarity piggy banks in the shops of the municipality “so that anyone who can lend a hand, can do so in an easier and closer way, while carrying out their daily shopping,” added Andreo. In the same way, and on the occasion of Father’s Day, this Friday will be held a draw for a bathroom furniture, “for which you can request ballots in exchange for a donation of 2 euros both in the association and in the hairdresser Navoder or Carpentry Illán Ortega de Redován”.

For her part, the mayoress of the municipality, Nely Ruiz, congratulated the members of the association for the important work they carry out, “which is nothing more than fighting for these children to have all the opportunities available to them”. Ruiz added that “as the Town Hall, it is our job to help in any way we can with any initiative that benefits all the people of Redovan, as is the case with ‘El árbol de los sueños'”. The councillor hopes that this journey that has just begun will be prolonged and consolidated over the years “because all help is little for people who, due to functional diversity, need to make a greater effort than others in their learning and development processes, and with the work of associations such as ‘El árbol de los sueños’ they achieve this”.

Redován begins a month of March full of activities in commemoration of International Women’s Day

  • Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco has been elected Woman Worker of Redován 2020 and will be named in the institutional act held on March 7th
  • More than a dozen activities aimed at claiming the figure of women in the municipality and the promotion of equality between men and women

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, together with the Councilor for Social Welfare, Women and Equality, Marisol Ibáñez, have carried out this morning the presentation of activities organized by this area to commemorate March 8, International Women’s Day. “We have prepared a month full of activities aimed at promoting the union of women in the municipality, but which are also aimed at raising awareness among all Redovans towards the achievement of equality, much needed in society,” said the councilor.

These workshops, meetings, theatrical performances, trips and activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Alicante, the Social Services and the Equality Agency of the Commonwealth of La Vega, as well as the Women’s Association of Redován and the Provincial Rural Association of Women and Disabled Women (ARACELIA).

The mayor has invited the entire population, and especially the women of Redován, to participate in these programmed activities so that, as she has said, “they can know each other and themselves, empower and claim the figure of women as a collective.”

A March full of activities

The program of activities will begin on Tuesday, February 25 with the workshop in school hours ‘Educating in values’ for the students of CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován. In the same way, “the Judo Club of Redován, to whom we appreciate their involvement,” explained the councilor, “will be in charge of giving a workshop for women’s self-defense, which will begin on Tuesday, day 3 in the social center of the 3rd age and will be developed throughout the month of March ”.

On Thursday 5, also in the social center, the Sorority workshop ‘Between women’ will take place from 8:00 pm, while on Friday 6 the ‘Women’s dinner’ will take place in the Thámesis rooms, with a price stipulated of 25 euros. “Those interested can sign up by contacting the Women’s Association of Redován or the Aracelia association,” said Ibáñez.

The most emotional moment will take place in the institutional act in recognition of the Working Woman of Redován, who this year has fallen to the person of Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco. The mayor stressed that “it is an appointment that highlights the dedication and work that women of Redován do every day in all areas of life, and to which from this City Council we want to give all the importance it deserves ” The appointment of Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco will be made official by the first mayor on Saturday, March 7 from 6:00 p.m. in the Plenary Hall of the City Council.

On Tuesday, the 10th, at 10:00 a.m., the CEIP Sagrados Corazones schoolchildren will be able to enjoy the play for Equality ‘I go with me’, while on Thursday the 12th there will be a laughter therapy workshop in the social center of the 3rd age, starting at 8:00 p.m. Also, on Saturday, March 14, “a trip to spend the day in the city of Murcia will take place, leaving from the Plaza de la Paz in Redován at 10:00 am, and to which any woman interested in the City Hall itself ”, explained Ibáñez. You can also request information for this excursion on the phones 652 100 615 and 644 229 937.

The women of Redován may also attend a women’s empowerment workshop on Monday, September 16, at the Social Services headquarters of the municipality, starting at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday 18 there will be occasion to enjoy a session of Latin salsa and bachata dances in the social center of the 3rd age at 20:00 hours, where at the same time and the same place, but on Thursday, March 26, you will have place a workshop on female sexuality by Adisex, the service of attention to diversity and sexuality of the Commonwealth of La Vega.

A trip to Valencia scheduled for Sunday 29 coordinated by the Women’s Association of Redován, with scheduled departure from Miguel Hernández square at 7:00 am heading to the capital of Turia, and the activity ‘Human libraries’ on Monday, the 30th , addressed to IES student Jaime de Sant Àngel during school hours, will put an end to this full month full of commemorative activities.

Redován also holds several workshops throughout the year, such as ‘Dona Salud’, coordinated by the Aracelia association. In this way, the practice of sports such as Zumba (Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.) and Pilates (Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.) is also encouraged, also in the San Carlos neighborhood on Mondays and Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.)

Redován will have a more accessible senior center thanks to a grant from the Diputación

  • The project has a financing of almost 98,400 euros and will involve the reform and rehabilitation of the public center for the elderly in the municipality
Redován City Council will soon have a more accessible and renovated senior center, thanks to a grant of 98,391 euros from the Provincial Council of Alicante, and which aims to reform and rehabilitate several areas of this municipal facility. The financing received is framed within the calls for financially sustainable investments of the Diputación for the 2019 annuity, and will allow the Consistory to improve the accessibility of the building, which “due to its age, presents several deficits in its architectural finishes and facilities ”, Informed José Najar, Town Planning Councilor.

The main action will be focused on the integral reform of the toilets on the ground floor, as well as the first and second, “for its adaptation to the accessibility regulations, and facilitating the use of the facilities to residents with mobility reduced ”, explained the mayor of Social Welfare, Marisol Ibáñez. The works, which will be carried out during the next year, will include the replacement of the plumbing and sanitation, as well as the lighting and electrical installation, sanitary and accessories, and the tiling and false ceiling of the toilets.
In the same way, this subsidy will allow the realization of other types of improvements in the building such as the replacement of the exterior and aluminum carpentry of the lobby, and the glassware of the entrance door. The interior doors of passage to the toilets, kitchen and dependencies of the center will also be replaced, together with the lighting of the lobby, which will be replaced by LED bulbs. It will also proceed to eliminate the existing pavement at the entrance, the placement of a false ceiling and the interior painting of this area. The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, thanked the Provincial for the granting of this subsidy, which will serve to complete those already made in this center and that facilitate access to users, such as the location of a ramp and the adequacy of the steel , the installation of a railing and the signaling of a parking space in the vicinity for users with reduced mobility, “actions with which this center can offer better services to its users and serve our elders as they deserve,” said the First mayor.