Redován ‘Choose to end Gender Violence’ with a campaign that had its central act at the Jaime de Sant Ángel Institute

Redován 11/27/2017. ‘Choose to end Gender Violence’ is the name of the campaign launched by the La Vega Mancomunidad and the City Council of Redován that had its central act in the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel. This awareness campaign around the commemoration of the International Day against Gender and Gender Violence has been taking place in the town for several days with the distribution and posting of posters in municipal establishments, as well as the installation of banners with the lilac ribbon that distinguishes the struggle against this scourge, both on the façade of the City Hall and in the facilities of the secondary school.

Similarly, Redován has joined the Valencian Pact Against Gender and Macho Violence that can be signed on the municipal website (, and has involved the educational community of both Sacred Hearts School as of the Institute in the different actions carried out, such as the distribution of wristbands with the motto of this campaign by Mancomunidad La Vega to the students of the educational centers, teachers, and non-teaching staff. The Aracelia Women’s Association has also joined in making these bracelets available to the general population in the market, shops and restaurants in the province of Redova.

On Friday the 25th, the event of the Day Against Gender Violence was held at the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel with the participation of the entire educational community as well as members of the Municipal Corporation headed by the mayor, Emilio Fernández. In the same one remembered another campaign, the one that Redován and the Mancomunidad La Vega undertook months ago against the street harassment and titled “You do not have my permission”. The awareness activities do not end here, since during the next days the students of the first year of high school will receive training workshops that will allow them to practice as training agents for their peers from third and fourth year of Compulsory Secondary Education.

The Councilor for Social Welfare of the Municipality of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has indicated that it is very important to raise awareness against sexist violence “to the entire population, but especially to the youngest since we are seeing news in recent days in which both the kids like the girls do not detect behaviors that can lead to this type of violence, and we have to make them detect them “. At the same time the mayor reminded the last victims, “that they touch us very closely, as in the case of the young woman killed in Elda at the door of her son’s school, the one of the two-year-old girl murdered in Alzira hands of his father and the last victim of today, a German woman murdered by her former partner in Vinaroz, in Castellón “.

Disabled children of Redován will have the opportunity to do therapy with horses in the municipality

Redován 10/11/2017. The children of Redován with some type of physical or mental disability will have the opportunity, starting on November 20, to perform therapy with horses without leaving the municipality, at the Cándido Pina Equestrian Center in the San Carlos neighborhood. The person in charge of this facility and the City Council have reached an agreement to carry out an activity that can be very beneficial for the children, and that will be given by a specialized instructor, at no cost to the municipal coffers or to the families of the children and girls, which the mayor of Redova, Emilio Fernandez, thanked the promoter of this initiative.

The first mayor of Redovanense emphasizes that this activity is a pioneer in the region and that “we had been working for a long time to get it going”. Fernandez has specified that the sessions are planned at first for Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5.30 to 6.25 pm and that people interested in their children can receive this type of therapy can go to the City of Redován, call 966.75. 40.25 and talking with the mayor, Emilio Fernández, or with the Councilor for Social Welfare, Nely Ruiz.

For the mayor, this therapy “can be very beneficial for those who receive it, both psychically and physically, because you start from scratch, approaching the horse or caressing it, then brushing it, feeding it and, if possible, mounting it ”

Conversation group in English

On the other hand, Emilio Fernandez has taken the opportunity to announce that the City Council of Redován will soon put another free activity in operation “so that those who want to practice English spoken with natives have one hour a week to do it,” the councilor said. The Consistory will start a conversation group with English neighbors whose meetings have been set, initially, for Thursdays at the Municipal Library. Those who are interested should sign up at the Town Hall or by calling 635593022.

Redován is committed in the fight against breast cancer with a monument dedicated to those who suffer

Redován 30/10/2017. Nobody is on the margins of a disease such as cancer, and the neighbors and residents of Redován demonstrated yesterday by going massively to the march organized by the City in favor of the fight against this disease. The event was confined to the commemoration of World Breast Cancer Day on October 19, and for that reason rose was the predominant color in the four-kilometer solidarity walk in which about 1,500 people participated, and whose collection will be integral to the work that is done in the fight against the disease.


The journey began in the Plaza de la Paz and ended at the Avenida de Orihuela, where a monument was discovered with the pink ribbon representing the fight against breast cancer dedicated to “all of them”, women who suffer or have suffered this disease, “and especially those who could not overcome it,” said Councilor for Social Welfare, Nely Ruiz. The mayor stressed the fact that this third edition of the march “has been the most multitudinous so far, which has done that we have fulfilled our objective that was no other to involve and raise awareness of the people of Rio Grande do Sul about how important it is the research and above all, on a personal level, to pass the necessary revisions in case it is necessary, to be able to fight against cancer and to overcome it “. As for the collection, it is expected to exceed the 4,400 euros of last year.


The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, was in charge of uncovering the monument, accompanied by representatives of the local associations that have promoted and collaborated in the realization of this event, the Association of Women Redován, the Spanish Association against Cancer and Aracelia . Also involved are the La Vega Association of Social Services and of course, the City of Redován. At the end of the march and thanks to the collaboration of several shops, an appetizer was served and product raffles were made, to end a Zumba session.


Emilio Fernández stressed that the whole act was made “in the female” and recalled, as it did yesterday after the march, that “one in eight women will develop breast cancer, but above all we must take into account that the 74% of cases are cured because important therapeutic advances are being made. ” The first mayor of Radovan has indicated that the municipality is a pioneer in the implementation of the “areola solidarity”, a program with which breast cancer patients can finish rebuilding their breast and has anticipated that “since the suffering of this disease is not only physical but also emotional, facing the beginning of the year we want to launch a program of emotions in which we will work as a group. He added that “Redovan is a municipality that commits itself to women who have breast cancer, and we want all of them to know that they will never be alone here.”

Call for aid School Bonus Kindergarten (0 to 3 years)

Redován (10/16/2017). The City Council of Redován has approved this morning the call for School Aid Bono Elementary School 0 to 3 years. These grants will be of a maximum amount of 300.00 euros to 10 children enrolled in the first cycle in Children's Schools of the municipality of Redován.

The bases and the application form are available to all the neighbors of Redován, in the Social Services, Town Hall and in the electronic headquarters / transparency portal of the Town Hall in the page

The deadline for submitting applications will be today 10/16/2017 and until 03/11/2017 (inclusive). Before registering applications in the City Hall it is advised that applications can be reviewed by social service staff. And for this they can go Monday to Friday from 10.30 to 13.30 hours to the Social Services units located on the 1st floor of the Social Center of the doctor's office.

The Diputación de Alicante grants to the Ayuntamiento a subsidy of 3,733 euros for social promotion

The Diputación de Alicante has granted the City Council of Redován a subsidy in the amount of € 3,733.00 for social promotion activities for the period October 2016 and September 2017.

With this grant the Provincial Council of Alicante has collaborated economically with the Town Hall and the Social Services of the La Vega Community in the development of:

A MAJOR ACTIVE program that during the months of November and December of 2016 and from January to June 2017 the elderly people of the urban nucleus of Redován and the older people of the District of San Carlos have been able to develop activities of improvement of the physical condition all the Tuesday and Thursday from 09.30 to 10.30 hours; and in the Barrio San Carlos on Mondays and Wednesdays from 09.30 to 10.30.

A program EDUCATING IN VALUES, which during the months of February, March, April and May 2017 were held at CEIP Sagrados Corazones, with a total of 42 sessions:

– Self-knowledge and co-education in 1st and 2nd grade.
– Gender equality and multiculturalism in 3rd and 4th grade.
– Antiviolence and conflict resolution in 5th and 6th grade.

Redován hosts a talk on risk prevention in the use of new technologies

In the framework of the Joint Plan for the prevention of drug addiction and other addictive behaviors of La Vega Mancomunidad, the new school year begins with the CONTROL @ program: PREVENTION OF RISKS IN THE USE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES, INTERNET AND SOCIAL NETWORKS

The Control @ program is carried out in the four municipalities of the municipality: Algorfa, Jacarilla, Redován and San Miguel de Salinas and has the support of the subsidy granted by the Diputación de Alicante, includes educational workshops with more than 40 sessions directed to the courses of 5º, 6º of primary and 1º of secondary with the objective of reaching the 303 students of the schools of the mancomunidad. These educational workshops will offer information on associated risks, self-control skills, social skills and leisure management.

The program includes training workshops for parents, specifically, will be four talks to be held next week in each of the municipalities of the Commonwealth. The workshops will be Monday, September 18 in Algorfa, Tuesday, September 19 in Redován, Wednesday, September 20 in San Miguel de Salinas and Thursday, September 21 in Jacarilla. These workshops are free and can be attended by anyone interested.

The project is complemented by an innovative communication campaign through social networks with information actions, advice and online resources for families to be carried out throughout the school year.

For some children, even for some parents, having free time means sitting in front of a screen to play, watch series, videos, chat, browse, buy …, the options are endless – we know – and before a withdrawal of “the source of pleasure”, we see how they react with anger, irritability, anxiety and attitudes that often cause family conflicts.

Where is the line between normal use and risk?

Social networks and new technologies can lead to alter sleep, food, performance, social life and interest in other activities marking the beginning of a possible technological addiction. That’s why parents need to know what to do to prevent and detect them early.

For Emilio Fernández. President of the Commonwealth “new technologies are already essential in our daily lives, from the young to the elderly, in one way or another, they connect daily to the network they use to communicate, work, have fun, .. But if we do not discuss the need for these tools, if we are very seriously concerned about the indiscriminate and continued use that some young and not so young, make screens and

mobile devices, and that in their most extreme case may end up suffering a technological addiction. It is necessary, from health criteria, to act as soon as possible so that our children make healthy and adequate use of these new technologies ”

In order to assist and guide the parents or the youth themselves on these issues, they can contact the Community Prevention Unit of Addictive Behaviors of the Commonwealth (UPCCA MLV) through the municipal social services and through the web of the or the blog of the UPCCA MLV